4.2 Prosedur kerja- Perawat cuci tangan- Memberitahu tindakan yang aka terjemahan - 4.2 Prosedur kerja- Perawat cuci tangan- Memberitahu tindakan yang aka Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

4.2 Prosedur kerja- Perawat cuci ta

4.2 Prosedur kerja

- Perawat cuci tangan
- Memberitahu tindakan yang akan dilakukan dan pasang sampiran
- Mengisis selang infus
- Membuka plastik infus set dengan benar
- Tetap melindungi ujung selang seteril
- Menggantungkan infus set dengan cairan infus dengan posisi cairan infus mengarah keatas
- Menggantung cairan infus di standar cairan infus
- Mengisi kompartemen infus set dengan cara menekan ( tapi jangan sampai terendam )
- Mengisi selang infus dengan cairan yang benar
- Menutup ujung selang dan tutup dengan mempertahankan keseterilan
- Cek adanya udara dalam selang
- Pakai sarung tangan bersih bila perlu
- Memilih posisi yang tepat untuk memasang infus
- Meletakan perlak dan pengalas dibawah bagian yang akan dipungsi
- Memilih vena yang tepat dan benar
- Memasang torniquet
- Desinfeksi vena dengan tekhnik yang benar dengan alkohol dengan tekhnik sirkuler atau dari atas ke bawah sekali hapus
- Buka kateter ( abocath ) dan periksa apakah ada kerusakan
- Menusukan kateter / abocath pada vena yang telah dipilih dengan apa arah dari arah samping
- Memperhatikan adanya darah dalam kompartemen darah dalam kateter, bila ada maka mandrin sedikit demi sedikit ditarik keluar sambil kateter dimasukan perlahan-lahan
- Torniquet dicabut
- Menyambungkan dengan ujung selang yang telah terlebih dahulu dikeluarkan cairannya sedikit, dan sambil dibiarkan menetes sedikit
- Memberi plester pada ujung plastik kateter / abocath tapi tidak menyentuh area penusukan untuk fiksasi
- Membalut dengan kassa bethadine seteril dan menutupnya dengan kassa seteril kering
- Memberi plester dengan benar dan mempertahankan keamanan kateter / abocath agar tidak tercabut
- Mengatur tetasan infus sesuai dengan kebutuhan klien
- Alat-alat dibereskan dan perhatikan respon klien
- Perawat cuci tangan.
- Catat tindakan yang dilakukan.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
4.2 working procedures-Nurse hand-washing-Inform the actions that will be performed and plug the sampiran-Infusion hose Mengisis-Open the plastic infusion set correctly-Protect the tip of the hose seteril-Drape infusion set with fluid infusion fluid infusion leads to the position over the-Hang the infusion fluid in standard fluid infusion-Fill the compartment infusion set by pressing (but don't get submerged)-Fill the hose with the correct fluid infusion-Close the ends of the hose and close the retaining keseterilan-Check the presence of air in the hose-Wear clean gloves when necessary-Choosing the right position for attaching the infusion -Put the leaders and pengalas under section dipungsi shall-Choosing the right vein and right-Install the torniquet-Disinfection of the vein with the right engineering with alcohol with the dwarf in a circular or from top to bottom once delete-Open the catheter (abocath) and check for damage-Menusukan catheter/abocath on the chosen vein with what direction from the direction of the side-Having regard to the existence of the blood in the catheter in the blood compartment, if there is then the mandrin gradually pulled out while the catheter is inserted slowlyTorniquet-repealed-Connect the ends of the hoses which have been first issued for the patient, and while little is left dripping a little bit-Gives the plastic tip of the catheter on the plaster/abocath but do not touch the area for the staking of fixation-Wrap with bethadine kassa seteril and covering it with dried seteril kassa-Gives plaster correctly and maintain the security of the catheter/abocath so as not to cut out-Set the tetasan infusion in accordance with client needs-The tools are dealt with and notice the client response-Nurse hand-washing.-Make a note of the actions undertaken.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

4.2 Working procedures - Nurses hand washing - Notifies the action to be performed and post sampiran - mengisis drip hose - plastic Opens infusion set correctly - Fixed protect hose end seteril - Drape infusion sets with fluid infusion with intravenous fluids position pointing upwards - Hanging IV fluids The standard intravenous fluids - Fill compartment infusion set by pressing (but do not get submerged) - Filling the IV with the correct fluid - Closing the end of the hose and cap with retaining keseterilan - Check the air in the hose - Wear clean gloves when necessary - Choosing the right position for an IV drip - Mounting perlak and pengalas under section which will dipungsi - Choosing the right vein and right - Installing torniquet - Disinfection vein with the correct technique with alcohol with circular techniques or from top to bottom once clear - Open catheter (abocath ) and check for damage - thrust catheter / abocath in veins have been with any direction from the side - Noting the presence of blood in the blood compartment into the catheter, if there is then Mandrin gradually pulled out while the catheter is inserted slowly - torniquet revoked - Connect the end of the hose that has been previously issued liquid a little, and she is left dripping slightly - Giving plaster on plastic tip catheter / abocath but not touching the puncture area for fixation - bethadine seteril Embraces with gauze and cover them with gauze to dry seteril - Giving plaster with correct and maintain the security of the catheter / abocath order not uprooted - Set the infusion of hatchlings produced according to client's needs - Tools cleared and note the response of clients - Nurses hand washing. - Record action taken.

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