Abdur Rohman, Salam. 2012.86.22.0004.2016. "The Role of Funding Ba'i Bitsaman Ajil Empowerment Against Micro Society" (A Case Study of Cooperative Financial Services Shari'ah Arjuna). Essay. Syari'ah Economic Studies Program, University of Yudharta Pasuruan. Supervisor: M. Fahmul Iltiham S, HI. MH
Cooperative Financial Services hereinafter referred KJKS Sharia is a cooperative whose business is engaged in financing, investment, and savings corresponding pattern of results (sharia). While the Islamic Financial Services Unit hereinafter referred UJKS, is a cooperative unit engaged in the business of financing, investments and deposits with the pattern of results (sharia) as part of the activities of the cooperative concerned. And there are some products that are in the Cooperative Financial Services Syari'ah Arjuna namely: Bai 'Bitsaman Ajil (BBA), Murabaha, Mudaraba, and Qordul Hasan.
The aim of this study was to determine how the funding constraints and the role of Bai' Bitsaman Ajil against development micro-enterprises in Financial Services Syari'ah Arjuna cooperatives.
the analytical method performed by descriptive qualitative data. In the process of data collection by observation, interview and documentation. While the data used are primary data and secondary data and then analyze and draw conclusions from these data.
Based on the results of the study, found that the role of Bai 'Bitsaman Ajil financing is one product that is widely used in the financial services cooperative Shari'ah. At receivables Bai 'Bitsaman Ajil, KJKS Party acting as sellers, while members / prospective members to act as buyer financing and contract used is the sale and purchase agreement (Bai') and payment by installments. The selling price is given to members / prospective members are financing or cost plus profit margin has been agreed by both parties. Party Cooperative Financial Services Syari'ah provide venture capital in the form of goods for businesses, especially micro-businesses because of the number of customers who apply for financing Bai 'Bitsaman Ajil for their business purposes. It can be seen from the increasing number of financial assets from 2013 until 2015 and member of BBA financing some 700 people. From interviews with some of the customers who apply for financing Bai 'Bitsaman Ajil Financial Services in cooperative Syari'ah Arjuna, they said BBA financing influence the development of their businesses and seen in an increase in turnover despite meager income from their labor. Therefore with the financing Bai 'Bitsaman this Ajil customers very helpful because it can be used to increase capital in the development of the micro enterprises. Keywords: Financing Ba'i Bitsaman Ajil Against Micro Community
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