Hari Jumat, tangal 21 Agustus 2015, aku mencalonkan diri sebagai ketua terjemahan - Hari Jumat, tangal 21 Agustus 2015, aku mencalonkan diri sebagai ketua Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Hari Jumat, tangal 21 Agustus 2015,

Hari Jumat, tangal 21 Agustus 2015, aku mencalonkan diri sebagai ketua osis di sekolahku. Berkat dukungan dari teman-teman kelas, aku dipercayakan sebagai perwakilan kelas, kelas XI ipa 5, sebagai calon ketua osis. Hari itu aku di seleksi sebagai calon ketua osis dengan cara di wawancara bersama teman-teman calon ketua osis lainnya, ada 7 orang. Wawancara itu berlangsung secara menegangkan, karena yang mewawancarainya adalah guru kesiswaan.
Setelah 3 jam di wawancara dan sehubung hari itu hari Jumat, akhirnya aku dan yang lainnya solat jumat berjamaah. Selesai ibadah sholat jumat dan sambil menunggu hasil siapa saja yang pantas menjadi ketua osis dari 7 orang itu.
Yang ditunggu-tunggu akhirnya datang, pengumuman calon ketua osis. Suasana hati menjadi lebih tegang dari saat di wawancara. Saat mendengar pengumuman dibacakan oleh ketua MPK, Setyo, aku membuang ekspresi wajah yang tegang menjadi berwajah penuh percaya diri. Dengan diucapkan secara perlahan dan dengan penuh penasaran Kak Setyo mengucapkan: “Calon ketua osis… yang pertama… Bayu Dwi Brilianto…”. Saat mendengar nama aku disebut, perasaanku antara senang dan tegang bercampur aduk. Dari 7 oang yang mengikuti seleksi calon ketua osis, hanya 3 orang terpilih, yaitu Aku, Joko, dan Nesya. Kedua orang itu adalah temanku.
Keesokan harinya, tanggal 22 Agustus, ketiga orang yang terpilih menjadi calon ketua osis akan melaksanakan debat, debat terbuka di lapang basket, yang ditonton oleh semua kelas. Kalau tegang sih pasti, tetapi dari debat ini aku yakin aku, Joko, dan Nesya sama-sama memiliki satu tujuan, yaitu memajukan sekolah tercinta, SMAN 3 Subang. Debat berlangsung dengan sangat menegangkan, karena hampir semua siswa-siswa menonton. Selama 2 jam debat, akhirnya selesai juga.
Saat hari senin, tanggal 24 Agustus, sesudah upacara bendera, Aku, Joko, dan Nesya kembali berbicara di depan warga SMAN 3 Subang. Dari tiga calon ketua osis ini siswa-siswi boleh berkampanye dan mendukung ketua osisnya yang baru nanti, alhasil lapangan ramai. Saat dari kita bertiga selesai berpidato semua siswa mengahmpiri tempat pencblosan dan memilih salah satu dari kita bertiga untuk menjadi ketua osis.
Beberapa jam kita bertiga menunggu para siswa untuk mencoblos, akhirnya selesai juga. Sekarang tinggal penghitungan. Hasil penghitungan dibacakan, Joko yang menjadi ketua osis, aku menjadi wakil ketua osis I, dan Nesya menjadi wakil ketua osis II.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
On Friday, August 21, 2015, I ran as Chairman of the student body at my school. Thanks to the support of friends of class, I was entrusted as the representation class, class XI ipa 5, as a candidate for the Chair of the student body. That day I was in the selection as a candidate for the Chair of the student by the way in interviews with friends of other prospective Chairman of osis, there were 7 people. That interview took place in a nerve-racking, because that interview her was teacher studentship.After 3 hours in interviews and due that day on Friday, I finally and more 30ru Friday congregation. Finished Friday prayers and worship while waiting for the results of anyone who deserves to be the Chairman of the student body from 7. The eagerly awaited announcement finally came, the prospective Chairman of osis. The mood becomes more strained from the moment in an interview. When hearing the announcement by the Chairman of MPK, Rajendra, I discard the strained facial expressions become faceless aplomb. With its pronounced vertically and with full of curious Kak Rajendra uttered: "Prospective Chairman of the student body ... the first ... Bayu Dwi Brilianto ... ". When hearing the name I called, my feelings between excited and tense mixed stir. Of the 7 leaders who followed the selection of prospective Chairman of osis, only 3 people voted, i.e. I, Joko, Nesya and. The two men is my friend. The next day, on August 22, the third person elected as a candidate of the Chairman of the student will carry out the debate, the debate opens in the airy basketball, which was watched by all classes. If tense the hell for sure, but from this debate I'm sure I, Joko, Nesya and both have one purpose, namely, to advance the beloved school, SMAN 3 Earrings. The debate took place with very stressful, because almost all the students watching. During the two-hour debate, finally finished also. As day Monday, on 24 August, after the flag ceremony, I, Joko, Nesya back and talking in front of the citizens of SMAN 3 Earrings. Of the three candidates of the Chairman this should students osis campaigned and supported the Chairman of the new osisnya later, consequently the field was crowded. When the three of us finished addressing all students mengahmpiri pencblosan places and choose one of the three of us to become Chairman of osis. The three of us few hours waiting for the students to cast, finally finished also. Now living calculations. The results of the tally was read, Joko who became Chairman of the student body, I became Deputy Chairman of osis, and became Vice Chairman of Nesya osis II.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Friday, dated August 21, 2015, I ran for chairman of the student council at the school. Thanks to the support of classmates, I was entrusted as a class representative, class XI ipa 5, as a candidate for chairman of the student council. That day I was in the selection as a candidate for chairman of the student council in a way in interviews with friends of other candidates for chairman of the student council, there were 7 people. The interview took place in a tense, because it is the teacher who interviewed the student.
After 3 hours at interview and sehubung it was Friday, I and the other end Friday prayers in congregation. Finished Friday prayers and worship while awaiting the results of anyone who deserves to be chairman of the student council of seven people.
The long-awaited finally came, the announcement of candidates for chairman of the student council. The mood became more tense than when in the interview. When I heard the announcement was read by the chairman of MPK, Setyo, I throw a tense facial expression into a face full of confidence. With spoken slowly and with great curiosity Kak Setyo say: "Prospective ... The first chairman of the student council ... Bayu Dwi Brilianto ...". When I heard my name called, I feel happy and tension between mixed. From 7 oang which follows the selection of candidates for chairman of the student council, only three people elected, that I, Ricardo, and Nesya. The second man was my friend.
The next day, August 22, the third person who was elected chairman of the student council candidates will carry out debates, open debate on the basketball field, which is watched by all classes. If tension still uncertain, but from this debate I am sure I, Joko, and Nesya both have one purpose, namely to promote the beloved school, SMAN 3 Subang. The debate took place with very stressful, because almost all of the students watching. During the two-hour debate, finally finished.
When Monday, August 24, after the flag ceremony, I, Joko, and Nesya back speaking citizens of SMAN 3 Subang. Of the three candidates for this student council chairman students may campaigning and support osisnya new chairman later, consequently crowded field. When the three of us finished his speech all students mengahmpiri pencblosan place and choose one of the three of us to be the chairman of the student council.
A few hours the three of us waiting for the students to vote, finally finished. Now living calculation. Count results read out, Joko who became chairman of the student council, I became vice chairman osis I, and became vice chairman osis Nesya II.

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