As we know Indonesia is a vast archipelago. Stretches from Sabang to Merauke, consists of thousands of islands rich in ethnic and cultural. Ethnic and cultural diversity is a wealth that is priceless. Judging from the socio-cultural aspects of Indonesia consists of hundreds of tribes, each of which has a customs, language, religion and beliefs vary, so it contains the potential for conflict is great. Although different we should keep a sense of national unity to avoid conflicts. As written in the motto of our country is "Unity in Diversity" is different but still one also.
But at this moment we know of various mass media, a lot of problems that are sweeping our country. Especially the issues of unity and oneness. For example, a lot of terrorists who threaten the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia or a group of people who in the name of an organization that wants to secede from the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Obviously we do not want a split in the nation and the State Indonesia neighborhood, this is because the independence that has been achieved by
the Indonesian nation is the result of the spirit of unity that higher Indonesian people themselves. Hopefully the problem can be quickly resolved so that our country is always safe, calm and peaceful.
We as students should certainly play a role in maintaining the unity of the nation. The values of unity can we resume practicing with friends both at school and home environment. Every day we would not be able to escape along with peers. Teammates certainly not all the same. Nothing came from wealthy families, underprivileged and simple. There is also a Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and even from other religions. All of them are our friends, we should treat the same as polite and friendly. We got to hang out and make friends without discriminating one another. Or by assisting victims of natural disasters, it is one form of application of the values of unity. By doing so, will create a sense of community, so that our nation does not easily disintegrate.
The values of unity and the other can be applied in everyday life, for example respect ethnic and religious diversity. We should not mock and vilify one of the tribes and other religions. Or to respect the opinion of another friend, a friend who asked the father / mother of teachers not be interrupted or ridiculed. Or by following a solemn ceremony, a flag should be straight and saluted. Working together with friends or in terms of goodness, as do the skills and learning groups.
The difference is not an obstacle for us. Make the difference as the wealth of our nation. The difference can we unite with the spirit of unity. As performed by our fighters in the fight for Indonesian independence. The spirit of the Indonesian struggle for independence was never extinguished. Differences, we need to appreciate, in order to create national unity. Unity and harmony will create, strengthen family relationships, and strengthen patriotism.
Therefore, the spirit of unity remains necessary in maintaining and independence for the glory of the nation and state of Indonesia.
Bhennika Tunggal Ika. Jayalah Indonesiaku.
Freedom! Independent! Merdeka!
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
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