Legenda Mengenai ayam pelung Ayam pelung adalah plasma nuftah yang ber terjemahan - Legenda Mengenai ayam pelung Ayam pelung adalah plasma nuftah yang ber Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Legenda Mengenai ayam pelung Ayam p

Legenda Mengenai ayam pelung

Ayam pelung adalah plasma nuftah yang berasal dari Jawa Barat, tepatnya berasal dari daerah cianjur. Ayam pelung memiliki beberapa keunggulan diantaranya ayam jantan dewasa memiliki suara kokok yang panjang mengalun merdu, pertumbuhannya yang sangat cepat apabila dilakukan pemeliharaan secara intensif, bobot badan ayam pelung jantan bisa mencapai 4 - 8 Kg. Ayam betina dewasa setiap memasuki periode bertelur jumlah telur yang dihasilkan bisa mencapai 30 - 35 butir.

Sekitar tahun 1850 Ayam pelung pelung pertama dipelihara dan berhasil dikembang biakan pertama kali oleh seorang kyai yang bernama H. Djarkasih yang hidup sebagai petani. Ia dikenal dengan panggilan Mama Acih, ia tinggal di Desa Bunikasih, Kecamatan Warung Kondang, Cianjur Jawa Barat.

Sebenarnya penemuan ayam pelung oleh Mama Acih ini berdasarkan atas petunjuk mimpi. Didalam mimpi tersebut, ia bertemu dengan Eyang Surya Kencana. Dimana Eyang Suryakencana ini adalah Putra Sulung Bupati Cianjur yang pertama, yaitu Wiratanudatar I.

Dalam mimpi Mama Acih tersebut, Eyang Surya Kencana menyuruh Mama Acih untuk mengambil sepasang anak ayam yang disimpan dikebun belakang rumahnya. Keesokan harinya mimpi Mama Acih tersebut menjadi kenyataan, ketika Mama Acih sedang berada di belakang rumahnya, dia menemukan sepasang anak ayam tanpa induk dengan perawakan tinggi besar dan berbulu jarang (Torondol).

Setelah dipelihara oleh Mama Acih, ternyata sepasang anak ayam itu mempunyai beberapa kelebihan dibanding ayam lokal/kampung lainnya. Yaitu ayam jantan tersebut memiliki ukuran tubuh yang tinggi besar, dengan jengger berdiri tegak dan bergerigi nyata, serta memiliki suara kokok yang panjang dan berirama merdu mengalun indah.

Karena kelebihan dari ayam tersebut, banyak masyarakat yang menyenanginya terutama dari keindahan suaranya. Mereka menyebut ayam tersebut dengan nama AYAM PELUNG karena pada waktu berkokok terlihat lehernya melengkung (Melewung) ke bawah sampai paruhnya menempel ke tanah.

Dari sepasang Ayam Pelung milik Mama Acih tersebut, berkembanglah keturunannya menjadi ayam penyanyi dari Cianjur. Hingga sekarang ayam pelung masih tetap diminati oleh para penggemarnya di hampir seluruh wilayah Nusantara.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The legend About chicken pelung Chicken pelung is nuftah plasma originating from West Java, to be derived from the area of cianjur. Chicken pelung chicken has several advantages including adult males have a long heave to cross sound sonorous, very rapid growth when maintenance is done intensively, chicken pelung body weight of males can reach 4-8 Kg adult hens. each enters the number of egg-laying period generated can reach 30-40 grains.Around 1850 the first preserved pelung pelung Chicken and successfully developed culture first by a kyai named h. Djarkasih who live as farmers. He is known as Mama Acih, he lived in the village Bunikasih, district Flagship Stalls, Cianjur of West Java.Actually the invention of the chicken pelung by Mama Acih is based upon instructions of the dream. In the dream, she meets with Grandparents Surya Kencana. This is where Grandparents Suryakencana eldest son Regent Cianjur, i.e. Wiratanudatar I.In the dream, the Grandparents Acih Mama Surya Kencana told Mama Acih to take a pair of chicks that are stored behind his home dikebun. The next day the dream that became a reality Acih Mama, when Mama Acih was behind his house, he finds a pair of chicks without a parent with high stature large and hairy rarely (Torondol).After kept by Mama Acih, turned out to be a pair of chicks that have several advantages compared to other local chicken/free-range. IE has a cock the size of a body with high comb standing upright and real, and has a serrated voice to cross the long melodic and rhythmic traditional music is wonderful.Because of the excess of the chicken, the menyenanginya many people especially from the beauty of his voice. They call the chicken by the name of CHICKEN PELUNG because at the time crowing about his neck looks curved (Melewung) down until its beak stuck to the ground.From a pair of Chicken Pelung belonging to Mama Acih, evolved descendants became the singer of Cianjur. Up to now the chicken pelung is still sought after by his fans in almost all regions of the country.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Concerning legend pelung chicken is chicken pelung nuftah plasma originating from West Java, precisely from the area cianjur. Chicken pelung has several advantages including adult roosters crowing sound long has floated melodious, very rapid growth if carried out intensive maintenance, chicken body weight pelung males can reach 4-8 kg. Each adult hens entering egg laying periods resulting number could reach 30-35 grains. Around 1850 Chicken pelung pelung first domesticated maintained and managed first by a named H. Djarkasih clerics living as a farmer. He is known to call Mama Acih, he lived in the village Bunikasih, District Warung Kondang, Cianjur, West Java. In fact discovery by Mama Acih pelung chicken is based on the instructions of dreams. In the dream, he met with the grandparent Surya Kencana. This is where grandparents Suryakencana Firstborn first Regent of Cianjur, namely Wiratanudatar I. In the dream Acih Mama, Grandmother Surya Kencana told Mama Acih to take a pair of chickens kept in the garden behind his house. The next day Mama Acih dream became a reality, when Mama Acih was in the back of his house, he found a pair of chicks without a parent with high stature big and hairy rarely (Torondol). Having maintained by Mama Acih, turns a pair of chicks that have several advantages than local chicken / other villages. Namely rooster has a high body size large, with a serrated comb standing upright and real, as well as having long crowing sound melodious and rhythmic playing beautifully. Because of the advantages of the chicken, a lot of people who enjoy it, especially from the beauty of her voice. They called chicken by name because at the time pelung cock crowed visible neck curved (Melewung) down until the beak attached to the ground. From a pair of Mama's Chicken Pelung Acih, grew offspring become chicken singer of Cianjur. Until now chicken pelung still in demand by fans in almost all parts of the archipelago.

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