KERAJAAN MAJAPAHITMajapahit adalah sebuah kerajaan yang berpusat di Ja terjemahan - KERAJAAN MAJAPAHITMajapahit adalah sebuah kerajaan yang berpusat di Ja Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan


Majapahit adalah sebuah kerajaan yang berpusat di Jawa Timur, Indonesia, yang pernah berdiri dari sekitar tahun 1293 hingga 1500 M. Kerajaan ini mencapai puncak kejayaannya menjadi kemaharajaan raya yang menguasai wilayah yang luas di Nusantara pada masa kekuasaan Hayam Wuruk, yang berkuasa dari tahun 1350 hingga 1389.
Kerajaan Majapahit adalah kerajaan Hindu-Buddha terakhir yang menguasai Nusantara dan dianggap sebagai salah satu dari negara terbesar dalam sejarah Indonesia. Menurut Negarakertagama, kekuasaannya terbentang di Jawa, Sumatra, Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan, hingga Indonesia timur, meskipun wilayah kekuasaannya masih diperdebatkan
Sebelum berdirinya Majapahit, Singhasari telah menjadi kerajaan paling kuat di Jawa. Hal ini menjadi perhatian Kubilai Khan, penguasa Dinasti Yuan di Tiongkok. Ia mengirim utusan yang bernama Meng Chi[14] ke Singhasari yang menuntut upeti. Kertanagara, penguasa kerajaan Singhasari yang terakhir menolak untuk membayar upeti dan mempermalukan utusan tersebut dengan merusak wajahnya dan memotong telinganya.[14][15] Kubilai Khan marah dan lalu memberangkatkan ekspedisi besar ke Jawa tahun 1293.
Ketika itu, Jayakatwang, adipati Kediri, sudah menggulingkan dan membunuh Kertanegara. Atas saran Aria Wiraraja, Jayakatwang memberikan pengampunan kepada Raden Wijaya, menantu Kertanegara, yang datang menyerahkan diri. Kemudian, Wiraraja mengirim utusan ke Daha, yang membawa surat berisi pernyataan, Raden Wijaya menyerah dan ingin mengabdi kepada Jayakatwang.[16] Jawaban dari surat di atas disambut dengan senang hati.[16] Raden Wijaya kemudian diberi hutan Tarik. Ia membuka hutan itu dan membangun desa baru. Desa itu dinamai Majapahit, yang namanya diambil dari buah maja, dan rasa "pahit" dari buah tersebut. Ketika pasukan Mongol tiba, Wijaya bersekutu dengan pasukan Mongol untuk bertempur melawan Jayakatwang. Setelah berhasil menjatuhkan Jayakatwang, Raden Wijaya berbalik menyerang sekutu Mongolnya sehingga memaksa mereka menarik pulang kembali pasukannya secara kalang-kabut karena mereka berada di negeri asing.[17][18] Saat itu juga merupakan kesempatan terakhir mereka untuk menangkap angin muson agar dapat pulang, atau mereka terpaksa harus menunggu enam bulan lagi di pulau yang asing.
Tanggal pasti yang digunakan sebagai tanggal kelahiran kerajaan Majapahit adalah hari penobatan Raden Wijaya sebagai raja, yaitu tanggal 15 bulan Kartika tahun 1215 saka yang bertepatan dengan tanggal 10 November 1293. Ia dinobatkan dengan nama resmi Kertarajasa Jayawardhana. Kerajaan ini menghadapi masalah. Beberapa orang terpercaya Kertarajasa, termasuk Ranggalawe, Sora, dan Nambi memberontak melawannya, meskipun pemberontakan tersebut tidak berhasil. Pemberontakan Ranggalawe ini didukung oleh Panji Mahajaya, Ra Arya Sidi, Ra Jaran Waha, Ra Lintang, Ra Tosan, Ra Gelatik, dan Ra Tati. Semua ini tersebut disebutkan dalam Pararaton.[19] Slamet Muljana menduga bahwa mahapatih Halayudha lah yang melakukan konspirasi untuk menjatuhkan semua orang tepercaya raja, agar ia dapat mencapai posisi tertinggi dalam pemerintahan. Namun setelah kematian pemberontak terakhir (Kuti), Halayudha ditangkap dan dipenjara, dan lalu dihukum mati.[18] Wijaya meninggal dunia pada tahun 1309.
