Safety is a top priority in the aviation world, no compromise and tolerance. The government committed that "Safety is Number One" in accordance with Law No. 15 of 1992.
Operation of air transport can not be separated from economic growth in the community of users of air transport services being served and also the development trend of the global economy. In line with the growth of the national economy is getting better, the Government's role as a provider of original and perpetrators of economic activity, will turn into a role as a regulator.
As a regulator, the Government only in charge of issuing rules, perform certification and surveillance to ensure the implementation of air transport that meet aviation safety standards.
The government has had the National Program for the Security of Civil Aviation (National Civil Aviation Security Programme) aimed at security and flight safety, regularity and sustainability of civil aviation in Indonesia to provide protection to passengers, air crew, aircraft, officials on the ground and society, and installations in the area of the aerodrome of unlawful conduct.
The Government views the need for a new paradigm that flight safety is a shared responsibility between government, airline and community service users.
Associated with safety and security in Indonesia,
The government has established laws and regulations, among others: a. Law No. 15 of 1992 on Aviation;
b. PP No. 3 of 2001 on Aviation Safety and Security;
c. Transportation Minister Decree No. 18 of 2002 on Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) part 135;
d. Minister of Transportation Decree No. 2 of 2002 on the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) part 121;
e. Regulation of the Minister of Transportation, more related to flight safety and security;
f. Decision of the Director General of Civil Aviation with regard to safety and aviation security.
As a concrete step forward in accordance with the provisions of the new ICAO, The government has imposed a Safety Management System (Safety Management System / SMS) in the aviation field.
Safety Management System (SMS) is a monitoring system in the form of a team or organization within an airline which has the duty and responsibility to monitor the safety performance of maintenance and operation and to predict a danger, analyze the risk and take action to reduce these risks by talking about periodic safety led by the President of the Airline as the holder of safety commitment.
The government revised government regulation and the Aviation Safety Regulation / CASR to incorporate the requirements of the Safety Management System in the form of safety responsibilities by the President, system to identify hazards, analyze the risk and reducing the risk of a follow-up, the obligation to perform periodic safety evaluation, safety indicators, internal evaluations, emergency response plan as outlined in the manual airline safety.
Airline companies preparing safety manuals in accordance with the requirements of CASR and implemented consistently and determine the commitment of safety (safety) to the government to set safety targets were acceptable (acceptable safety).
Within the mandate of Act No. 15 of 1992 and Government Regulation No. 3 of 2001, the Ministry of Transportation have established Civil Aviation Security Program consisting of Airport Security Programme and the Air Security Program Transport Company.
Based on the company Air Transport Security Program, in operation each airline is required to create Airline Security Programme (ASP) and Airline Manual (AM), which contains among others:
a. Aircraft operating procedures
b. Aircraft personnel
c. Aircraft equipment facility
d. Airline Contingency Plan (for ASP)
e. Airline Emergency Plan (for the airline's Manual)
Form of government responsibility for the safety of the passengers in the air, among others:
a. Ensuring that means of transport provided meet flight safety requirements consistently and continuously
b. Consistently and continuously monitoring to check the compliance with legislation and regulations applicable aviation safety;
c. Consistent law enforcement against violations of regulatory compliance is admnisistrsi of revocation of the certificate.
While the form of oversight by the Government, among others:
a. The continuous monitoring of the implementation of business activities
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