ABSTRAKIswantoro, Jantur Noga, 2015, Pembiasaan Perilaku Beribadah Pad terjemahan - ABSTRAKIswantoro, Jantur Noga, 2015, Pembiasaan Perilaku Beribadah Pad Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

ABSTRAKIswantoro, Jantur Noga, 2015


Iswantoro, Jantur Noga, 2015, Pembiasaan Perilaku Beribadah Pada Anak di Desa Ngembel Kec. Watulimo Kab. Trenggalek. Skripsi, Pendidikan Agama Islam IAIN Tulungagung.
Pembimbing: Fathul Mujib , M. Ag

Kata Kunci: Pembiasaan, Perilaku Beribadah

Seseorang dilahirkan membawa kewajiban yang melekat pada dirinya berupa ibadah. Bagaimanapun juga manusia diciptakan semata-mata adalah untuk beribadah kepada sang penciptanya sesuai yang terkadung pada Qs Adz-Dzariyat ayat : 56. Namun tidak banyak manusia yang menyadari kewajiban yang begitu fundament tersebut. Kesadaran pada diri manusia tidak muncul begitu saja, kecuali jika Allah memang berkehendak demikian. Beribadah harus menjadi kesadaran yang dibiasakan sejak seseorang telah ditiupkan ruh kepadanya. Secara garis besar manusia adalah mkhluk yang menarik, ia lahir dengan membawa potensi sendiri namun pada akhirnya lingkungan akan berpengaruh kepadanya. Lingkungan yang akan mempengaruhi bisa berupa keluarganya, pendidikannya maupun ekosistem tempat individu beraktifitas. Lantas bagaimana agar seseorang mampu menyadari akan tugasnya sebagai hamba yang dituntut untuk senantiasa beribadah? Maka pembiasaan adalah cara yang paling mujarab untuk menanamkan perilaku beribadah individu itu. Ketika seseorang sudah memiliki pembiasaan, maka ia akan sulit untuk menghilangkan kebiasaan tersebut.
Fokus penelitian alam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Bagaimana gambaran umum perilaku beribadah pada anak di desa Ngembel kec. Watulimo kab. Trenggalek? (2) Bagaimana pembiasaan perilaku beribadah pada anak di desa Ngembel kec. Watulimo kab. Trenggalek? (3) Faktor apa saja yang menghambat dan bagaimana solusi dalam pembiasakan perilaku beribadah pada anak di Desa Ngembel Kec. Watulimo Kab. Trenggalek?
Berdasarkan lokasi sumber data penelitian ini termasuk pada kategori penelitian lapangan. Latar belakang yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah desa Ngembel kecamatan Watulimo kabupaten Trenggalek. Pendekatan yang dipilih menurut jenis penelitiannya, penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitati; sedangkan menurut cara menyajikan pembahasannya, penelitian ini tergolong sebagai penelitian deskriptif. Untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan metode dokumentasi. Adapun metode pembahasan penelitian dilakukan dengan reduksi data, menyajikan data dan menarik sebuah kesimpulan akhir.
Dari hasil penelitian menggunakan metode yang telah peneliti pilih, temuang penelitian mengungkap bahwa perilaku beibadah pada anak di desa Ngembel tergolong baik. Mayoritas anak sudah bisa melaksanakan shalat dengan istiqomah. Anak-anak menjalankan puasa sebagaimana mestinya sedangkan anak yang belum mampu puasa menunjukan perilaku hormat dengan tidak makan ditempat umum. Anak-anak mampu membaca Al-Qur’an dan di moment-moment tertentu mambaca di masjid dengan pengeras suara.
Bentuk pembiasaan perilaku beribadah dapat ditemukan di keluarga, Madin serta masyarakat secara umum. Orang tua membiasakan dengan uswatun khasanah dan hukuman pada anak. Madin mengajarkan perilaku beribadah pada anak lewat pendidikan terstruktur. Sedangakan masyarakat umum melakukan pembiasaan perilaku beribadah pada anak lewat kekerabatan yang terjalin di desa serta dengan adanya lembaga maupun organisasi masyarakat. Setiap pembiasaan memiliki hambatan dan solusinya. Pertama, hambatan berada orang tua yang kurang sadar dan kurang mampu melakukan pendidikan informal,anak-anak cenderung ogah-ogahan kareana keberadaan telepon genggam. Solusinya adalah dengan mengadakn sosialisasi terkait pendidikan informal, dan orang tua lebih aktif membentengi anak dari pengaruh telepon genggam. Kedua, hambatan madin adalah dukungan orang tua yang kurang terhadap pendidikan non formal, serta kuntitas Madin di desa kurang. Solusi yang dilakukan dengan bekerjasama dengan pendidikan formal dalam menanamkan pentingnya pendidikan agama di Madin, serta dengan menambah keberadaan Madin di desa. Ketiga,hambatan dalam masyarakat ditemukan pada pergaulan anak yang terkadang menyimpang, serta kurangnya minat partisipasi anak pada kegiatan keagamaan. Hambatan ini diatasi dengan adanya budaya saling mengingatkan antara penduduk satu dengan yang lain, serta mengikut sertakan anak-anak dalam kegiatan keagamaan di desa.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
ABSTRACTIswantoro, Jantur Noga, 2015, Conditioning the behaviour of worship at the children in the village of Ngembel District. Watulimo Kab. Trenggalek. Islamic Religious Education Thesis, Tulungagung IAIN.Supervisor: Fath Al Mujib, M. AgKeywords: Conditioning, Behavior ServeSomeone was born to carry the obligations attached to him in the form of worship. However, man was created for the sole purpose is to serve the creator as terkadung on Qs Adz-Dzariyat verse: 56. But not many human beings are aware of the obligations so the fundament. Consciousness in human beings did not appear, unless God indeed wants so. Worship should be conditioned consciousness since someone has blown the spirit in him. Outline of man is mkhluk, he was born to bring potential itself but in the end the environment will affect him. Environment that will affect his family, his education can be both a place of individual ecosystems. Then how to make someone aware of his duties as a servant is required to continually serve? Then conditioning is the most efficacious way to instill a Godly individual behavior. When someone already has the conditioning, it will be difficult to eliminate the habit.The focus of the research of nature of this research are as follows: (1) a general overview of how the behavior of children in worship at the village of Ngembel district. Watulimo kab. Trenggalek? (2) how to conduct worship at conditioning the child in the village of Ngembel district. Watulimo kab. Trenggalek? (3) what are the Factors inhibiting and how solutions in pembiasakan behavior of children in worship at the village of Ngembel District. Watulimo Kab. Trenggalek?Based on the location of the data source of this research includes research on the category field. Background are selected in this research is the village of Ngembel sub-district of Trenggalek Regency Watulimo. The approach that is chosen according to the type of