Dewasa ini, jilbab bukan lagi merupakan salah satu simbol ketaatan bag terjemahan - Dewasa ini, jilbab bukan lagi merupakan salah satu simbol ketaatan bag Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Dewasa ini, jilbab bukan lagi merup

Dewasa ini, jilbab bukan lagi merupakan salah satu simbol ketaatan bagi seorang muslimah terhadap syari’at agama Islam, tetapi telah bergeser menjadi simbol gaya hidup berbusana yang modis dan stylis. Jika jilbab dalam Islam dimaknai sebagai ketaatan untuk berpakaian dengan pakaian yang menutup seluruh tubuh dari ujung kepala sampai ke ujung kaki, tetapi jilbab dalam dunia fashion dimaknai sebagai gaya hidup yang menunjukkan keanggunan kaum perempuan. Dalam kasus ini, sebagian tetap memperhatikan faktor yang dapat menutup aurat sementara sebagian lagi belum sampai pada keyakinan itu, misalnya masih menonjolkan bagian-bagian tubuh tertentu. Contohnya adalah fenomena jilbab gaul.
Fenomena jilbab gaul atau yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah jilboobs belakangan ini telah menjadi satu wacana hangat yang menyita perhatian publik. Istilah ini ditujukan untuk menyindir wanita muslimah yang mengenakan hijab, akan tetapi berbusana sangat ketat bahkan hingga menonjolkan setiap bagian lekuk tubuhnya, utamanya pada bagian dada. Ciri yang paling umum dalam fenomena ini adalah penggunaan kaos ketat berlengan panjang atau penggunaan kaos yang tembus pandang karena bahannya yang tipis, dipadukan dengan celana legging atau jens ketat.
Hal ini adalah model berhijab yang tidak sesuai dengan cara berpakaian menurut syariat islam. Meskipun dalam konteks ini secara kasat mata jilbab gaul memang telah bisa menutupi seluruh bagian tubuh muslimah yang mengenakannya, akan tetapi secara harfiah esesnsi jilbab gaul sangatlah jauh berbeda dari nilai-nilai berbusana muslim yang syar’i. Ada prinsip yang dilanggar dalam model berpakaian seperti ini, yaitu adalah ketat, sehingga menampakkan lekuk tubuh yang tersembunyi. Karena memakai jilbab itu bertujuan menghindari fitnah, dan hal ini tidak mungkin terwujud dengan memakai pakaian ketat. Meskipun terkadang pakaian ini menutupi warna kulit, namun pakaian seperti ini menampakkan sebagian bahkan seluruh lekuk tubuh.
Selain itu, menutup aurat tidak mungkin terwujud dengan pakaian tipis dan transparan, justru dengan pakaian tipis, akan menambah fitnah dan menjadi hiasan bagi kaum wanita. Karenanya Nabi ﷺ bersabda, ”Dua golongan dari ahli Neraka yang tidak pernah aku lihat adalah seseorang membawa cambuk seperti ekor sapi yang dia memukul orang-orang, dan perempuan yang berpakaian tapi telanjang, berlenggak-lenggok, kepalanya bagai punuk onta yang bergoyang. Mereka tidak akan masuk surga dan tidak akan mendapatkan baunya,sekalipun ia bisa didapatkan sejauh perjalanan sekian dan sekian.” (HR.Muslim)
Makna berpakaian tetapi telanjang adalah para wanita yang memakai pakaian yang tipis yang menggambarkan bentuk tubuhnya, pakaian tersebut belum menutupi anggota tubuh yang wajib ditutup dengan sempurna. Mereka berpakaian, namun hakikatnya mereka telanjang. Jadi, dalam sudut pandang syariat islam, hal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan konsep berpakaian islam yang syar’i, yakni tertutup, tidak membentuk lekuk tubuh (longgar), tidak tembus pandang, tidak menyerupai pakaian wanita kafir, tidak menyerupai pakaian lawan jenis, dan tidak merupakan pakaian yang mencolok (syuhrah).
Dalam ajaran Islam, menutup aurat (berhijab) merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap muslimah seperti yang telah disebutkan dalam surat an nuur ayat ke 31 yang berbunyi “Katakanlah kepada wanita yang beriman: "Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya, dan kemaluannya, dan janganlah mereka menampakkan perhiasannya, kecuali yang (biasa) nampak dari padanya. Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain kudung kedadanya......” Kemudian hal tersebut diperjelas kembali di dalam al qur’an surat Al Ahzab (33) ayat 59 yang berbunyi: “Hai Nabi, katakanlah kepada istri-istrimu dan anak-anak perempuanmu, dan istri-istri orang mukmin, hendaklah mereka menutupkan jilbabnya ke seluruh tubuh mereka. Yang demikian itu agar mereka lebih mudah untuk dikenali sehingga mereka tidak diganggu. Dan Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.” Jadi, hijab bagi wanita adalah pakaian syar’i yang menutup auratnya. Hijab seharusnya adalah pakaian yang longgar dengan tujuan agar lekuk tubuh tidak terlihat dan untuk melindungi diri dari godaan lelaki serta menghindar dari fitnah.
