Malam Pak!! sebelumnya saya mengucapkan terima kasih karena selama ini terjemahan - Malam Pak!! sebelumnya saya mengucapkan terima kasih karena selama ini Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Malam Pak!! sebelumnya saya menguca

Malam Pak!! sebelumnya saya mengucapkan terima kasih karena selama ini bapak sudah begitu sabar memberikan ilmu kepada saya dan juga teman-teman saya di UNINDRA khususnya kelas akper.. Menurut pandangan saya bapak Pintar, baik dan supel. Satu hal yang membuat saya menyesal jika tidak masuk, adalah karena saya tidak mau ketinggalan materi. Saya merasa begitu sulit memahami materi bahasa inggris. Kalau boleh saya berkomentar, saya ingin di lain pertemuan nanti, bapak dapat lebih memperlambat sedikit cara menerangkan materi, karena mungkin saya tidak seperti yang lain, yang bisa langsung paham. Jadi saya sangat menyesalkan cara menerangkan bapak yang sedikit cepat.. Saya minta maaf jika komentar saya ini tidak berkenan di hati bapak. Saya tidak ada maksud menyinggung, tapi saya mengatakan apa yang saya rasakan selama ini. Hal itu bukan berarti saya tidak menyukai bapak. Justru saya sangat menyukai bapak. Semua yang ada dalam diri bapak dapat memberi contoh kepada saya. Sosok mr andri yang tangguh, itulah yang membuat saya kuat jikapun bahasa inggris sulit bagi saya. Saya bertekat seperti bapak, kenapa bapak bisa tetapi saya tidak??. Mungkin saya hanya perlu sedikit fokus dan banyak latihan, saya rasa maksud bapak adalah baik buat kami. Jadi saya ikhlas menerima pelajaran bapak. DOain saya ya pak, agar saya bisa mengerjakan soal UAS dengan baik.. Terima kasih atas ilmu yang bapak berikan selama ini. " KALAU ADA SUMUR DI LADANG BOLEH KITA MENUMPANG MANDI< KALAU ADA UMUR PANJANG SAYA INGIN BERJUMPA BAPAK LAGI "... Terima kasihhhhhhhhhhhh... by.mukaromah

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Night Pack!! before I say thank you because for this father is already so patiently giving knowledge to me and also my friends in UNINDRA especially akper class. .. According to my view Mr. smart, nice and supel. One thing that makes me regret it if not signed in, is because I don't want to miss the material. I find it so hard to understand the English language material. If I may comment, I'd like at other meetings later, the father can be rather slow down a little bit how to explain the matter, because maybe I'm not like the others, which can directly understand. So I deeply regret the way the father explains a little faster ... I apologize if my comment is not pleasing in the father's heart. I have no intent to offend, but I say what I feel. It's not that I don't like Mr. Thus I very much like the father. All of which is inside a father can give an example to me. The figure of mr j a tough, that's what makes me strong and if they English difficult for me. I am raring to like father, why father can but I not??. Maybe I just need a little bit of focus and a lot of practice, I think the intent is good father make us. So I sincerely accept the lesson Mr. I DOain ya pak, so I can work on a matter of UAS well.. Thanks for the knowledge that the father gave all along. "If THERE is a WELL in the FIELD WE TAKE a BATH IF THERE are < LONGEVITY I'D LIKE to MEET MR. AGAIN" ... Thank kasihhhhhhhhhhhh ... by mukaromah.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Pak night !! before I say thank you for all this time you've been so patient giving knowledge to me and my friends in particular UNINDRA Nursing Academy class .. In my view Mr. Smart, kind and sociable. One thing that makes me sorry if it does not go in, is because I do not want to miss the material. I find it so difficult to understand the English language material. If I may comment, I would like at another meeting later, the father may be slowing down a little way to explain the material, because maybe I was not like the others, who can immediately understand. So I deeply regret the way you explain that a little faster .. I'm sorry if my comment is not pleasing to the father. I have no intention to offend, but I say what I feel for this. It does not mean I do not like you. I actually really like the father. All that is inside of you can give me an example. Mr andri formidable figure, that is what makes me strong Even if English is difficult for me. I set out like the father, why you can but I do not ??. Maybe I just need a little bit of focus and a lot of practice, I think the intent is good for our father. So I willingly accept the lesson father. I Doain yes sir, so that I could work on the problems UAS well .. Thanks for the knowledge that you provide during this. "IF THERE IS WELL IN THE FIELD SHOULD WE ride BATH <IF THERE ARE LONG LIFE I wanted to meet FATHER AGAIN" ... Thank kasihhhhhhhhhhhh ... by.mukaromah

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