After Examined, boy's parents Derelict Shout "Long live the Majapahit!"
Friday, May 22, 2015 | 13:22 pm
COMPASS / HARRY UP SUSILO house in a residential complex Citra Gran Cibubur, Bekasi, looked scruffy and full of garbage, Thursday (14/5) , UP and his wife allegedly abandoned their five children. One of their sons aged 8 years and even lived at the security post in the last month.
Related Items Police Sita 50 Ecstasy of Supply Sabu to the T and N Parents Penelantar and Five Live Visum son at the Police Hospital Acting Crazy, Parents of Kids Telantarkan Tak Bisa Apart from the Law Lawyer Reveals Reasons Parents who Telantarkan 5 son 2 JAKARTA, - Parents who neglect the boy five children completed a psychological examination at the Police Hospital, Kramatjati, East Jakarta, Friday (22/05/2015) at around 12:45 , T and N immediately taken by police investigators to the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters. After inspected, T and N instantly embraced by a police investigator who accompanied. T looks no attempt to conceal himself. In contrast to his wife, who looks to avoid the cameras of journalists. Out of the door of the Executive Police Hospital Polyclinic, a married couple was immediately greeted car investigator. N choosing silent when the media asked whether he had met with her five children. However, T speaks loudly to the media. "Jayalah Majapahit," says T, as he raised his right hand up. After that, the car sped investigators left the Police Hospital. According to information, the meeting of the T and N with five children canceled. Keep up with the news on the topic: Five Case Abandoned boy parents Author: Robert Belarminus Editor: Desy Afrianti
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