These terms are entered into the language of the United Kingdom in the year 1390 with the meaning of "relation of Genesis, the story". In the language of the United Kingdom, it is the "story" in General. Limitation on the meaning of "record of past events" appears at the end of the 15th century. It was still in Greece at the time of Francis Bacon also uses the term in the late 16th century, when he wrote about "natural history". for him, historia was "the knowledge of objects determined by space and time", so the type of knowledge provided by Memory (while Science was provided by reason, and poetry was provided by Fantasy).View on the meaning of the linguistic basis of various languages above can be confirmed is that sense of history is concerned with time and events. It is therefore a matter of time is important in understanding the one event, then historians tend to address this problem by making the periodization.In the linguistic expression of a synthetic vs. analytic/isolation dichotomy, now pointing to different words to human history or story telling in General. In Germany, France, and most Germanic and romance languages, the same word is still used for the use of the word "history" and "story".the adjective historical is attested from 1661, and historic from 1669. Historian in the sense of a "Researcher of history" is attested from 1531. in all European languages, the "history" is still used for the use of the word "what happened with men", and "the scientific study of the happened", the latter sense sometimes distinguished with a capital letter, "history", or the word historiography.The History Of The Development Of Arabic History Of The Arabic Language In Indonesia Indonesia Society Began Began To Embrace Islam Teaching Arabic (Fusha) Learned In Indonesia Is Intended To Achieve Two Purposes As A Tool To Learn And Deepen Knowledge Of Islam As A Goal, Namely To Form Energy-Experts In Arabic The Method Of Learning The Arabic Language In Indonesia Generally Still Focuses On The Methods Are Assigned Grammatical – Touchable. Special Characteristics That Have Been Developed As Well As The Description Of The Grant Of Memorization Of The Grammatical Norms On Pupil Memorization Of Words And Then Coupled To The Grammar Rule According To The Prevailing Activity Of Translating Word By Word And Sentence By Sentence Either Indonesia Or Indonesia-Arab-Saudi Training For Proficiency In Spanish Orally Very Less Less Using Props Or Tools That Can Be Heard-Seen (Audio-Visual Aids) Forms of learning the Arabic language 1. Learning the Arabic language Is the Verbal, namely: To teach intermediate reading Quran, prayers, Prayer readings without having to Understand its meaning.
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