Lalu apakah alasan para wanita muslimah itu mengenakan jilbab gaul tersebut? Ada beberapa alasan mengenai hal tersebut. Salah satunya adalah ketidaktahuan atau kurangnya pemahaman terhadap cara berbusana yang syar’i. Dalam kondisi tidak tahu tersebut, muslimah yang ingin berhijab hanya mengikuti orang-orang yang ada di sekitarnya dan apa yang menurut mereka tahu terkait dengan cara berpakaian. Karena terkadang cara berpakaian sangat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan tenpat tinggal, budaya, dan kebiasaan. Selain itu, hal ini juga dapat disebabkan oleh keinginan menjadi pusat perhatian dan agar dapat diterima oleh teman-temannya. Serta dapat juga disebabkan karena keinginan wanita muslim yang ingin menjalankan kewajibannya, namun mereka juga ingin terlihat modis dan cantik. Oleh karena itu, mereka berusaha mengikuti mode yang sedang menjadi tren saat ini atau mengikuti gaya teman-teman mereka.
Memahami gaya berjilbab tidak bisa dilepaskan dari memahami informasi macam apa yang sampai pada dirinya dan dengan siapa seorang muslimah bergaul. Cara berpakaian muslimah remaja dan dewasa (terutama yang tinggal di kota besar dan memiliki akses pada media) banyak merujuk pada cara berpakaian kaum selebiritis, terutama dari kalangan artis yang banyak muncul di televisi. Di kota-kota besar, orang-orang memiliki kebebasan untuk berekspresi dan berkreasi, terutama dalam hal mode berpakaian, yang dengan itu mereka mencapai keinginan-keinginannya, seperti menjadi cantik dan menarik di samping tetap menutup aurat. Jilboobs merupakan hasil dari kompromi keinginan-keinginan wanita muslimah. Di satu sisi ingin menjalankan syariat, di sisi lain ingin tampak cantik, modis, dan tidak ketinggalan zaman. Namun, ketika jilbab gaul yang dipilih, tampak bahwa aspek syariat lah yang sedang ditinggalkan.
Oleh sebab itu, menjadi penting bagi seluruh umat Islam, terutama kaum muslimah untuk saling menegur dan mengingatkan terkait busana yang dikenakannya. Kita semua tidak ada yang sempurna, tetapi saling mengingatkan tanpa perlu bullying adalah cara yang bijak untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Jangan tanya kenapa bisa mereka seperti itu, tetapi bagaimana solusi terbaiknya. Jangan fokus pada fenomena jilboobs saja. Akan tetapi fokus pada pemecahan masalahnya. Jika busana yang dikenakan dirasakan sudah pantas dan sesuai kaidah Islam, maka terus pergunakanlah. Sebaliknya, jika ada teguran yang mengungkapkan bahwa busana yang dikenakan kurang pantas bagi muslimah, maka segera introspeksi diri dan tinggalkan busana tersebut.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Today, it is no longer a hijab is one of the symbols of obedience for a muslimah of the Shari'ah of Islam, but has shifted to become a symbol of a lifestyle of fashionable dress and stylis. If the hijab in Islam is meant as an obedience to dress in clothes that cover the whole body from head to toe, but the hijab in the world of fashion is meant as a lifestyle that demonstrates the elegance of women. In this case, most still pay attention to factors that can cover the nakedness while some are not yet up on the belief that, for example, still accentuate certain body parts. An example is the phenomenon of hijab gaul.The phenomenon of hijab gaul or more commonly known by the term jilboobs in recent times has become a warm discourse seized public attention. This term is intended to satirize women wearing Muslim headscarves, but the dress was tight even to accentuate every curve of her body parts, especially on the chest. The most common characteristics of this phenomenon is the use of long-sleeved tight t-shirts or the use of a see-through shirt because of the thin material, combined with a pair of Leggings or tight jens. This is the model berhijab that does not fit with how to dress according to Islamic jurisprudence. Although in this context as a subtle veil of gaul has indeed been able to cover all parts of the body of the muslimah who wore them, but literally esesnsi hijab gaul is much different than the fashion muslim values are legitimate. There is a principle that is violated in models dressed like this, which is so tight, revealing the hidden body curves. Because it aims at avoiding bidadari slander, and it is not likely to materialize by wearing tight clothing. Although sometimes these garments cover the skin color, but the most revealing clothes like this even the whole curve of the body.In addition, close the Awrah is unlikely to materialize with thin and transparent outfits, precisely in thin clothes, will add to the slander and became ornaments for the women. Hence the Prophet ﷺ said, "the two groups of experts to hell who never I saw was someone carrying a whip like tail of the cow that he hit people, and of women who dressed