Jangan lari dari pahitnya kenyataan, hadapilah kenyataan karena itulah terjemahan - Jangan lari dari pahitnya kenyataan, hadapilah kenyataan karena itulah Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Jangan lari dari pahitnya kenyataan

Jangan lari dari pahitnya kenyataan, hadapilah kenyataan karena itulah satu-satunya cara untuk hidup dalam kenyataan yang indah.

Jika masalah besar adalah nyata, maka potensi kekuatan anda yang luar biasa juga sebuah kenyataan.

Lihatlah kenyataan, jangan memperburuk suasana. Lihatlah kenyataan, karena terkadang kenyataan lebih mudah dari yang anda bayangkan.

Bermimpilah melebihi kenyataan sebenarnya, tapi lihatlah dan selesaikan masalah berdasarkan kenyataan.

Saat kita takut melihat kenyataan, saat itulah imajinasi kita membuat masalah terlihat lebih menyeramkan dari kenyataan yang sebenarnya.

Sepahit apapun kenyataan yang ada, kita harus menghadapinya. Karena lari dari kenyataan tak akan menghilangkan masalah tadi.

Tidak ada yang lebih baik dari menghadapi kenyataan, disitulah jawaban dari masalah berada.

Orang yang selalu lari dari kenyataan akan sampai dimana tidak ada lagi tempat untuk berlari. Saat itulah kenyataan menjadi sebuah beban menggunung baginya.

Kenyataan meskipun buruk tapi ia tetap kenyataan, hayalan meskipun indah tapi ia tetap hayalan. Kita tetap hidup di alam nyata bukan hayalan.

Masalah akan sulit jika kita selalu mengabaikannya dan menganggapnya tidak ada. Jika kita melihat berdasarkan kenyataan, kita akan melihatnya saat ia muncul, dan menyelesaikannya sebelum ia sempat membesar.

Memilih melihat kenyataan memang tidak mengubah masalah, tapi setidaknya anda akan melihat bentuk yang sebenarnya, sehingga anda lebih mudah dalam menyelesaikannya.

Dibalik kenyataan yang pahit selalu terdapat kenyataan yang menyenangkan.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Do not run from the bitter reality, face reality because that is the only way to live in reality. If major problems are real, then the potential power you are also a reality. Take a look at the reality, don't aggravate the atmosphere. Take a look at the reality, because the reality is sometimes easier than you can imagine. Bermimpilah exceeds the reality actually is, but look at and solve problems based on reality. When we are afraid of seeing the reality, that's when our imagination makes the problem look more creepy than the actual reality. Sepahit any kind of reality that exists, we have to deal with it. Because of the fact will not eliminate the problem. There is nothing better than face the reality, there are problems of answers. People are always running from reality will get to where there is no longer a place to run. That's when reality becomes a load of menggunung for him. The reality though is bad but he remains true, though hayalan beautiful but he remains hayalan. We live in a real natural instead of hayalan. The problem will be difficult if we always ignore it and consider it no. If we look upon reality, we will see it the moment he appears, and finish it before she had time to mature. Choose see reality indeed does not change the problem, but at least you'll see the actual form, so that you more easily in the finish. Behind the bitter reality that there is always a fun fact.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Do not run away from the bitter reality, face reality because that is the only way to live in a wonderful reality.

If the big problem is real, then the potential of your tremendous strength is also a fact.

Look at the reality, do not aggravate the situation. Look at the reality, because sometimes reality is easier than you think.

Dream exceeds actual fact, but look at and solve problems based on reality.

When we are afraid to see the reality, that's when our imagination make the problem look more sinister than the actual reality,

as bitter as the fact No, we have to deal with it. Because escape from reality will not eliminate the problem earlier.

There is nothing better than face the fact, that is where the answer to a problem is.

People are always going to run away from reality in which there is no place to run. That's when reality becomes a mounting burden for him.

The fact though badly but he remains a reality, utopian though beautiful but she remained utopian. We still live in the real world is not a fantasy.

The problem will be difficult if we always ignore it and consider it non-existent. If we see based on reality, we will see it when it happened, and finish it before he had time to grow.

Choosing the fact does not change the problem, but at least you'll see the actual form, making it easier to solve them.

Behind the bitter reality is always there reality fun.
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