Legenda Ikan PesutPada zaman dahulu di sebuah dusun di rantau Mahakam, terjemahan - Legenda Ikan PesutPada zaman dahulu di sebuah dusun di rantau Mahakam, Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Legenda Ikan PesutPada zaman dahulu

Legenda Ikan Pesut

Pada zaman dahulu di sebuah dusun di rantau Mahakam, ada sebuah keluarga kecil yang sangat bahagia. Mereka terdiri dari sepasang suami-istri dan dua orang putra dan putri. Kebutuhan hidup mereka dapat terpenuhi dari hasil kebun yang ditanami berbagai jenis buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran. Begitu pula segala macam kesulitan dapat diatasi dengan cara yang bijaksana.
Suatu hari sang Istri terserang oleh suatu penyakit. Sudah banyak tabib yang mengobati, namun penyakit tersebut tak kunjung sembuh sehingga sang Istri meninggal dunia. Meninggalnya sang Istri, kehidupan keluarga ini mulai tak terurus lagi. Mereka larut dalam kesedihan yang mendalam karena kehilangan orang yang sangat mereka cintai. Sang ayah menjadi pendiam dan pemurung, sementara kedua anaknya selalu diliputi rasa bingung, tak tahu apa yang mesti dilakukan. Keadaan rumah dan kebun mereka kini sudah tak terawat lagi. Beberapa sesepuh desa telah mencoba menasehati sang ayah agar tidak larut dalam kesedihan, namun nasehat-nasehat mereka tak dapat memberikan perubahan padanya. Keadaan ini berlangsung cukup lama.
Seperti biasanya di dusun tersebut kembali diadakan pesta adat panen. Berbagai pertunjukan dan hiburan kembali digelar. Dalam suatu pertunjukan seni, terdapatlah seorang gadis yang cantik dan mempesona sehingga selalu mendapat sambutan pemuda-pemuda dusun tersebut bila ia beraksi. Mendengar berita yang demikian itu, tergugah juga hati sang Ayah untuk turut menyaksikan bagaimana kehebatan pertunjukan yang begitu dipuji-puji penduduk dusun hingga banyak pemuda yang tergila-gila dibuatnya.
Perlahan-lahan sang ayah berjalan mendekati tempat pertunjukan dimana gadis itu akan bermain. Sengaja ia berdiri di depan agar dapat dengan jelas menyaksikan permainan serta wajah sang gadis. Akhirnya pertunjukan pun dimulai. Berbeda dengan penonton lainnya, sang ayah tidak banyak tertawa geli atau memuji-muji penampilan sang gadis. Walau demikian sekali-sekali ada juga sang ayah tersenyum kecil. Sang gadis melemparkan senyum manisnya kepada para penonton yang memujinya maupun yang menggodanya. Suatu saat, akhirnya bertemu jua pandangan antara si gadis dan sang Ayah tadi. Kejadian ini berulang beberapa kali, dan tidak lah diperkirakan sama sekali kiranya bahwa terjalin rasa cinta antara sang gadis dengan sang Ayah dari dua orang anak tersebut dan mereka bersepakat untuk menikah.
Setelah mendapat restu dari sesepuh dan kedua anaknya, akhirnya mereka melangsungkan pernikahan sepekan setelah pesta adat tersebut. Ternyata benar, kehidupan mereka membaik setelah memiliki ibu tiri. Wanita itu rajin memasak, ia juga merawat mereka dengan baik. Namun keadaan itu tak berlangsung lama. Beberapa tahun kemudian, ibu tiri mereka mulai menunjukkan sifat-sifat aslinya. Ia menjadi kejam, setiap hari kedua anak itu disuruh bekerja keras. Ia juga tak lagi memasak. Anak-anak itu hanya diberi makanan sisa. Ayah mereka tak berani berkata apa-apa, ia takut jika istrinya itu pergi.
Hingga suatu hari, wanita itu memutuskan untuk berhenti merawat kedua anak tirinya. Jadi, ia menyusun sebuah rencana jahat.
“Hari ini, kalian harus mencari kayu bakar sebanyak-banyaknya. Jumlahnya harus tiga kali lipat dari yang kalian bawa kemarin! Jangan berani pulang jika belum mengumpulkan kayu sebanyak itu!” perintahnya.