Putra dan penerus Wijaya adalah Jayanegara. Pararaton menyebutnya Kala Gemet, yang berarti "penjahat lemah". Kira-kira pada suatu waktu dalam kurun pemerintahan Jayanegara, seorang pendeta Italia, Odorico da Pordenone mengunjungi keraton Majapahit di Jawa. Pada tahun 1328, Jayanegara dibunuh oleh tabibnya, Tanca. Ibu tirinya yaitu Gayatri Rajapatni seharusnya menggantikannya, akan tetapi Rajapatni memilih mengundurkan diri dari istana dan menjadi bhiksuni. Rajapatni menunjuk anak perempuannya Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi untuk menjadi ratu Majapahit. Pada tahun 1336, Tribhuwana menunjuk Gajah Mada sebagai Mahapatih, pada saat pelantikannya Gajah Mada mengucapkan Sumpah Palapa yang menunjukkan rencananya untuk melebarkan kekuasaan Majapahit dan membangun sebuah kemaharajaan. Selama kekuasaan Tribhuwana, kerajaan Majapahit berkembang menjadi lebih besar dan terkenal di kepulauan Nusantara. Tribhuwana berkuasa di Majapahit sampai kematian ibunya pada tahun 1350. Ia diteruskan oleh putranya, Hayam Wuruk
Hayam Wuruk, juga disebut Rajasanagara, memerintah Majapahit dari tahun 1350 hingga 1389. Pada masanya Majapahit mencapai puncak kejayaannya dengan bantuan mahapatihnya, Gajah Mada. Di bawah perintah Gajah Mada (1313-1364), Majapahit menguasai lebih banyak wilayah.
Menurut Kakawin Nagarakretagama pupuh XIII-XV, daerah kekuasaan Majapahit meliputi Sumatra, semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, kepulauan Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Papua, Tumasik (Singapura) dan sebagian kepulauan Filipina.[20] Sumber ini menunjukkan batas terluas sekaligus puncak kejayaan Kemaharajaan Majapahit.
Namun, batasan alam dan ekonomi menunjukkan bahwa daerah-daerah kekuasaan tersebut tampaknya tidaklah berada di bawah kekuasaan terpusat Majapahit, tetapi terhubungkan satu sama lain oleh perdagangan yang mungkin berupa monopoli oleh raja.[21] Majapahit juga memiliki hubungan dengan Campa, Kamboja, Siam, Birma bagian selatan, dan Vietnam, dan bahkan mengirim duta-dutanya ke Tiongkok.[2][21]
Selain melancarkan serangan dan ekspedisi militer, Majapahit juga menempuh jalan diplomasi dan menjalin persekutuan. Kemungkinan karena didorong alasan politik, Hayam Wuruk berhasrat mempersunting Citraresmi (Pitaloka), putri Kerajaan Sunda sebagai permaisurinya.[22] Pihak Sunda menganggap lamaran ini sebagai perjanjian persekutuan. Pada 1357 rombongan raja Sunda beserta keluarga dan pengawalnya bertolak ke Majapahit mengantarkan sang putri untuk dinikahkan dengan Hayam Wuruk. Akan tetapi Gajah Mada melihat hal ini sebagai peluang untuk memaksa kerajaan Sunda takluk di bawah Majapahit. Pertarungan antara keluarga kerajaan Sunda dengan tentara Majapahit di lapangan Bubat tidak terelakkan. Meski dengan gagah berani memberikan perlawanan, keluarga kerajaan Sunda kewalahan dan akhirnya dikalahkan. Hampir seluruh rombongan keluarga kerajaan Sunda dapat dibinasakan secara kejam.[23] Tradisi menyebutkan bahwa sang putri yang kecewa, dengan hati remuk redam melakukan "bela pati", bunuh diri untuk membela kehormatan negaranya.[24] Kisah Pasunda Bubat menjadi tema utama dalam naskah Kidung Sunda yang disusun pada zaman kemudian di Bali dan juga naskah Carita Parahiyangan. Kisah ini disinggung dalam Pararaton tetapi sama sekali tidak disebutkan dalam Nagarakretagama.
