Friends I'm proud,
First of all we need to realize that the environment is a livelihood for all of us, human beings. So we must keep our environment good for the earth to generate profits for us, not even a catastrophic loss for us. One of the ways that the environment does not provide a disaster for us is to maintain environmental hygiene
in keeping the environment clean then we must know beforehand what is the meaning of environmental cleanliness. The real meaning of environmental hygiene is a situation where the environment is feasible for human settlements, where the physical state of human health can be maintained .. So we have to keep the environment in order to create a viable and prosperous life.
Friends Happier,
Maintain Environmental Hygiene is the best way to prevent a variety of diseases that lurk in the rainy season like now. Keeping the environment can be started from the clean up our beloved school, SMPN 49 Jakarta. If our schools are clean then another party did not hesitate to follow the example of our good habits in ridding our schools. And we as inhabitants of this school is also affected by the positive impact that teaching and learning activities to be comfortable because of the environment of our school clean.
Keeping the school environment can be done by throwing garbage in the school environment we are in the trash, conducting picket class every day on a regular basis and PSN 30 minutes every Friday in order to clean the school environment from the nest of mosquitoes Ades aegypti mosquito that causes dengue fever.
My friends,
in closing, I quote a saying that cleanliness is part of faith, if someone does not peduliterhadap cleanliness then he actually not a full believers. Kedepanya I also hope that we as human beings can be more active in keeping the environment clean.
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