The Government Must Care about Corruption nowadays, corruption is very common to happen. Corruption is happen in many fields in Indonesia, such as in education, health, sports, politics, government, etc. Well, corruption in Indonesia is the hottest topic for our country. We see, every news program, at least once, Showed some news about corruption. But, what is corruption? In economic aspects corruption is the misuse of public office for private gain. Some people think that the government do not care about it. Do you think so? Well, in our opinion our government actually care about corruption in Indonesia but until now corruption in Indonesia is still rooted. We know that corruption is a serious problem that must be solve quickly intervening. Because corruption brings many disadvantages. So, what are disadvantages of corruption? First, corruption Also hurts the poor indirectly Because corruption is an impediment to economic growth, Reinforces inequality, and Distorts public expenditure allocation. Second, corruption Affects society as a whole it is the poor who suffer from it , Corruption eats into an already tight budget and extra expenditures mean cuts in other areas of basic needs, moreover, the effects of corruption are not Merely financial. They may Also be profoundly economic, moral, and social. So, what is the government doing to handle corruption? The government of Indonesia makes Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK / KPK). It is a government agency established to fight corruption. The KPK vision is to eradicate corruption from Indonesian. But, what can we do? Corruption will not stop UNLESS we choose to stop it. That's way, we must care and Prevent opportunity of corruption to happen and do not do it. We can also encourage our government to changes the current system and to create laws for corruptor firm, quickly intervening inform the Commission if we know or see corruption happen, we can also join campaigns to fight corruption and to build good governance around the world. And we have to Prevent to younger generations from bad mentality. So, LET'S STOP TO SAVE INDONESIA Corruption Corruption FROM FREE!
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