Hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai etimasi parameter logistik biner b terjemahan - Hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai etimasi parameter logistik biner b Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai

Hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai etimasi parameter logistik biner bivariat menggunakan metode maksimum likelihood, dimana fungsi log-natural likelihoodnya dimaksimumkan. Dengan menggunakan uji rasio likelihood didapatkan bahwa untuk variabel bebas harga tiket tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel respon Kapal ferry dan Speedboat. Hal ini ditunjukan oleh nilai hitung uji rasio (G) yaitu, -160,93 < tabel sebesar 7,815 dengan derajat bebas 3. Terjadi juga pada variabel bebas jumlah keberangkatan dengan nilai hitung uji rasio likelihood (G) yaitu -170,93 < tabel sebesar 7,815 dengan derajat bebas 3, sehingga dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa variabel bebas jumlah keberangkatan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel respon nilai kapal ferry dan speedboat. Untuk variabel bebas perjalan perbulan, nilai hitung uji rasio likelihood (G) yaitu -164,93 < tabel sebesar 7,815 dengan derajat bebas 3, sehingga diputuskan variabel bebas perjalan perbulan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai variabel respon kapal ferry dan speedboat. Sedangkan nilai hitung uji rasio likelihood (G) untuk variabel bebas waktu tempuh sebesar 15,493 > tabel sebesar 7,815, maka diputuskan bahwa variabel bebas waktu tempuh berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai variabel respon kapal ferry dan speedboat.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The results of the analysis of the data obtained the value of the etimasi parameter logistic binary bivariat use maximum likelihood method, where the function log-natural likelihoodnya dimaksimumkan. With the likelihood ratio test is obtained using that variable to non ticket prices do not affect response variables significantly to ferry and Speedboat. This is indicated by the value count ratio test (G), namely,-160.93 < table of 7.815 non degree 3. Happens also on non variable number of departure with the value of the likelihood ratio test count (G) IE-170.93 < table of 7.815 3 free by degrees, so it can be drawn the conclusion that the number of free variables departures do not affect response variables significantly to the value of the ferry and speedboat. For free monthly ride, variable value to calculate the likelihood ratio test (G) IE-164.93 < table of 7.815 3 free by degrees, so it was decided the way free monthly variables do not affect significantly to the value of the variable response ferry and speedboat. While the value of the likelihood ratio test count (G) for free travel time variable of 15.493 > table of 7.815, it was decided that the free variables takes effect significantly to the value of the variable response ferry and speedboat.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Results of data analysis obtained by value etimasi bivariate binary logistic parameters using maximum likelihood method, in which the function of the natural log-likelihoodnya maximized. By using the likelihood ratio test showed that for the independent variable ticket no significant effect on the response variable ferry and speedboat. This is indicated by the calculated value ratio test (G), ie, -160.93 <table amounted to 7.815 with a degree of freedom 3. There is also the independent variable number of departures by calculating the value of likelihood ratio test (G) is -170.93 <table of 7.815 with 3 degrees of freedom, so it can be concluded that the number of independent variables departure no significant effect on the response variable values ​​ferry and speedboat. Month journey to the independent variables, the calculated value likelihood ratio test (G) is -164.93 <table amounted to 7.815 with 3 degrees of freedom, so it was decided the course of a month of independent variables did not significantly affect the value of the response variable ferry and speedboat. While the value calculated likelihood ratio test (G) for the independent variable travel time amounted to 15.493> table of 7.815, it was decided that the independent variable travel time significantly influence the value of the response variable ferry and speedboat.
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