PENGALAMAN SELAMA LIBURAN SEKOLAH Pada liburan sekolah tahun ini, saya terjemahan - PENGALAMAN SELAMA LIBURAN SEKOLAH Pada liburan sekolah tahun ini, saya Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan


Pada liburan sekolah tahun ini, saya dapat merasakan liburan yang menyenagkan. Seperti liburan- liburan yang dilalui pada tahun lalu. Waktu liburan yang diberikan oleh sekolah adalah selama 1 bulan, dan masuk kembali pada tanggal 18 juli 2016.
Menjalankan liburan sekolah tahun ini dengan berbagai aktifitas, apalagi liburan ini saya isi dengan aktifitas- aktifitas yang bermanfaat dan menjadikan saya tetap semanggat. Aktifitas yang saya lakukan itu adalah membantu ibu di rumah,dengan cara itu insyaallah membantu meringankan beban pekerjaan ibu, menyapu, mengepel, membantu ibu memasak di dapur untuk hidangan pada saat berbuka puasa nanti.
Selain itu, saya juga mengerjakan hal- hal yang memang menjadi tugas saya di rumah. Seperti mencuci pakaian sendiri, yang numpuk selama seminggu belum di cuci ditambah mencuci seragam sekolah. Tapi hal ini menjadikan saya mandiri dan disiplin dalam menjalankan kehidupan yang saya jalani.
Lalu setelah itu, saya beralih ke aktifitas agama yaitu belajar di TPQ dekat rumah nenek saya di karangrejo. untuk mengisi liburan saya dibulan Rohmadhon.
selain itu pula, apabila ada waktu luang saya ber refresing, diantaranya saya menonton televisi, bermain bersama adik saya, smsan, memainkan komputer, dan melakukan hal- hal yang dapat membuat saya seperti sedang menjalankan liburan sekolah.
Itulah pengalaman selama liburan sekolah yang saya alami. Melewati liburan sekolah selama dua minggu dengan rasa senang, I am very happy. Mudah- mudahan saya dapat merasakan liburan sekolah ini pada liburan sekolah tahun depan,amin.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
EXPERIENCES DURING THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS On school holidays this year, I can feel the wonderful vacation. Such vacation-vacation passed on last year. Vacation time is given by the school was for 1 month, and sign back on July 18, 2016. Running the school holidays this year with various activities, let alone this holiday I fill with useful activities and made me keep semanggat. Activities that I do it is to help mothers at home, that way God willing help lighten the load of work mother, sweep, MOP, helping mom cooking in the kitchen to dish at the time of breaking the fast later. In addition, I am also working on things that are indeed being my job at home. Such as washing clothes, that he stacked for a week yet in the wash plus wash school uniforms. But it makes me independent and disciplined in running the life I live. Then after that, I switched to a religious activity that is learned at my grandma's house near TPQ in karangrejo. my vacation to fill in Rohmadhon. In addition, if there are any free time I ber refresing, I watch television, play with my younger brother, computer, play smsan, and doing things that can make me like he was running the school holidays. That's the experience during the school holidays I experienced. Passing through the school holidays for two weeks with a sense of pleasure, I am very happy. Easy-then hopefully I can feel the school holidays at school holidays next year, Amen.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
In the school holidays this year, I can feel that menyenagkan holiday. As liburan- holiday that passed last year. Vacation time provided by the school is for 1 month, and log back on July 18, 2016.
Running school holidays this year with various activities, especially this holiday aktifitas- I filled with useful activities and to make me keep semanggat. Activities that I do it is to help a mother in the home, that way insyaallah help ease the burden of mothers work, sweeping, mopping, helping mother cooking in the kitchen for a dish at the time of breaking the fast later.
In addition, I also do things that are becoming My duties at home. Such as washing his own clothes, which piled up during the week has not been washed plus wash school uniforms. But it made ​​me independent and disciplined in life that I live.
And then after that, I switched to a religious activity that is learned in TPQ near my grandmother's house in Karangrejo. to fill my holiday Rohmadhon month,
in addition to that, if there is spare time I ber refresing, of which I am watching television, playing with my brother, texting, playing computer, and doing things that can make me like he was running the school holidays.
That experience during the school holidays I experienced. Passing the school holidays for two weeks with pleasure, I am very happy. Hopefully, I can feel the school holidays in the school holidays next year, amen.
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