Language test preparation steps that need to be passed in the preparation of language tests in preparation for penyelenggaraanya. Respectively drafting the language test includes: 1. The determination of the purpose and content of language tests 2. Determination of the type and form 3. Writing test item 4. Stabilization of the test item 5. The final form test 1. Determination of the purpose and content of language tests Tests of language in teaching is generally held as an achievement test, main objective to be achieved are: - Determining the level of student mastery of the instructional materials that have been covered to a certain extent until the test was conducted, such as: types and sources of difficulty student learning, which is an objective diagnostic test, or test-grain bouts of weakness and is part of the test trials. Therefore, it can be said that the purpose of language tests conducted as part of the teaching is more focused on the measurement of learning outcomes. The learning result is reflected on the acquisition of scores of students who describe the level of mastery of the instructional materials that have been studied, as reflected in the points test. - Determination of the contents of language tests involves the determination of the ability to speak or components of the language, a language test was developed to measure the ability to listen, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore, the determination of the main content of these tests should not pose a difficult problem. the main content language tests should be compiled by a language teacher reflected on the teaching of the language that must be managed. Such as: reading, writing, grammar, and so on. Sometimes the content of the test which includes language teachers prepared a mix of different kinds of language skills. Therefore, the determination of the ability to speak appropriately in accordance with the type of ability who want such diukur.dengan achievement test that contents coverage can be easily traced back from goals and teaching materials. 2. Determination of the type and form of language tests factor- factors to be considered include: the number of test takers, more or less material to be covered, the time available for menyeelenggarakan test, the ability of teachers to develop the test, ease of implementation, ease of implementation and assessment correction and so on. Types and forms of language tests have advantages and disadvantages of each. The essay test is subjective, for example: has advantages in the form of a simple preparation method, grains of the test is usually in the form of questions or tasks that can easily be formulated, the number of test items slightly, about 10 pieces. It is no exaggeration when it is stated that a teacher can construct an essay test in a short time. the ease and simplicity of the preparation of an essay test is considered excess, the excess in the form of ease of preparation, work and extra effort longer and more concentrated mind to check the students' answers. Each student answers in the form of a phrase or description that should be read and judged one by one. Variations not only the rest of the answer lies in its content, but also on the way the preparation and the long answer. essay tests are easily prepared but difficult to be checked, while the objective test it easy diperisa but are difficult to compile, such as: checking the answers to the test objective, especially the form of multiple choice is very simple, the examination answer objective test in the form of matching similarities between the participants' answers with the answer key participants who have provided. The shape and the type of test that is appropriate for a purpose in certain circumstances, can only be determined on the basis of observation and study of a factor that has to do. By understanding the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, types and forms chosen for a test can be used to optimize the advantages and pressing shortcomings, the tendency to use different types and forms of objective tests to excess because of the assessment process easy, an attitude of practice less can be justified if it is not accompanied by efforts to select and prepare a grain test according to the procedure and requirements demanded. 3. Writing test items language On test item writing phase, this phase dimlai by determining the number of test items that need to be drawn up, which determination depends on the type and shape of the selected tests. the type and shape of the test determines the number of test items that need to be written, mainly due to the different way of doing the test by the participants. To menegrjakan various forms of objective tests such as the test match, test completes, the short answer tests, and especially the multiple-choice test, test takers do not need to write a complete answer in the form of a long sentence or phrase. With the enactment of the number of test items to be prepared in accordance with the type and shape of the tests used, beginning stages of writing the points test, writing test items that do not directly produce grains of good and appropriate tests, but tinged with various shortcomings and weaknesses. In writing bouts-item multiple choice test, it can be mentioned that in addition to a clear formulation needs to be cultivated need to be arranged so that the formulation of the answer choices are similar to one another, the similarities concerning the content, form and length formula correct answer choice. a clear formulation of the item, item writing tests as part of the preparation for the test can still be accompanied by several other businesses. with the same intent to clarify the tasks to be done, and reduce misunderstanding, the test set can be equipped with instructions on how to take tests, manual tests in the form of formulations are clear, concise, not excessive, and was written at the beginning, put the grain test. Will be more complete and clear also if in addition to the instructions given one or two examples of problems or questions with sample answers and a way to answer that is expected. 4. Stabilization of test items stabilization is in the form of concept tests reread it carefully and critically to find flaws and weaknesses. This simple way of course very limited effectiveness and can not be expected to provide significant information about the weaknesses and shortcomings of the test concept. Enterprises strengthening slightly better than a critical analysis by test developers themselves, in the form of critical reviews by fellow teachers, concept tests and test items written was submitted to a colleague with the request in order to conduct a study to it, sera notes and suggestions repair as necessary. of course the colleagues who asked his merits it should have expertise and field of study corresponding to the field of study of targeted tests, on the basis of and advice peers it can be cultivated stabilization of concept tests in various aspects such as the scope and content choices, composition and formulation of grains matter. Stabilization of the most complete and the most responsible for the development of tests and grains can be cultivated through a series of trials. Stabilization through a set of tests that need to be done especially in penembangan tests terstansdar broad range of use, and essential uses. 5. The final form of the test in the ultimate form, language tests that are ready to be used as a whole include manuscripts tests with a grain whose numbers are in accordance with the needs, and the contents and formulation of terkaji. With the appearance neat and clear, the test was tersajikan in the form of a script that comes with processing instructions are clear and concise, including long time to do, and the answer sheet corresponding answer key kebutuhan.tersedia to conduct an examination of test-takers work, either in the form of a list of numbers and letters of correct answers to the test objective, as well as a list of alternatives for the correct answer short answer tests, and guidelines for the assessment tests esay.catatan about how to process raw scores to obtain the final value, if it can be prepared as part of the whole preparation for the test language complete.
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