but naked, berlenggak-lenggok, his head like a camel's hump, sway. They will not go to heaven and will not get the smells, though he can be obtained so far and the umpteen trips. " (HR. Muslims)Meaning dressed but naked is the women that wear thin clothing depicting the form of his body, clothes that cover the members of the body that must be covered perfectly. They dress, but the fact that they were naked. So, in the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, it does not correspond to the concept of legitimate Islamic dress, which is closed, do not form the curve of the body (loose), not transparent, not resembling the heathen women's clothing, do not resemble the clothing of the opposite gender, and does not constitute a conspicuous clothing (syuhrah).In Islamic teachings, close the Awrah (berhijab) is obligatory for every Muslim as was mentioned in the letter an nuur verse 31 which reads "say to the believing women: let them hold your gaze, and his cock, and they shall not dazzle the regalia, except that (always) look from her. And let their wraps the cloth kudung kedadanya ... ... ... ... ... ... " Then it made clear back in the qur'an Sura Al-Ahzab (33) paragraph 59 that reads: "o Prophet, tell your wives and your children, and wives of the believers, let their wraps jilbabnya to the rest of their body. Such that they are more easy to identify so they won't be disturbed. And Allâh is all-Forgiving Most Merciful again. " So, the hijab for women is the one who closes their bare outfits. Hijab is a loose clothing should be in order so that the curve of the body is not visible and to protect yourself from the temptation of men and shy away from slander. Then what is the reason the woman was wearing a Muslim headscarf in the gaul? There are several reasons about it. One of them is ignorance or lack of understanding of how the Islamic dress. In conditions that do not know, a Muslim who wants to berhijab only follow people who are nearby and what they know is related to how to dress. Because sometimes the dress is very influenced by the environment of the place of stay, culture, and customs. In addition, it can also be caused by a desire to be the center of attention and to be accepted by his peers. And can also be caused due to the wishes of muslim women who want to perform its obligations, but they also want to look fashionable and gorgeous. Therefore, they try to follow fashion is becoming current trends or following the style of their friends.Memahami gaya berjilbab tidak bisa dilepaskan dari memahami informasi macam apa yang sampai pada dirinya dan dengan siapa seorang muslimah bergaul. Cara berpakaian muslimah remaja dan dewasa (terutama yang tinggal di kota besar dan memiliki akses pada media) banyak merujuk pada cara berpakaian kaum selebiritis, terutama dari kalangan artis yang banyak muncul di televisi. Di kota-kota besar, orang-orang memiliki kebebasan untuk berekspresi dan berkreasi, terutama dalam hal mode berpakaian, yang dengan itu mereka mencapai keinginan-keinginannya, seperti menjadi cantik dan menarik di samping tetap menutup aurat. Jilboobs merupakan hasil dari kompromi keinginan-keinginan wanita muslimah. Di satu sisi ingin menjalankan syariat, di sisi lain ingin tampak cantik, modis, dan tidak ketinggalan zaman. Namun, ketika jilbab gaul yang dipilih, tampak bahwa aspek syariat lah yang sedang ditinggalkan. Oleh sebab itu, menjadi penting bagi seluruh umat Islam, terutama kaum muslimah untuk saling menegur dan mengingatkan terkait busana yang dikenakannya. Kita semua tidak ada yang sempurna, tetapi saling mengingatkan tanpa perlu bullying adalah cara yang bijak untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Jangan tanya kenapa bisa mereka seperti itu, tetapi bagaimana solusi terbaiknya. Jangan fokus pada fenomena jilboobs saja. Akan tetapi fokus pada pemecahan masalahnya. Jika busana yang dikenakan dirasakan sudah pantas dan sesuai kaidah Islam, maka terus pergunakanlah. Sebaliknya, jika ada teguran yang mengungkapkan bahwa busana yang dikenakan kurang pantas bagi muslimah, maka segera introspeksi diri dan tinggalkan busana tersebut.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Today, the veil is no longer is a symbol of obedience to a Muslim against the Shari'ah of Islam, but has shifted into a symbol of lifestyle fashionable dress and stylis. If the veil in Islam is defined as obedience to dress in clothes that cover the entire body from head to toe, but the veil in the fashion world is interpreted as a lifestyle that shows the elegance of women. In this case, some still consider factors that can close the genitals while others have not come to the conviction that, for example, still highlight certain body parts. An example is the phenomenon of the veil slang.
