Bentara Budaya Bali Putar Film Gus DurDenpasar, Jia Xiang - Bentara Bu terjemahan - Bentara Budaya Bali Putar Film Gus DurDenpasar, Jia Xiang - Bentara Bu Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Bentara Budaya Bali Putar Film Gus

Bentara Budaya Bali Putar Film Gus Dur
Denpasar, Jia Xiang - Bentara Budaya Bali, lembaga kebudayaan nirlaba Kompas-Gramedia, bekerja sama dengan Udayana Science Club Universitas Udayana menggelar Sinema Bentara menyuguhkan seputar Dokumenter Indonesia dan Gus Dur, 20--21 Februari 2014.

"Kegiatan itu menyuguhkan tujuh film dokumenter dan dua film fiksi terpilih," kata Juwitta Lasut, staf Bentara Budaya Bali (BBB) yang menata kegiatan tersebut, di Denpasar, Rabu (19/2/14).

Tujuh film dokumenter dan dua film fiksi pendek yang akan disuguhkan, jelasnya, merupakan sebuah retrospektif kecil, untuk melihat Indonesia sebagai "rumah" dengan laju demokrasi yang kian dinamis.

Sejumlah judul film yang akan ditayangkan itu, di antaranya berjudul "Begini Lho, Ed!; High Noon in Jakarta", "Konjak Julio; Kubu Terakhir", "Wayang Kampung Sebelah", "Omasido Sekolah", "Indonesiaku di Tepi Batas", dan Kumpulan "Fiksi Pendek Indonesia vol".

Ditampilkan pula hasil Festival Film Solo "Begini Lho, Ed!" yang merupakan sebuah film dengan narasi lugas menceritakan peran Bung Karno dalam memediasi penggunaan ruang publik dan keterlibatan seniman secara kolektif.

Sedangkan film berjudul "High Noon in Jakarta" mengisahkan tentang sepak terjang Gus Dur (almarhum KH Abdurrahman Wahid) sebagai sosok yang teguh dan berani dalam menghadapi pergolakan politik, dan mengambil keputusan dalam pelanggaran hak asasi manusia di Timor Leste yang melibatkan militer Indonesia pada awal reformasi.

Tersirat secara metaforis dalam salah satu adegan sewaktu Gus Dur berolahraga dan jalan pagi di halaman Istana Negara dengan pengawal dan ajudannya, sembari bernyanyi lirih.

Dengan mengikuti perjalanan Gus Dur ke Asia dan Eropa, melalui film tersebut digambarkan situasi diplomasi menghadapi opini internasional terkait kasus Timor Timur.

Melalui film Omasido Sekola, Kubu Terakhir dan Konjak Julio menggambarkan upaya seseorang atau sekelompok masyarakat yang menyadari penting mendapatkan pengetahuan untuk melakukan perubahan nasib agar menjadi lebih baik. Film dokumenter berdurasi pendek, Wayang Kampung Sebelah, mencoba menghadirkan realitas-realitas sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat, dituturkan secara kocak, segar, ringan dengan muatan satire dan kritis.

Melalui program Sinema Bentara kali ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan kepada generasi muda agar senantiasa ingat akan sejarah negerinya sendiri, ujarnya lagi.[Ant/W5]
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]

Bali culture heralds the play movie
gus dur Denpasar, jia xiang - heralds bali culture, non-profit cultural institution compass-Scholastic, in collaboration with Udayana Udayana university science club held a herald cinema presents a documentary about Indonesia and gus dur, 20-21 February 2014 .

"activity that presents seven documentaries and two fiction films selected," said juwitta Lasut,bali culture heralds staff (bbb) who organize the event, in Denpasar, on Wednesday (02.19.14).

seven documentaries and two short fiction films that will be presented, he explained, is a small retrospective, to see Indonesia as " home "with the pace of democratic increasingly dynamic.

number of movie titles that will be shown, among them titled" so you know, ed!;high noon in jakarta "," julio konjac; camp last "," puppet village next door "," omasido school "," Indonesiaku on to the edge ", and a collection of 'short fiction vol Indonesia".

also displayed the results of a solo film festival " so you know, ed! "which is a movie with a straightforward narrative tells the Bung Karno's role in mediating the use of public space and the involvement of artists collectively.

whereas a movie called "high noon in jakarta" tells the story of gus dur lunge (the late Abdurrahman Wahid) as a highly strong and courageous in the face of political upheaval, and make decisions in human rights violations in East Timor involving Indonesian military at the beginning of the reform .

metaphorically implied in one scene when gus dur exercise and morning walk in the courtyard countries with bodyguards and aides, while singing softly.

gus dur following trip to asia and europe, the film depicted the situation through diplomacy face of international opinion regarding the case east timor.

through the film omasido at school,last stronghold and konjac julio describe the efforts of a person or group of people who realize the importance of getting the knowledge to make changes in order to become a better fate. short documentary film, puppets village next door, trying to bring social realities that occur in society, manifested in funny, fresh, light with a satirical and critical load.

through this time heralds the cinema program, is expected to provide insight to the younger generation to keep in mind the history of his own country, he added. [ant/w5]
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

Bentara Budaya Bali Swivel Film Gus Dur
Denpasar, Jia Xiang-Bentara Budaya Bali nonprofit cultural institutions, Kompas-Gramedia, in collaboration with Udayana University Science Club hosts a Documentary about the cinema of Indonesia presenting the Heralds and Wahid, 20-21 February-2014.

"activity it presents seven documentaries and fiction films selected two," said He Juwitta, staff Bentara Budaya Bali (BBB) which organize such activities, in Denpasar, on Wednesday (19/2/14).

Seven documentaries and two short fiction films will be presented, he explained, is a small retrospective, to see Indonesia as a "home" with the pace of democracy is increasingly dynamic.

a number of titles that will be screened the film, which is titled "here's why, Ed!; High Noon in Jakarta "," Konjac Julio; The last stronghold ", next to the village of the" puppet "," Omasido "," School for Indonesia at the edge of the limit ", and a collection of Short fiction," Indonesia vol ".

Displayed Gourmand Film Festival Solo" So why, Ed! "which is a straightforward narrative telling the movie with the role of Bung Karno in mediate the use of public space and the involvement of artists collectively

.While the film is titled "High Noon in Jakarta" tells the story of tommyimage Wahid (late KH Wahid) as the figure of the firm and courageous in the face of political upheaval, and to take decisions in human rights violations in East Timor involving Indonesia's military at the outset of the Reformation

.Implied metaphorically in one scene while Wahid and exercising in the morning in the courtyard of the Presidential Palace with guards and Commander, while singing softly.

by following Wahid's trip to Asia and Europe, the film portrayed the situation through diplomacy to face international opinion regarding the case of East Timor.

Omasido Milwaukee public through film, The last stronghold and Konjac Julio describes the efforts of a person or a group of people who realize it is important to get the knowledge to make changes in order to be a better fate. The duration of the short documentary Film, puppet Village next door, tried to bring the reality of social reality-occurred in the community, spoken in a hilarious, fresh, lightly with a cargo of satire and critical

.Through the course of this time, heralds the Cinema is expected to provide insight to the younger generation in order to always remember the history of his own, he said.[Ant/W5]
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