History and Operational Activities of the SchoolNurul Islam school mer terjemahan - History and Operational Activities of the SchoolNurul Islam school mer Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

History and Operational Activities

History and Operational Activities of the School
Nurul Islam school merupakan sekolah berbasis agama yang telah didirikan sejak lama. Sekolah ini berdiri sejak tahun 1973 dan terkenal di Thailand dengan sebutan “pondok surau kiau”. Pendiri dari sekolah ini yaitu Ustadz Imam Abdul-Syukur Chaoerensuk. Beliau merupakan ayah dari ketua “pondok pesantren surau kiau” saat ini yaitu, Ustadz Imam Sombat Chaoerensuk. Sekolah ini secara mendasar sama dengan pondok pesantren yang ada di Indonesia. Dimana sekolah nurul Islam terdiri dari empat tingkatan yaitu : tamhid, ibtidaiyah, sanawiyah, dan xxxx. Masing-masing kelas diselesaikan selama 3 tahun dengan patokan kemampuan bukan umur.
Kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah ini dimulai setiap hari dengan mengutamakan kegiatan agama. Namun secara umum pembelajaran diluar agama dilaksanakan setiap hari senin sampai jum’at pukul 09.00 sampai 12.00. Diluar waktu itu muridnya belajar tentang agama seperti tauhid, kitab dan lain-lain. Secara rinci kegiatan dimulai setelah shalat subuh dan diakhiri sebelum jam 9 malam. Dan uniknya siswa hanya boleh menggunakan handphone hanya hari sabtu dan minggu untuk menghubungi keluarga. Itu semua karena dua hari tersebut siswanya libur dari pelajaran umum seperti bahasa dan lain-lain.

Organizational Structure and Description of the Duties
Nurul Islam School adalah sekolah swasta di Nontamburi dan letaknya di pinggiran kota Bangkok. Alamatnya adalah di desa Lahan, Bang Bua Thong, Nontamburi, Thailand. Untuk mencapai sekolah ini bisa di tempuh dengan kendaraan dari kota bangkok sekitar 1 jam perjalanan. Sekolah ini memiliki siswa 290 dengan masing-masing kelas ada sekitar 24 siswa. Sekolah ini juga memiliki struktur organisasi seperti sekolah lain. Di sekolah ini ada sekitar 30 ustadz yang mengajar. Mata pelajaran yang diajarkan meliputi Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Melayu, Imlak, Mantik,Tauhid, Tafsir, Akhlak, Kitab, Tajwid, Fiqih, Fara’id, Ulum Qur’an, Sirah, Muhadasah, Mutolaah, Imlak, Mufradat dan pelajaran agama lainnya.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
History and the Operational Activities of the SchoolNurul Islam school is a school-based religion that has been established since long. The school was founded in 1973 and is best known in Thailand as "pondok surau kiau". The founder of this school namely Ustadz Imam Abdul-Thanks Chaoerensuk. He is the father of Chairman "boarding schools surau kiau" i.e., Ustadz Priest Sombat Chaoerensuk. The school is fundamentally the same as the existing boarding schools in Indonesia. Nurul Islam school which consists of four levels, namely: tamhid, level, sanawiyah, and xxxx. Each class completed over 3 years with the benchmark ability not age.Learning activities at school begins each day with emphasis on religious activities. But in general learning outside of religion held each Monday to Friday 09.00 to 12.00. Outside of that time his students learn about religion such as monotheism, Scriptures and others. In detail the activities started after prayers and ends before 9 pm. Unique and students may only use mobile phones only Saturday and Sunday to contact the family. It's all because the two days off from his public lessons such as language and others.Organizational Structure and Description of the DutiesNurul Islam School is a private school in Nontamburi and is located in the suburbs of Bangkok. The address is in the village of Bang Bua Thong, Land, Nontamburi, Thailand. To achieve this school can be reached by driving from the city of bangkok is about 1 hour drive. This school has 290 students with each class there are about 24 students. The school also has an organizational structure as other schools. In this school there are about 30 ustadz who teach. The subjects taught include United Kingdom Language, Malay language, Imlak, Mantik, Monotheism, Tafsir, Morality, Scripture, Tajwid, Fiqh, Fara'id, Ulum Koran, Sira, Muhadasah, Mutolaah, Imlak, Mufradat and other subjects.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
History and Operational Activities of the School
Nurul Islam school is a faith-based schools that have been established for a long time. This school was founded in 1973 and is well known in Thailand as "cottage surau Kiau". Founder of this school, namely Ustadz Imam Abdul-Thanksgiving Chaoerensuk. He is the father of the chairman "boarding school surau Kiau" today is, Imam Ustadz Sombat Chaoerensuk. The school is fundamentally the same as the boarding school in Indonesia. Where Nurul Islam school consists of four levels, namely: tamhid, ibtidaiyah, sanawiyah, and xxxx. Each class completed over 3 years with the benchmark abilities rather than age.
The learning activities in this school begins each day with emphasis on religious activities. But in general, outside of religious learning takes place every day from Monday to Friday 09:00 to 12:00. Beyond that time his students learn about religions such as monotheism, books and others. In detail the activities started after the dawn prayer and ends before 9pm. And unique students should only use mobile phones only Saturday and Sunday to contact the family. It was all because of the two-day holiday of students on general subjects such as language and others.

Organizational Structure and Description of the Duties
Nurul Islam School is a private school in Nontamburi and is located in the outskirts of Bangkok. The address is in the village of Land, Bang Bua Thong, Nontamburi, Thailand. To achieve these schools can travel by road from the city of bangkok about 1 hour drive. The school has 290 students in each class there are about 24 students. The school also has an organizational structure like other schools. In this school there are about 30 scholars whose teaching. Subjects taught include English, Malay, Imlak, Mantik, Tauhid, Tafsir, Morals, Book, Tajweed, Fiqh, Fara'id, Ulum Quran, Sirah, Muhadasah, Mutolaah, Imlak, Mufradat and other religious subjects.

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