Ketika masih sekolah, dahulu kita telah diajarkan tentang Apa itu meta terjemahan - Ketika masih sekolah, dahulu kita telah diajarkan tentang Apa itu meta Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Ketika masih sekolah, dahulu kita t

Ketika masih sekolah, dahulu kita telah diajarkan tentang Apa itu metabolisme dan bagaimana cara mengubahnya? Tetapi, diakui saja bahwa pemahaman kiita tentang metabolism masih berwarna “abu-abu”. Sulit untuk mempraktekkan. Padahal, setiap hari paling tidak 3 x kita makan selalu berurusan dengan metabolism. Sesungguhnya, sikap kita yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan keseimbangan metabolism untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh adalah bagaimana cara membakar lebih banyak kalori untuk menurunkan berat badan. Makanan yang dicerna dalam tubuh akan menjadikan sumber penyakit, obesitas dsb. Apabila tidak memperoleh keseimbangan metabolism.

Metabolisme adalah kombinasi dari proses biokimia yang menggunakan tubuh Anda untuk mengubah makanan menjadi energi. Proses metabolisme ini termasuk bernapas, makan dan mencerna makanan, pengiriman nutrisi ke sel-sel Anda melalui darah, penggunaan energi oleh otot, saraf, dan sel-sel, dan akhirnya penghapusan produk limbah dari tubuh Anda.
Pada dasarnya. masalah metabolism bermula dari makanan kita sehari-hari yang diubah oleh tubuh menjadi energi sehingga kita dapat hidup. Ketika Diet berbicara tentang metabolisme, mereka biasanya tidak berbicara tentang daftar panjang proses fisik dan kimia. Namun, lebih pada system metabolism dalam tubuh kita yang bekerja mengubah makanan menjadi kalori.

Kita sering menggunakan kata "metabolisme" untuk menggambarkan tingkat di mana tubuh kita membakar kalori. Ini adalah tingkat di mana tubuh Anda mengubah makanan menjadi energi (kalori) dan kemudian menggunakan energi untuk melakukan fungsi sehari-hari yang penting dan non-esensial. Tingkat di mana kita membakar kalori atau membakar energi disebut tingkat metabolisme.

Tingkat metabolisme Anda mungkin berubah dari hari ke hari tergantung pada tingkat aktivitas, tetapi laju metabolisme basal Anda tetap cukup stabil. Laju metabolisme basal Anda adalah jumlah kalori yang diperlukan untuk bahan bakar fungsi-fungsi penting tubuh Anda, seperti pernapasan dan sirkulasi darah. Laju metabolisme basal adalah komponen yang paling signifikan dari tingkat metabolisme Anda total.


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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
When still in school, in the past we have been taught about what is metabolism and how do I change it? However, it is recognized that the understanding kiita about metabolism is still colored "gray". It is difficult to put into practice. In fact, every day at least 3 x we eat is always dealing with metabolism. Indeed, the attitude we needed to get the balance of metabolism to maintain good health the body is how to burn more calories to lose weight. Food is digested in the body will make the source of the disease, obesity etc. If it does not obtain balance metabolism.Metabolism is a combination of biochemical processes that use your body to convert food into energy. This metabolic processes including breathe, eat and digest food, the delivery of nutrients to Your cells through the blood, energy use by the muscles, nerves, and cells, and finally the Elimination of waste products from your body. Basically. the problem of metabolism dates from our daily food is converted by the body into energy so that we can live. When Diet talk about metabolism, they usually don't talk about a long list of physical and chemical processes. However, more on the system metabolism in our body that works change food into calories.We often use the word "metabolic" to describe the rate at which our body burns calories. This is the rate at which your body change food into energy (calories) and then use that energy to perform daily functions that are essential and non-essential. The rate at which we burn calories or burn energy called the metabolic rate. Your metabolic rate may change from day to day depending on activity level, but keep your basal metabolic rate is pretty stable. Your basal metabolic rate is the number of calories needed to fuel vital body functions, such as breathing and blood circulation. Basal metabolic rate is the most significant component of Your total metabolic rate. .
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

When still at school, in the past we have been taught about What is metabolism and how do I change it? However, acknowledged only that kiita understanding of metabolism is still colored "gray". Difficult to practice. In fact, every day at least 3 x we eat are always dealing with metabolism. Indeed, the attitude we needed to get the balance metabolism to maintain a healthy body is how to burn more calories to lose weight. The food is digested in the body will make the source of the disease, obesity and so on. If not acquire the balance of metabolism. Metabolism is a combination of biochemical processes that use your body to convert food into energy. This metabolic processes including breathing, eating and digesting food, delivery of nutrients to your cells through the blood, the use of energy by muscles, nerves, and cells, and ultimately the elimination of waste products from your body. Basically. metabolism problem stems from our daily food that is converted by the body into energy so that we can live. When Diet talk about metabolism, they usually do not talk about a long list of physical and chemical processes. However, over the system of metabolism in our bodies that work to convert food into calories. We often use the word "metabolism" to describe the rate at which your body burns calories. This is the rate at which your body converts food into energy (calories) and then using the energy to perform everyday functions are essential and non-essential. The rate at which we burn calories or burn off energy is called the metabolic rate, metabolic rate You may change from day to day depending on the level of activity, but your basal metabolic rate remained fairly stable. Your basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories needed to fuel the body's vital functions, such as breathing and blood circulation. The basal metabolic rate is the most significant component of your total metabolic rate..

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