THE WORKING PROCEDURE OF INSTALLATION OF INFUSION 1.0 purpose of the installation of infusion 1. Restoring and maintaining the body's electrolyte and fluid balance2. provide drugs and chemotherapy3. Blood transfusions and blood products4. parenteral nutrition and Providing nutritional supplements2.0 coverageState of emergency (e.g. on actions of CPR), which allows direct dispensing into Intra Venous to provide a fast response against the granting of the remedy (such as furosemid, digoxin) patients who received drug therapy in large doses on an ongoing basis through Intra venous patients who need fluids and electrolytes disorders prevention patients who get blood tranfusi the efforts of prophylactic (preventive action) before the procedure (for example on a major surgery with the risk of bleeding intravenous lines, was installed for the preparation in case of shock, also for easier dispensing) prophylactic Efforts on patients who are not stable, for example the risk of dehydration (lack of fluids) and shock (life threatening), before collapsing veins (not palpated), so it can't be mounted line infusion. To lower the patient's discomfort by reducing the need of injection with intramuskuler.3.0 responsibilities Inflammation (swelling, pain, fever) and infections at the site of installation of the infusion. The area of the forearm in patients failing kidneys, because this location is to be used for the installation of fistula of artery-vein (A-V shunt) on the action of hemodialysis (washing the blood). Potential irritant drugs against venous vessels are small, slow blood flow (eg venous vessels in the legs and feet). 4.0 Preparation Tools 4.1 materials-Standard infusionCiran-infusion and infusion sets as needed-Needles/needle wings/abocath according to the size required-Splint/drip trays-Perlak and torniquet-Plaster and scissors-Bent-Clean gloves-Kassa seteril-Cotton alcohol in its place-Bethadine into place4.2 working procedures-Nurse hand-washing-Inform the actions that will be performed and plug the sampiran-Infusion hose Mengisis-Open the plastic infusion set correctly-Protect the ends of the hose seteril-Drape infusion set with fluid infusion fluid infusion leads to the position over the-Hang the liquid infusion in the infusion fluids standard-Fill the compartment infusion set by pressing (but not submerged)-Fill the hose with the correct fluid infusion-Close the ends of the hose and the CAP with retaining keseterilan-Check the presence of air in the hose-Wear clean gloves when necessary-Choose the right position for attaching the infusion -Put the leaders and pengalas under section which will be dipungsi- Memilih vena yang tepat dan benar- Memasang torniquet- Desinfeksi vena dengan tekhnik yang benar dengan alkohol dengan tekhnik sirkuler atau dari atas ke bawah sekali hapus- Buka kateter ( abocath ) dan periksa apakah ada kerusakan- Menusukan kateter / abocath pada vena yang telah dipilih dengan apa arah dari arah samping- Memperhatikan adanya darah dalam kompartemen darah dalam kateter, bila ada maka mandrin sedikit demi sedikit ditarik keluar sambil kateter dimasukan perlahan-lahan- Torniquet dicabut- Menyambungkan dengan ujung selang yang telah terlebih dahulu dikeluarkan cairannya sedikit, dan sambil dibiarkan menetes sedikit- Memberi plester pada ujung plastik kateter / abocath tapi tidak menyentuh area penusukan untuk fiksasi- Membalut dengan kassa bethadine seteril dan menutupnya dengan kassa seteril kering- Memberi plester dengan benar dan mempertahankan keamanan kateter / abocath agar tidak tercabut- Mengatur tetasan infus sesuai dengan kebutuhan klien- Alat-alat dibereskan dan perhatikan respon klien- Perawat cuci tangan- Catat tindakan yang dilakukan5.0 DAFTAR PUSTAKA
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