Kakawin Nagarakretagama yang disusun pada tahun 1365 menyebutkan budaya keraton yang adiluhung, anggun, dan canggih, dengan cita rasa seni dan sastra yang halus dan tinggi, serta sistem ritual keagamaan yang rumit. Sang pujangga menggambarkan Majapahit sebagai pusat mandala raksasa yang membentang dari Sumatera ke Papua, mencakup Semenanjung Malaya dan Maluku. Tradisi lokal di berbagai daerah di Nusantara masih mencatat kisah legenda mengenai kekuasaan Majapahit. Administrasi pemerintahan langsung oleh kerajaan Majapahit hanya mencakup wilayah Jawa Timur dan Bali, di luar daerah itu hanya semacam pemerintahan otonomi luas, pembayaran upeti berkala, dan pengakuan kedaulatan Majapahit atas mereka. Akan tetapi segala pemberontakan atau tantangan bagi ketuanan Majapahit atas daerah itu dapat mengundang reaksi keras.[25]
Pada tahun 1377, beberapa tahun setelah kematian Gajah Mada, Majapahit melancarkan serangan laut untuk menumpas pemberontakan di Palembang.[2]
Meskipun penguasa Majapahit memperluas kekuasaannya pada berbagai pulau dan kadang-kadang menyerang kerajaan tetangga, perhatian utama Majapahit nampaknya adalah mendapatkan porsi terbesar dan mengendalikan perdagangan di kepulauan Nusantara. Pada saat inilah pedagang muslim dan penyebar agama Islam mulai memasuki kawasan ini.
Jatuhnya Majapahit
Sesudah mencapai puncaknya pada abad ke-14, kekuasaan Majapahit berangsur-angsur melemah. Setelah wafatnya Hayam Wuruk pada tahun 1389, Majapahit memasuki masa kemunduran akibat konflik perebutan takhta. Pewaris Hayam Wuruk adalah putri mahkota Kusumawardhani, yang menikahi sepupunya sendiri, pangeran Wikramawardhana. Hayam Wuruk juga memiliki seorang putra dari selirnya Wirabhumi yang juga menuntut haknya atas takhta.[5] Perang saudara yang disebut Perang Paregreg diperkirakan terjadi pada tahun 1405-1406, antara Wirabhumi melawan Wikramawardhana. Perang ini akhirnya dimenangi Wikramawardhana, semetara Wirabhumi ditangkap dan kemudian dipancung. Tampaknya perang saudara ini melemahkan kendali Majapahit atas daerah-daerah taklukannya di seberang.
Pada kurun pemerintahan Wikramawardhana, serangkaian ekspedisi laut Dinasti Ming yang dipimpin oleh laksamana Cheng Ho, seorang jenderal muslim China, tiba di Jawa beberapa kali antara kurun waktu 1405 sampai 1433. Sejak tahun 1430 ekspedisi Cheng Ho ini telah menciptakan komunitas muslim China dan Arab di beberapa kota pelabuhan pantai utara Jawa, seperti di Semarang, Demak, Tuban, dan Ampel; maka Islam pun mulai memiliki pijakan di pantai utara Jawa.[26]
Wikramawardhana memerintah hingga tahun 1426, dan diteruskan oleh putrinya, Ratu Suhita, yang memerintah pada tahun 1426 sampai 1447. Ia adalah putri kedua Wikramawardhana dari seorang selir yang juga putri kedua Wirabhumi. Pada 1447, Suhita mangkat dan pemerintahan dilanjutkan oleh Kertawijaya, adik laki-lakinya. Ia memerintah hingga tahun 1451. Setelah Kertawijaya wafat, Bhre Pamotan menjadi raja dengan gelar Rajasawardhana dan memerintah di Kahuripan. Ia wafat pada tahun 1453 AD. Terjadi jeda waktu tiga tahun tanpa raja akibat krisis pewarisan takhta. Girisawardhana, putra Kertawijaya, naik takhta pada 1456. Ia kemudian wafat pada 1466 dan digantikan oleh Singhawikramawardhana. Pada 1468 pangeran Kertabhumi memberontak terhadap Singhawikramawardhana dan mengangkat dirinya sebagai raja Majapahit.[9]
Ketika Majapahit didirikan, pedagang Muslim dan para penyebar agama sudah mulai memasuki Nusantara. Pada akhir abad ke-14
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
KERAJAAN MAJAPAHITMajapahit adalah sebuah kerajaan yang berpusat di Jawa Timur, Indonesia, yang pernah berdiri dari sekitar tahun 1293 hingga 1500 M. Kerajaan ini mencapai puncak kejayaannya menjadi kemaharajaan raya yang menguasai wilayah yang luas di Nusantara pada masa kekuasaan Hayam Wuruk, yang berkuasa dari tahun 1350 hingga 1389.Kerajaan Majapahit adalah kerajaan Hindu-Buddha terakhir yang menguasai Nusantara dan dianggap sebagai salah satu dari negara terbesar dalam sejarah Indonesia. Menurut Negarakertagama, kekuasaannya terbentang di Jawa, Sumatra, Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan, hingga Indonesia timur, meskipun wilayah kekuasaannya masih diperdebatkanSebelum berdirinya Majapahit, Singhasari telah menjadi kerajaan paling kuat di Jawa. Hal ini menjadi perhatian Kubilai Khan, penguasa Dinasti Yuan di Tiongkok. Ia mengirim utusan yang bernama Meng Chi[14] ke Singhasari yang menuntut upeti. Kertanagara, penguasa kerajaan Singhasari yang terakhir menolak untuk membayar upeti dan mempermalukan utusan tersebut dengan merusak wajahnya dan memotong telinganya.