Hello ..... apa kabar Ben? Maaf kan saya terlambat membalas email mu.T terjemahan - Hello ..... apa kabar Ben? Maaf kan saya terlambat membalas email mu.T Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Hello ..... apa kabar Ben? Maaf kan

Hello ..... apa kabar Ben? Maaf kan saya terlambat membalas email mu.
Tanggal 17 Juli adalah perayaan agama saya, tradisi di negara saya pada umumnya dan khususnya keluarga saya , kami sangat antusias menyambut perayaan itu. Setiap keluarga mempersiapkan diri, dengan penampilan jiwa dan fisik lebih baik, dan juga membuat kue atau membeli kue dan hidangan lainnya untuk menyambut tamu atau membawa bingkisan untuk keluarga yang kami kunjungi.
Keluarga saya setiap tahun selalu mengunjungi kakak perempuan ayah ku dan kakak perempuan ibu ku, karena mereka lebih tua diantara kami.
Seluruh keluarga besar ku, berkunjung kerumah mereka, dan kami bertemu disana. Kami saling meminta maaf dan memberi maaf atas kesalahan kami setelah itu kami menikmati hidangan yang mereka sediakan dan yang kami bawa.
Pemerintah negara ku membuat peraturan, untuk menyambut hari raya agama saya dan agama nasrani, seluruh kantor dan sekolah tutup. selama minimum 7 hari dan maksimum 14 hari.
Kantor tempat saya bekerja, libur 14 hari, karena itu saya dan karyawan begitu sibuk mempersiapakan libur 14 hari. tidak ada pekerjaan yang tertunda pada saat libur. saya dan beberapa karyawan, terpaksa mengambil lembur 2 hari, karena pekerjaan belum selesai pada saat libur dimulai.

Saya berharap kamu bisa menerima alasan saya terlambat membalas email kamu dan memberikan maaf kepada saya.

Ben .... Jujur saya sangat senang bisa bersahabat dengan kamu.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Hello ... How are you ... you Ben? Sorry I was late replying to emails.July 17, is a celebration of my religion, tradition in my country in General and especially my family, we are excited to welcome feast. Each family prepare, with the appearance of mental and physical, and also make a cake or buy cakes and other dishes to welcome guests or bring gifts for the family that we visit.My family every year to visit my dad's sister and my mother's sister, because they are older among us.The rest of my family, a visit to their House, and we met there. We mutually apologise and give our mistake sorry for afterwards we enjoy dishes they provide and we take it.My country's Government to make regulations, to welcome the feast of my religion and evangelism, entire offices and schools closed. for a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 14 days.The Office where I work, holiday 14 days, therefore I was so busy and employee mempersiapakan holiday 14 days. There is no pending jobs at the time of the holiday. me and a couple of employees, forced to take overtime today because the work had not been completed at the time when holiday begins.I hope you can accept my reasons late reply to email you and give you apologize to me.Ben .... Honestly I am very happy to be friendly with you.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Hello ..... how are you Ben? I am sorry the late reply to your emails.
On 17 July is the celebration of my religion, tradition in my country in general and especially my family, we are very enthusiastic about the celebration. Each family prepare, with the appearance of better mental and physical, and also made ​​a cake or buy cakes and other dishes to welcome guests or bring gifts for the family that we visit.
My family every year always visit my father's sister and my mother's sister , because they are older among us.
All of my big family, a visit to their home, and we met there. Our mutual apology and forgiveness for our mistakes after that we enjoyed the dishes they provide and which we carry.
The government of my country to make regulations, to greet the feast of my religion and the Christian religion, all offices and schools closed. for a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 14 days.
The office where I work, a holiday of 14 days, because it was me and the employees are so busy preparing the holiday 14 days. there is no pending work during holidays. I and a few employees, was forced to take overtime two days, because the work has not been completed by the time the holiday starts. I hope you can accept my reasons late reply your email and give forgiveness to me. Ben .... Honestly I am very happy to be friends with you ,

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