Kedua anak itu tak berani membantah, dengan patuh mereka segera berangkat ke hutan. Hari sudah sore, tapi kayu yang mereka kumpulkan masih sedikit. Teringat pesan ibu tirinya, mereka pun tak berani pulang ke rumah. Bahkan mereka memutuskan untuk menginap di hutan. Untunglah, ada pondok yang kosong. Dengan perut keroncongan, mereka tidur kelelahan.
Keesokan harinya, mereka melanjutkan pekerjaan. Tanpa putus asa, mereka terus mengumpulkan kayu bakar hingga akhirnya terkumpul juga. Namun kedua anak itu nyaris pingsan karena kelelahan dan kelaparan.
Mereka tergeletak lemas, seorang kakek tua yang kebetulan lewat menghampiri mereka.
“Kalian kenapa? Mengapa wajah kalian pucat sekali?” tanya kakek itu.
Kedua anak itu menceritakan semuanya pada si kakek. Karena iba, ia menunjukkan tempat pohon buah-buahan. Mereka mengikuti petunjuk kakek tersebut dan dengan lahap memakan buah-buahan tersebut. Setelah tenaga mereka pulih, kedua anak tersebut bergegas pulang.
“Ayah, Ibu, kami pulang. Lihatlah kayu yang kami bawa ini, rasanya cukup untuk persediaan satu bulan,” teriak anak laki-laki.
Sementara adik perempuannya sibuk menata kayu di dalam rumah. Namun aneh, tak ada sahutan.
Mereka mencari orangtua mereka ke kamar, tapi tidak ada. Mereka melihat lemari baju orangtua mereka telah kosong, dan beberapa perabot rumah pun telah hilang. Sadarlah mereka, bahwa ayah dan ibu tiri mereka telah pergi secara diam-diam.
Mereka menangis sejadi- jadinya. Para tetangga yang mendengar datang untuk menanyakan apa yang terjadi. Mendengar cerita keduanya, para tetangga merasa iba menawarkan untuk tinggal bersama mereka.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The Legend Of Fish PorpoisesIn ancient times in a village in rantau Mahakam, there is a small family very happy. They consist of a pair of husband and wife and two sons and a daughter. The needs of their life can be fulfilled from a garden planted with various types of fruits and vegetables. So did all sorts of difficulties can be overcome by wisdom.One day the wife of stricken by an illness. There have been many physicians who treat the disease, but never recovered until his wife died. The death of his wife, the family began life not neglected again. They are soluble in the deep sorrow of losing their beloved people. The father became quiet and pemurung, while his two sons always suffused sense of bewilderment, not knowing what must be done. The State houses and their gardens have now been well maintained again. Some of the elders of the village have tried to advise her father not to dissolve in grief, but their advice-no advice can give you the change to it. This state of affairs lasted quite a long time.As always in the back of the village held a party the customary harvest. A variety of shows and entertainment was held again. In a performing art, a girl, her beautiful and charming, so it's always welcome young men of the village when he went into action. Hear news that is interesting, also the father's heart to witness how the greatness of the show that so many residents of the village being touted to youth who are nuts.His father walked slowly approached the venue where the girl will play. Deliberately she stood at the front so that it can clearly watch the games as well as the face of the girl. Finally the show began. In contrast to other audiences, the father is not a lot of chuckles or praise the appearance of the girl. However once in a while there is also the father of a small smile. The girl threw a sweet smile to the audience that praised her and tease her. At one point, finally met also the view between the girl and her father had said. These events are repeated several times, and there is estimated to be completely let that entwined sense of love between the girls with the father of two children and they agree to get married.After receiving the blessing of elders and his two sons, they finally make a week-long after the wedding festivities. It turns out true, their life gets better after having a stepmother. The woman was cooking, she also diligently take care of them properly. But this situation cannot last long. A few years later, their stepmother began to show the properties of the original. He becomes cruel, every second day the child was told to work hard. He also no longer cooking. The boys were only given leftover food. Their father does not dare to say anything, he was afraid his wife was gone.Until one day, the woman decided to stop caring for both her stepson. So he devised a diabolical plan."Today, you have to search for firewood as many. The amount should be trebled from you guys take it yesterday! Do not dare to go home if not collecting that much wood! "his orders.The second child was not daring to refute, dutifully they immediately set off into the jungle. Yesterday afternoon, but they collect wood still little. Reminded of the message of his stepmother, they did not dare to go home. They even decided to stay in the jungle. Luckily, there's an empty cabin. With a rumbling stomach, they sleep exhaustion.The next day, they continued the work. Without despair, they continue to collect firewood until eventually collected too. However the second boy had nearly fainted due to fatigue and hunger.They're lying limp, an old grandfather who happened to pass by their