[14][15] Kubilai Khan marah dan lalu memberangkatkan ekspedisi besar ke Jawa tahun 1293.At that time, Jayakatwang, the adipati of Kediri, had toppled and killed Kertanagara. At the suggestion of Aria Wiraraja, Jayakatwang gives forgiveness to Raden Wijaya, Kertanegara's son-in-law, who comes to give themselves. Then, send emissaries to Wiraraja Daha, who brought a letter containing a statement, Raden Wijaya gave up and want to serve Jayakatwang. [16] the answer to the above letter was greeted with pleasure. [16] Raden Wijaya then given jungle drag. He opened the forest and build a new village. Village was named Majapahit, which was taken from a fruit name was maja, and "bitter" flavour of the fruit. When the Mongols arrived, Wijaya allied himself with the army to fight against Jayakatwang. After the successful overthrow Jayakatwang, Raden Wijaya attacked Allied turning Mongolnya thus forcing them to pull back his forces in kalang-kabut because they are in a foreign country. [17] [18] it was also their last chance to catch the monsoon winds to be able to go home, or they are forced to wait six more months in a foreign island.The exact date of which is used as the date of birth of Majapahit was the day of the coronation as King, i.e. the 15th of the month of Kartika 1215 saka which coincides with the date 10 November 1293. He was crowned with the formal name Kertarajasa Jayawardhana. The Kingdom was facing problems. Some people are trusted Kertarajasa, including Ranggalawe, Sora, and Nambi rebelled against him, though unsuccessfully. The rebellion was supported by Panji Ranggalawe Mahajaya, Ra Arya Sidi, Ra Jaran Waha, Ra, Ra Tosan Latitude, Sparrow, and Ra Ra Tati. All of this is that mentioned in Pararaton. [19] it was suspected that the Prime Minister's opponents, Halayudha was a conspiracy to overthrow everybody trusted the King, so that he can reach the highest positions in Government. However, after the death of the last rebel (Kuti), Halayudha was captured and imprisoned, and put to death. [18] Wijaya himself died in ad 1309.Wijaya was the son and successor of Jayanegara. Kala Gemet, significant calls it a "weak villain". Approximately at one time in the reign of Jayanegara, a pastor Italy, odoric of Pordenone visited Majapahit Palace in Java. At 1328, Jayanegara was murdered by his doctor, Tanca. His stepmother, Gayatri Rajapatni, was supposed to replace him, but Rajapatni retired from court and became a Bhikkhuni. Rajapatni pointed his daughter Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi to become the Queen of Majapahit. In 1336, Tribhuwana Gajah Mada as Prime Minister designate, at the time of his inauguration Gajah Mada Palapa oath indicating his plan to expand power and building an empire. During Tribhuwana's rule, the Majapahit Kingdom grew bigger and well known on the islands of the archipelago. Tribhuwana ruled Majapahit until the death of his mother in the year 1350. He was succeeded by his son, Hayam WurukHaYam Wuruk, also known as Rajasanagara, ruled Majapahit Kingdom from 1350 to 1389. At the time of Majapahit reached the peak of its glory with the help of Prime Minister, Gajah Mada. Under Gajah Mada's command (1313 – 1364), Majapahit conquered more territories.According to the book of Nagarakertagama pupuh XIII-XV of power in Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara Islands, Maluku, Papua, Tumasik (Singapore) and some of the islands of the Philippines. [20] this source shows the widest limits while the peak of the triumph of the Empire Majapahit.However, the limitations of nature and the economy shows that the powers of the regions seems to not be under centralized authority, but are connected to each other by trade who may be a monopoly by the King. [21] the Majapahit also has relationships with Champa, Cambodia, Siam, Southern Burma, and Viet Nam, and even sent missions to China. [2] [21]In addition to the attacks and military expeditions, Majapahit also roads diplomacy and Alliance. The possibility for political reasons, Hayam Wuruk eager mempersunting Princess CITRA Rashmi (Pitaloka) of Sunda Kingdom as his consort. [22] the Sundanese took this proposal as an alliance agreement. In 1357 the Sunda King with his family and his escort to Majapahit, to accompany