Almighty God created this world for us humans ... But we were created by God is not for this world ... Almighty God created us, is for the life of the hereafter for ever. .. The Ordinance of God, that this world is just a temporary thing ... What is there in the world who are in the world only sementra onlyRich in the rich world while ... Poor poor diduniapun while So the King in King's world while So while rakyatpun ... Healthy while Pain while Handsome while Gorgeous while Alive whileEven the Sun we see rising on the eastern horizon each day and drowned in the Western horizon that while only ... Someday for sure for sure and certainly God would destroy it..!! Really stupid when we love something that is temporary, love the world that would destroy the God ... Switch the one love to the hometown of the hereafter The place of eternal kehidupn for ever Rich during the length of the poor will not be misikin again ... So the King during the length of that never in the disruption by protesters. ... Beautiful for ever that will never be old old again.. Even live there for ever. .. In the collection of the entire kenikmat nikmatan in the world then compare with the pleasure of God in God gave people throughout all the experts of heaven that we like to dip the tip of your index finger into the vast ocean of us and clay is a teteq water clinging at our fingertips that's keniimatan the world.. So too the whole world suffering in collect then compared the suffering of one person's Hell experts throughout the misery in this world is like a seed particle alone is not what's up my ass. The world's problem is not the real problem The us loss was AKHIRAAT. ....!!!
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