approach."You guys why? Why do you guys face pale as hell? "asked Grandpa was.The second boy was telling all on the grandfather. Due to iba, he showed the place of fruit trees. They follow the instructions of the grandfather and voraciously eat the fruits. After their power restored, the two children rushed home."Father, mother, we went home. Take a look at our wood take this, it feels quite inventory for one month, "cried the boy.While his sister is busy organizing the wood in the House. However, no cry.They look for their parents to a room, but no. They saw their parents clothes closet was empty, and some of the furniture has been lost. Know them, that their father and stepmother had gone secretly.They cry sejadi-it happened. The neighbors who heard coming to ask what happened. Hear the story of both, the neighbors feel iba offers to stay with them.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Fish Dolphins legend Once upon a time in a village in the Mahakam shoreline, there is a very happy little family. They consist of a husband and wife and their two sons and a daughter. Their life needs can be met from the garden planted with various kinds of fruits and vegetables. Similarly, all kinds of difficulties can be overcome by wise. One day the wife was stricken by an illness. Already many doctors who cure, but the disease does not go away so that his wife died. The death of his wife, family life began no longer neglected. They dissolve in anguish at the loss of the person they love. The father became withdrawn and moody, while the two children are always filled with a sense of confusion, not knowing what to do. The state of their homes and gardens is now no longer maintained. Some village elders advised her father had tried to avoid sadness, but their advice can not make a difference to him. This situation lasts long enough. As usual in these hamlets were held traditional feast of harvest. Various performances and entertainment held back. In a show of art, there exists a beautiful girl and fascinating that always received the village youths when he acted. Hearing such news, it also stirred the hearts of the father to also see how the power of the show that was so highly praised by many young villagers who are crazy made. Slowly father walked toward the venue where she was going to play. Deliberately he stood in front to be able to clearly watch the game as well as the girl's face. Finally the show began. Unlike the other spectators, the father was not much amused or flattering appearance of the girl. Yet once in a while there is also the father a small smile. The girl threw a cheery smile to the audience praised him and were teasing her. One time, finally met nevertheless views between the girl and her father had been. This incident was repeated several times, and not the one expected at all it seems that the intertwined love between the girl with the father of two of the children and they agreed to marry. After receiving the blessing of elders and their two children, they finally got married a week after the party customary. It was true, their lives improved after having stepmother. The woman was diligent cooking, he also took care of them properly. But the situation did not last long. Several years later, their stepmother began to show its properties. He becomes cruel, every second day the child was told to work hard. He also no longer cook. The children were only given leftovers. Their father did not dare say anything, he was afraid that his wife was gone. Until one day, the woman decided to stop caring for two stepsons. So, he devised an evil plan. "Today, you have to look for firewood as much as possible. The amount must be three times more than you brought yesterday! Do not be afraid to come home if you do not collect as much wood it! "He ordered. The two boys did not dare argue, dutifully they immediately set off into the woods. It was late afternoon, but the wood they collected is still small. Remembering message stepmother, they did not dare go home. In fact, they decided to stay in the forest. Fortunately, there is an empty cottage. With stomachs growling, they sleep fatigue. The next day, they continued their work. Without despair, they continue to collect firewood and eventually collected as well. But the two children she almost collapsed from exhaustion and hunger. They lay limp, an old man who was passing over to them. "You what? Why is your face so pale? "Asked the old man. The two children were told everything to the grandfather. Because of compassion, he showed where fruit trees. They follow the instructions grandfather and voraciously eating these fruits. After their power restored, both children hurried home. "Dad, Mom, we go home. Look at the wood we take this, it was enough for a month's supply, "cried the boy. While sister busy putting wood in the house. But oddly, there was no answer. They are looking for their parents to the room, but no. They see their parents' wardrobes were empty, and some furniture had disappeared. Be aware of them, that their father and stepmother have gone quietly. They cry sejadi- become. The neighbors who heard came to ask what happened. Hear the story of the two, the neighbors felt sorry offer to stay with them.

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