the Princess to be married with Hayam Wuruk. However Gajah Mada saw this as an opportunity to force the subject under the Sunda Kingdom of Majapahit. A fight between the Sunda Royal family of Majapahit in the field of Bubat is not inevitable. Although with the courageous resistance, the Sunda Royal family was overwhelmed and eventually defeated. Almost whole of the Sundanese Royal family can be destroyed indiscriminately. [23] tradition mentioned that the disappointed, with a heart contrite mute performing "bela starch" committed suicide to defend the honour of his country. [24] the story of Pasunda Bubat became the main theme Song in Sundanese compiled at the time then in Bali and also manuscript Carita Parahiyangan. The story is alluded to in a significant but not at all mentioned in the Nagarakertagama.The book of nagarakertagama arranged in 1365 mentioned the culture of their Palace, graceful, and sophisticated, with a taste of art and literature that are smooth and high, as well as a complex system of religious rituals. The poet describes Majapahit as the Centre of a huge mandala extending from Sumatra to Papua, including the Malay Peninsula and the Moluccas. Local traditions in different regions in Indonesia still recorded the legend about power. Government Administration directly by the Majapahit Kingdom covers only the territory of East Java and Bali, outside that area just sort of broad autonomy, the payment of tribute, and the recognition of the sovereignty of the Majapahit Empire over them. But rebellions or challenge for the ketuanan Majapahit area it can invite a harsh reaction. [25]In 1377, a few years after Gajah Mada's death, Majapahit sent a punitive naval attack against rebelion in Palembang. [2]Although the ruler of Majapahit expand his authority on the various islands and sometimes invading the neighbouring Kingdom of Majapahit's main concern appears to be getting the biggest share of and control of trade in the islands of the archipelago. At a time when muslim traders and proselytizers began entering the region.DeclineAfter reaching its peak in the 14th century, Majapahit power gradually weakened. After the death of Hayam Wuruk in 1389, Majapahit Empire entered a period of decline due to the conflict of the throne. Hayam Wuruk was heir to the Crown Princess Kusumawardhani, who married her cousin himself, Prince Wikramawardhana. HaYam Wuruk also had a son of his concubine Wirabhumi which also demands its rights upon the throne. [5] the civil war called the war of Paregreg is estimated to occur in the year 1405-1406, between Wirabhumi against Wikramawardhana. This war eventually won by Wikramawardhana, semetara Wirabhumi was captured and later beheaded. This civil war seem to weaken the control of Majapahit taklukannya areas on the other side.In the reign of Wikramawardhana, a series of Ming dynasty naval expedition led by Admiral Zheng He, a muslim Chinese General, arrived in Java a few times between the period of 1405 to 1433. 1430 Zheng He expeditions has created the Chinese and Arab muslim community in some North Coast port city Java, such as in Semarang, Demak, Tuban, and Ampel Thus Islam began to have a foothold on the North coast of Java. [26]Wikramawardhana ruled to 1426, and was succeeded by his daughter Suhita, who ruled in 1426 to 1447. She was the second daughter of Wikramawardhana by a concubine who was also the second daughter of Wirabhumi. In 1447, Suhita died and was succeeded by Kertawijaya, her brother. He ruled until 1451. After Kertawijaya died, Bhre Pamotan became King with the formal name Rajasawardhana and ruled at Kahuripan. He died in 1453 AD. Happens to intervals of three years without the King due to the crisis of succession to the throne. Girisawardhana, son of Kertawijaya, ascended to the throne in 1456. He later died in 1466 and was succeeded by Singhawikramawardhana. In 1468 the Prince Kertabhumi rebelled against Singhawikramawardhana and declared himself King of Majapahit. [9]When Majapahit was founded, Muslim traders and the spreaders of religion has begun to enter the country. At the end of the 14th century
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Majapahit was an empire centered in East Java, Indonesia, which once stood from about 1293 to 1500 AD This kingdom reached its peak became imperial highway that controls a wide area in the archipelago during the reign of Hayam Wuruk, who ruled from 1350 to 1389.
