ABSTRACTSub small hill is one of the bases of Earth and building tax receipt in Palembang that AIDS in the process of pemungutannya by the districts. The implementation of the tax revenue of the Earth and a building in the small hill portion has been able to contribute but not yet fully effective. This research aims to know the effectiveness of Tax collection Earth and buildings in the small hill town of Palembang. Approach this research using Qualitative approach, the kind of this research is descriptive research. The focus of the research is to use the concept of the Martani and Lubis consisting of 3 approaches the effectiveness of that Approach consists of sources, Approaches the process and approach to the target. Informants in this study was the Head of a small hill, head of Seketaris, the head of UNIT Dispenda, head of the Government and some residents in the small hill Palembang. The results showed, the component Source Approach and Process approach is already effective, and Objective Approach has not been effective. As for things that become a barrier faced by, among others, less obedient and lack of awareness of tax payers paying in taxes and less giatnya apparatus in doing billing and lack of strict sanctions against tax wajin disobedient.Recommendations from this research results among other tax collectors increase the motivation of the Earth and buildings and also perform socialization to taxpayers about the importance of paying taxes to achieve the development goals of the region.Key words: effectiveness, the poll Tax, Earth and buildings, the source Approach, the approach of the process, the approach to the target.
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