Bondan Prakoso BioDate of birth: 19 May 1984 Zodiac: Taurus Since the release of the debut album "the dolphins" (in this era of 80-90s) Date Of Birth, may 08, 1984Citizenship IndonesianDadSisco BataraMotherLili YulianingsihHusband/WifeMargareth (Margie)KidsKara Anabelle PrakosoPopular SinceThe release of the debut album "the dolphins" (in this era of 80-90s)Turning Point Bondan PrakosoIt occurred to begin to form the band themselves. Together the four Noble friend, Miroslav (vocals), Arlonsy Miraldi (guitar/backing vocals), Kristo Officers (guitar), Bobbi Wibowo (drummer), as well as its own Bondan on bass, Funky Corporal were formed around 1998-1999. Soon after the formation of the band, Bondan increasingly putting himself as a reliable bass player. He managed to capture the attention of millions of Indonesia society with high level techniques ala Flea. The characteristic of the game is the wild instinct Bondan bass and engineering that cannot be practically easy, quite different from the other bass musicians who mostly play bass as accompanist and playing tempo. Moreover, after the second album was released, Corporal Funky Bondan amaze his fans in the song Funchopat, which combines guitar and bass simultaneously. Along with Funky Corporal Bondan released three albums, namely two albums created by Funky Corporal himself, and one album done with Setiawan Djody in 2002. After that, the Corporal and the Funky Bondan decided to leave the band was already raising it.After a three-year hiatus from Music Centre noise homeland, Bondan back making a buzz in 2005 together with Ribas. Along with the Hip Hop group the origin of Bogor that included Tito, Ari and Eza, is bringing forth album titled Respect Bondan. This collaboration offers music that is different from most other types of music that are the trend in Indonesia. Music that carried Bondan Ribas together diverse, ranging from alternative, pop, rock, funk metal, college rock, rap-rock, to rap Kroncong. A strange chorus but creative. In normal use, Bondan acting as leader and frontman, menggawangi any position, either as a producer, plays a whole musical instruments, to programming and samplingnya. Whereas Ribas goto role as rapper-his only, and sometimes make the lyrics. The album "Respect" got a positive response from the public and they were soon discussing the second album "Unity". There are great on this album, which is their flagship song entitled Kroncong Protol. On this song happens to cross between Kroncong with rap. "Indonesia wanted to make something really," said Bondan Kroncong song about this Protol.In 2005, Bondan play at one stage with 13 bass player in one theme Bass Heroes. There are ranks of prominent bassist recorded as Thomas Ramdhan (teeth), (BLEEP), Bongky Rindra (Padi), Adam (Sheila on 7), Nissa (Omlette), Ronny (Brown), and more. In the event, his own compositions played Bondan entitled Psychedelic Sub Rhythm. The days of Bondan parallel with bassist-a leading bassist in the country is a form of public recognition that Bondan was a respected young musicians. Bondan himself was determined to change the image of bass that had just become a supporter, could also take the lead by playing the melody the low pitched good listening. "The evidence is now bass can come forward," he said.
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