research, this research is the research kualitati; While according to the way the present discussion, the study considered a descriptive research. To collect data in this study the researchers used a method of interviewing, observation and documentation methods. As for the method of discussion of research done by the reduction of data, presenting data and draw a conclusion.From the results of research using methods that have been chosen, researchers temuang research revealed that beibadah behavior in children in the village of Ngembel belongs to the good. The majority of children can already praying with istiqomah. Kids run fast as expected while the children are capable of fasting behave respectfully by not eating place. The children are able to read the Qur'an and at the moment – the moment a certain mambaca in the mosque with the loudspeakers.This form of conditioning the behaviour of worship can be found in the family, and society in general the Madin. Parents get comfortable with either uswatun and punishment on children. Madin teaches children's worship at the behavior through structured education. While the general public do worship at the child's behavior conditioning through kinship entwined in the village as well as with the institutions as well as community organizations. Each conditioning have barriers and solutions. First, the obstacles are parents who are less aware and less able to do informal education, kids tend to be Italian-ogahan kareana existence of the mobile phone. The solution is to mengadakn the related informal education, socialization and more active parents fortify children from the influence of the mobile phone. Second, barriers madin is the support of parents who are less to education non formal, as well as in the villages of Madin kuntitas less. The solutions made with cooperation with formal training in instilling the importance of religious education in Madin, as well as by increasing the presence of Madin in the village. Third, the resistance in the community found in the guidelines for children that sometimes diverge, as well as a lack of interest in child participation in religious activities. This obstacle is overcome by the presence of each other's culture reminds residents between one another, as well as requiring children in religious activities in the village.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
ABSTRACT Iswantoro, Jantur Noga, 2015, Habituation Beribadah Behavior in Children in the village of Ngembel district. Watulimo Kab. Psychology. Thesis, Islamic Education IAIN Tulungagung. Supervisor: Fath Mujib, M. Ag Keywords: Habituation, Behavior Worshipping One was born to bring the obligations inherent in the form of worship. After all human beings are created solely to worship the creator accordance terkadung the Adh-Qs Dzariyat verse: 56. But not many people are aware of the obligations that the fundament. Awareness on human beings do not appear just like that, unless Allah wills did so. Worship should be familiarized awareness since someone had blown her spirit. Broadly speaking, human beings are mkhluk interesting, he was born to bring their own potential but ultimately the environment will affect him. Which will affect the environment can be family, education and ecosystem where individual activity. So how does one become aware of his duty as a servant who demanded to worship? Then habituation is the most effective way to instill the behavior of individual worship. When a person already has a habituation, then it will be difficult to get rid of the habit. The focus of the research nature of this study are as follows: (1) What general overview of the behavior of the children in the village worship Ngembel excl. Watulimo kab. Terri? (2) How habituation to observe the behavior of children in the village Ngembel excl. Watulimo kab. Terri? (3) What factors inhibit and how solutions in pembiasakan behavior in children in the village worship Ngembel district. Watulimo Kab. Terri? Based on the location of the data source of this research included in the category of field research. Background is selected in this study is the village of the district Watulimo Ngembel districts Psychology. The approach chosen according to the type of research, this study is a research kualitati; while according to the way it presents the discussion, this study classified as descriptive research. To collect the data in this study researchers used interview, observation and documentation methods. The method of discussion of research conducted with data reduction, presenting the data and draw a final conclusion. From the research method that has researchers choose, temuang studies reveal that the behavior of the children in the village beibadah Ngembel quite good. The majority of children can pray with constancy. Children run fast as it should, while children who have not been able to show respectful behavior fasting by not eating in public. Children are able to read the Qur'an and in certain moments read something in the mosque with loudspeakers. The shape of habituation behavior can be found in family worship, Madin and society in general. Uswatun familiarize parents with the repertoire and punishment on children. Madin taught to observe the behavior of children through a structured education. While the general public do worship habituation behavior in children through kinship that exists in the village as well as the existence of institutions and community organizations. Each has a habituation obstacles and solutions. Firstly, the barriers are parents who are less aware and less able to carry out informal education, children tend to be reluctant mindless existence of a cell phone. The solution is to mengadakn socialization informal education, and parents are more active shield children from the influence of a cell phone. Second, barriers Madin is less parental support for non-formal education, as well as rural Madin kuntitas less. The solution is done by working with formal education in instilling the importance of religious education in Madin, as well as by increasing the presence of Madin in the village. Third, barriers in the community association was found in children who sometimes diverge, as well as a lack of interest in children's participation in religious activities. This obstacle overcome by the culture of mutual remind the population with one another, and to involve children in religious activities in the village.

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