Nice & Good Musings心灯 (pelita hati)水至清则无鱼The water is too clean, no sign of fish.人至清则无朋Humans too want to win themselves, the sign does not have friends.人活着, 不要凡事都爭个明白Human life, need not always memperdebatan the truth.跟家人争, 争赢了, 亲情没了。Debate with family, win, love family fade.跟爱人争, 争赢了, 感情没了。Debate with lover, win, any sense of love faded.跟朋友争, 争赢了, 情义没了。Debates with friends, win, no matter the friendship faded.争的是理,输的是情,伤的是自己。YG didebat truth, inner relationships are at stake, which cuts yourselves.黑是黑, 白是白, 让时间去证明。Black remains black, white remains white, let time prove it.放下自己固执已见, 寬心做人, Release hubris on pendirianmu, berbesarhatilah being human,舍得做事, 赢得是整个人生, Tuluslah in the works, you win it throughout your life,多一份平和, 多一份温暖, 生活才有阳光。More peaceful, more warmth, then your life glow.人活着给自己看的, This life to look at yourself,别奢望人人都懂你, You shall not covet anyone will understand you,别要求事事都如意。Don't expect every question will run successfully.没人心疼, 也要坚强。If there were no people who unfortunately, remains stoic.没人鼓掌,也要飞翔。If there were no people who praise you, you have to keep working.没人欣赏, 也要芬芳。Although not enjoyed by the people, and ye shall keep my fragrant.生活没有模板Life there is no pattern.只有心灯一盏。Life is but a lamp in the liver.忙事, 偷偷闲, 别丢了健康。Busy, curilah time to relax, do not lose health.累时, 停停手, 别丢了快乐。Tired, pausing, do not lose the excitement.只要心中有家, 人生就不会迷路。As long as there is in the heart of the home, the life you will never get lost "Slamat Morning Friend
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