Expresing a plan
A plan after graduating from SMAN 1 Plumbon Previously, I would like to introduce myself my name izky Afiya r, izky my nickname, my school in the People's High School Perhuruan 1, class XII IPS 1, my address hj.iming street no 97. Points solo date of birth 15 June 1999, my hobby is singing, the ideals I want to be management companies and I also want to be a big businessman or woman's career. That glimpse of my introduction. I will tell the plan after graduating from high school College Rakyat 1 and targets will be addressed in the future. After I graduated from high school later on I plan to continue my school kejenjang higher is entered in the PTN favorite. Since the ideals I want to be Managent and career woman, the department plans I take is kemanagemenan and agribusiness. Many state universities that provide the faculty I expected. I plan in the future I want berkulias UNS and UI majoring in management and agribusiness. My parents are not capable but modest families. Dad was very supportive when I pass on to higher education. Everyone must have a target for the future, everyone else has a life goal each. Maybe after graduating from high school there will be who want to work, go to school or some are choosing to get married. We do not know in the future we would like anything and be anything. But I personally have a purpose and plan for the future of the school is continuing the account after graduation from high school. Materialized or not the last problem, but I've tried as much as possible for my ideals forward. And my main goal is to be the happy parents saya.Maka I should strive to be the best and make his parents happy I am. That's my plan after graduating from high school. Thank you for your attention. We are sorry if there are mistakes said. Bye ... Wassalamu'alaikum wr. Wb. ..Succes ..
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