The phenomenon of the veil slang or better known by the term jilboobs have recently become a hot discourse that drew public attention. The term is intended to satirize Muslim women who wear the hijab, but the dress was very tight even to highlight any part of her body, especially on the chest. The most common characteristics in this phenomenon is the use of a tight long-sleeved shirts or T-shirts use invisibility because the material is thin, combined with leggings or tight jens.
This is a model that is not in accordance with the hijab dress according to Islamic Shari'a. Although in this context is invisible veil slang has indeed been able to cover the entire Muslim women who wear body parts, but literally esesnsi veil slang is very much different from the values ​​of Muslim dress syar'i. There is a principle that is violated in a model dressed like this, that is rigorous, to reveal the hidden curves. For wearing a headscarf was intended to avoid slander, and this is unlikely to materialize by wearing tight clothes. Although sometimes these clothes cover the skin color, but the clothes like this reveal some even entire curves.
In addition, close the genitals would be impossible with thin clothing and transparent, even with thin clothing, will add to slander and become ornaments for women. Hence the Prophet ﷺ said, "Two groups of experts Hell that never I saw was someone carrying a whip like cattle that he hit people, and women who are dressed but naked, waddle, her head swaying like a camel's hump. They will not enter Paradise and will not get the smell, though it can be found as far as the trip so and so. "(HR.Muslim)
Meaning dressed but naked is the women who wear thin clothes that describes the shape of the body, the clothes are not covered limbs which shall be closed completely. They dressed, but essentially they are naked. So, in the viewpoint of Islamic law, it is not compatible with the concept of Islamic dress syar'i, ie closed, do not form curves (loose), not transparent, does not resemble women's clothing pagan, does not resemble the clothes of the opposite sex, and do not a striking outfit (syuhrah).
In Islam, close the genitals (hijab) is obligatory for every Muslim as mentioned in the letter to an nuur verse 31, which reads, "Say to the believing women:" Let their gaze, and his cock , and they must not reveal her jewelry, except that (usually) appear thereof. And let them shut the fabric crippled his chest ...... "Then it is clarified in al quran surat Al Ahzab (33) paragraph 59 is reads: "O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters, and wives of the believers, let them shut the garments over their bodies. That is so they are easier to be recognized so that they are not disturbed. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. "So, hijab for women is syar'i clothes that cover her nakedness. Hijab should be loose clothing with the aim that the curves are not visible and to protect themselves from the temptation of men and shy away from slander.
Then what is the reason that Muslim women wearing the hijab slang? There are several reasons for this. One is ignorance or lack of understanding of how to dress syar'i. In the condition do not know the Muslim who wants berhijab just follow people around him and what they know regarding how to dress. Because sometimes the dress is strongly influenced by the environment tenpat living, culture, and customs. In addition, it can also be caused by the desire to be the center of attention and to be accepted by her peers. And can also be caused by the desire of a Muslim woman who wants to carry out its obligations, but they also want to look stylish and beautiful. Therefore, they try to follow fashion is a trend today or follow the style of their friends.
Understanding style hijab can not be separated from understanding what kind of information up on him and with whom a Muslim associate. The way Muslim women dress adolescents and adults (especially those living in big cities and have access to the media) refers to the many ways to dress the selebiritis, especially from the artists who have appeared on television. In the big cities, people have the freedom of expression and creativity, especially in terms of mode of dress, with which they achieve his desires, such as being beautiful and attractive in addition to still close the genitals. Jilboobs is the result of compromise desires Muslim woman. On the one hand want to run law, on the other hand wants to look beautiful, fashionable, and not outdated. However, when the veil slang is selected, it appears that aspects of the law who are being left out.
Therefore, it becomes important for all Muslims, especially Muslim women to admonish and remind related clothing he wore. We all no one is perfect, but without the need to remind each other of bullying is a wise way to resolve the issue. Do not ask why can they like it, but what the best solution. Do not focus on the phenomenon jilboobs only. However, the focus on solving the problem. If the clothing worn felt was proper and according to the rules of Islam, then continue redeeming. Conversely, if there is a warning which revealed that less wear appropriate clothing for Muslim women, then immediately introspection and leave the clothes.
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