In addressing the condition of developmental delays or delayed development physiotherapy methods that can be used is the structure and neuro neuro method development treatment (NDT). After 6 therapies showed (1) There is no increase in developmental DDST, (2) there is an increase in muscle strength in the wrist of T1 obtained value T into X Therapy 4th, (3) There is an increased development of the sensory in therapy 4th , (4) there is an increasing development of reflex that is 2 reflex that should have been lost in the therapy-3, 3 reflex physiological appear to be (+) in the treatment of the 4th, and 2 reflex physiological appear though still ± therapy 4th and 5, (5) reduction of muscle spasms in the therapy-3, (6) There is no increase in functional ability, but the patient had no initiative to sit alone if given stimulation.
From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the intervention physiotherapy methods neuro structure and neuro-development treatment can help overcome the problems that arise in such DD can improve muscle tone and strength, increase sensory development, promote the development reflexes and reduce muscle spasms.
Keywords: Delay Development (DD), Neuro Structure, Neuro Development Treatment (NDT)
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