Kingdom of Majapahit was the last Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms that dominate the archipelago and is considered as one of the greatest country in the history of Indonesia. According Negarakertagama, power unfolds in Java, Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Indonesia to the east, although the territory is disputed
before the founding of Majapahit, Singhasari has become the most powerful kingdom in Java. This is a concern of Kublai Khan, the ruler of the Yuan Dynasty in China. He sent a messenger named Meng Chi [14] to Singhasari demanding tribute. Kertanagara, ruler of the kingdom Singhasari latter refused to pay tribute and to embarrass the envoy by destroying his face and cut off his ear. [14] [15] Kublai Khan angry and then dispatched a large expedition to Java in 1293.
At that time, Jayakatwang, duke of Kediri, already overthrow and kill Kertanegara. On the advice of Aria Wiraraja, Jayakatwang give forgiveness to Raden Wijaya, Kertanegara-law, who came to surrender. Then, Wiraraja sent messengers to Daha, who brought the letter contains a statement, Raden Wijaya give up and want to serve Jayakatwang. [16] The answer to the above letter was greeted with pleasure. [16] Raden Wijaya then given Pull forest. He opened the forest and build a new village. The village was named Majapahit, whose name is taken from maja fruit, and taste "bitter" of the fruit. When the Mongols arrived, Wijaya allied with the Mongols to fight Jayakatwang. After successfully dropping Jayakatwang, Raden Wijaya turns against allies Mongolnya thus forcing them to withdraw back its forces are frantically as they are in a foreign country. [17] [18] It was also their last chance to catch the monsoon in order to go home, or they will have to wait another six months in a foreign island.
The exact date is used as the date of birth of the Majapahit kingdom is the crowning of a king Raden Wijaya, the 15th month of Kartika in 1215 saka which coincides with November 10, 1293. He was crowned with the name Kertarajasa official Jayawardhana. The kingdom was facing a problem. Some reliable Kertarajasa, including Ranggalawe, Sora, and Nambi rebelled against him, although the uprising did not succeed. Ranggalawe rebellion is supported by Panji Mahajaya, Arya Sidi Ra, Ra Jaran Waha, Latitude Ra, Ra Tosan, Wren Ra and Ra Tati. All of these are mentioned in Pararaton. [19] Slamet Muljana suspect that mahapatih Halayudha who conspiring to overthrow everybody trusted the king, so that he can reach the highest positions in the government. But after the death of the last rebel (Kuti), Halayudha arrested and imprisoned, and then put to death. [18] Wijaya died in 1309.
His son and successor Wijaya is Jayanegara. Pararaton call Kala Gemet, which means "weak villain". Roughly at a time within Jayanegara government, an Italian priest, Odorico da Pordenone visit the palace of Majapahit in Java. In 1328, Jayanegara killed by his doctors, Tanca. Stepmother namely Gayatri Rajapatni should replace him, but Rajapatni chose to resign from the palace and become nuns. Rajapatni Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi appoints daughter to be queen of Majapahit. In 1336, Tribhuwana appointed Gajah Mada as Mahapatih, at the time of his inauguration Gajah Mada say Palapa Oath which indicates its plans to expand its power and build an empire of Majapahit. During Tribhuwana rule, the Majapahit kingdom become larger and well-known in the archipelago. Tribhuwana Majapahit ruled until her death in 1350. He was succeeded by his son, Hayam Wuruk
Hayam Wuruk, also called Rajasanagara, Majapahit ruled from 1350 until 1389. At the time of Majapahit reached its peak with the help mahapatihnya, Gajah Mada. Under the command of Gajah Mada (1313-1364), Majapahit control of more territory.
According nagarakretagama Canto XIII-XV, Majapahit power area covering Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara islands, Maluku, Papua, Tumasik (Singapore) and part of the Philippine archipelago. [20] This source indicates the limit widest once heyday empire of Majapahit.
However, the limits of nature and the economy showed that the areas of power was apparently not under the control of a centralized Majapahit, but connected to one another by trade who may in the form of a monopoly by the king. [21] Majapahit also has a relationship with Campa, Cambodia, Siam, Burma the south, and Vietnam, and even send dutanya ambassador to China. [2] [21]
In addition to launching attacks and military expeditions, Majapahit also the path of diplomacy and forge alliances. Possibility because it is driven political reasons, Hayam Wuruk desire to marry Citraresmi (Pitaloka), the daughter of the Kingdom of Sunda as the queen. [22] The Sundanese consider this proposal as a partnership agreement. In the 1357 group Sundanese king and his family and bodyguards contrary to deliver Majapahit princess to marry Hayam Wuruk. However Gajah Mada see this as an opportunity to force a submission under the Sunda kingdom of Majapahit. The battle between the royal family Sunda with Majapahit soldiers in the field Bubat inevitable. Despite bravely put up resistance, the royal family Sunda overwhelmed and eventually defeated. Nearly the whole entourage of the royal family Sunda be destroyed cruelly. [23] The tradition mentions that the princess were disappointed, with a heart shattered to "defend starch", committing themselves to defend the honor of his country. [24] The story of Pasunda Bubat become a major theme in the script Sunda ballad composed in the days later in Bali and also manuscript Parahiyangan Carita. This story is alluded to in Pararaton but is not mentioned in Nagarakretagama.
Nagarakretagama prepared in 1365 mentions the valuable cultural palace, elegant, and sophisticated, with a sense of art and literature are smooth and height, as well as an elaborate system of religious rituals. The poet depicts Majapahit as the center of a giant mandala stretching from Sumatra to Papua, covering the Malay Peninsula and the Moluccas. Local traditions in various regions of the archipelago still records the story of the legend of the power of Majapahit. Administration of direct rule by kingdom of Majapahit only covers East Java and Bali, beyond the area it was just a sort of broad autonomy government, regular tribute payments, and recognition of Majapahit sovereignty over them. But any rebellion or challenge for ketuanan Majapahit above that area could provoke strong reactions. [25]
In 1377, several years after the death of Gajah Mada, Majapahit launched a naval attack to crush the uprising in Palembang. [2]
Even though the ruler of Majapahit extending his power on various islands and sometimes invade the neighboring kingdom of Majapahit main concern seems is getting the largest portion and controlling the trade in the archipelago. At this time a Muslim merchant and propagator of Islam began to enter this area.
The fall of Majapahit
After reaching its peak in the 14th century, Majapahit power gradually weakened. After the death of Hayam Wuruk in 1389, Majapahit entered a period of decline due to a struggle for the throne. Hayam Wuruk heir is Kusumawardhani crown princess, who married his own cousin, Prince Wikramawardhana. Hayam Wuruk also has a son of a concubine Wirabhumi are also demanding their right to the throne. [5] The civil war called the War Paregreg expected to occur in 1405-1406, among Wirabhumi against Wikramawardhana. The war eventually won Wikramawardhana, semetara Wirabhumi captured and then beheaded. This civil war seems to weaken the Majapahit control over conquered areas across.
In the period of administration Wikramawardhana, a series of naval expedition led by Ming dynasty admiral Zheng He, a Chinese Muslim generals, arrived in Java several times between the period 1405 until 1433. Since Zheng He's expedition in 1430 has created a Chinese Muslim and Arab communities in some of the port city north coast of Java, such as in Semarang, Demak, Tuban, and Ampel; then Islam began to have a foothold on the north coast of Java. [26]
Wikramawardhana ruled until 1426, and continued by his daughter, Queen Suhita, which ruled in 1426 until 1447. She was the second daughter of a concubine Wikramawardhana second daughter also Wirabhumi. At 1447 Suhita died and rule was continued by Kertawijaya, her brother. He ruled until 1451. After the death Kertawijaya, Bhre Pamotan became king with the title Rajasawardhana and ruled in Kahuripan. He died in 1453 AD. Occurred at intervals of three years without the king's succession crisis. Girisawardhana, Kertawijaya son, took the throne in 1456 He later died in 1466 and was replaced by Singhawikramawardhana. At 1468 Kertabhumi prince rebelled against Singhawikramawardhana and appointed himself as the king of Majapahit. [9]
When the Majapahit was founded, Muslim traders and missionaries have started entering the archipelago. At the end of the 14th century
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