Kualifikasi sekretaris
Kualifikasi sekrtaris dapat diartikan sebagai hal-hal yang dipersyaratkan baik secara akademis dan teknis untuk memenuhi kriteria yang dicari perusahaan

Kebutuhan Sekretaris dalam Bisnis
Sekretaris adalah pekerja professional, sekretaris berhubungan rapat dengan karyawan, mengawasi pekerja personil lainnya, dan bertanggung jawab terhadap banyak pekerjaan administrative yang penting.
Ada bermacam-macam sekretaris, seperti personal secretary, private secretary, business secretary, dan executive secretary. Personal secretary diperlukan untuk melakukan pekerjaan dirumah seperti businessmen yang sudah pension, actor dan penulis. The private secretary diperlukan sebagai pembantu eksekutif dalam perusahaan besar untuk mengelola koresponden dan mengawasi pekerjaan administrative.
Pekerjaan secretary antara lain, mencatat pesan-pesan eksekutif, mengedit, mengawasi pegawai, urusan korespondensi, kearsipan, tugas-tugas sosial, menerima telepon, sebagai resepsionis, dan berbagai pekerjaan administratif lainnya.

Pentingnya sekertaris dalam dunia bisnis
Sekretaris memegang peranan yang penting dan dapat menentukan berhasil tidaknya tujuan perusahaan atau sebuah kantor. Pentingnya peranan seorang sekretaris ini tentunya sesuai dengan jabatan sekretaris pada masing-masing organisasi atau kantor. Peranan sekretaris secara umum dapat diketahui sebagai berikut
· Peranan sekretaris terhadap atasan
Berkaitan dengan peranan sekretaris terhadap atasan, dapat dikategorikan ke dalam beberapa hal sebagai berikut:
1. Sebagai perantara saluran komunikasi dan pembinaan hubungan yang baik bagi orang yang ingin berhubungan dengan pimpinan atau atasan.
2. Sebagai sumber informasi yang diperlukan pimpinan atau atasan dalam memenuhi fungsi, tugas dan tanggung jawab.
3. Sebagai penyambung keinginan pimpinan kepada bawahan dalam pelaksanaan tugas.
4. Alternatif pemikiran dari pimpinan dalam ide-ide
5. Sebagai faktor penunjang dalam keberhasilan pekerjaan dan cerminan pimpinan dan bawahan.

· Peranan sekretaris terhadap bawahan
Selain peranan sekretaris terhadap atasan, tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa sekretaris juga memiliki peranan yang tak kalah penting terhadap bawahan. Hal tersebut dapat dikategorikan sebagai berikut:
1. Sekretaris berperan dalam penentuan kebijakan yang berlaku bagi pegawai bawahan secara adil, yaitu mengenai peraturan penempatan pegawai sesuai dengan kecakapan dan kemmapuan pegawai tersebut.
2. Memberikan motivasi kerja kepada pegawai bawahan sehingga pekerjaan dapat berjalan lancar dan berhasil dengan baik.
3. Memberikan rasa bangga dan puas kepada pegawai bawahan dalam menjalankan pekerjaan.
4. Menerima pendapat dan usul bawahan dalam berbagai masalah.
5. Mengadakan pendekatan kepada pegawai bawahan untuk lebih mengetahui dan memahami kehendak pegawai bawahan.

Peranan sekretaris terhadap bawahan merupakan penilaian dari bawahan sehingga sikap dan tingkah laku sekretaris akan berpengaruh terhadap pekerjaan pegawai bawahan. Bagi sekretaris yang ramah dan komunikatif akan memberikan suasana hubuungan kerja yang baik bagi bawahan sehingga segala permasalahan dapat didiskusikan dan dicari cara penyelesaiannya.
Berkaitan dengan peranan sekretaris dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsi jabatannya, hal yang sangat penting adalah mengenai pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan oleh seorang sekretaris. Beberapa cara seorang sekretaris dalam mengadakan pendekatan kepada pegawai bawahan, yaitu
1. Memberi perintah atau instruksi kepada bawahan secara resmi, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis.
2. Mengadakan rapat atau pertemuan secara bersama-sama pada suatu waktu tertentu dengan pegawai bawahan.
3. Mengadakan pengawasan secara langsung pada saat-saat tertentu kepada pegawai bawahan yang sedang melaksanakan tugasnya, yaitu pengawasan yang bersifat positif. Bila terjadi kesalahan diberi petunjuk dan pembinaan.
4. Mengadakan hubungan yang bersifat informal terhadap pegawai bawahan agar mendapat dukungan moril dalam pelaksanaan perkejaannya.
Peranan sekretaris dalam melakukan pendekatan terhadap bawahan sangat penting. Peranan sekretaris terhadap bawahan ataupun yang lainnya biasanya dikenal dengan istilah hubungan antar manusia atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah ”human relations”.
Human relation memiliki peranan yang penting dalam memecahkan berbagai masalah yang menyangkut faktor manusia dalam organisasi. Benturan psikologis dan konflik antara kepentingan pribadi dengan kepentingan organisasi sering terjadi, bukan saja antara pimpinan dengan karyawan, tetapi juga antara karyawan dengan karyawan, yang dapat mengganggu kelancaran organisasi dalam mencapai tujuan.
Kualifikasi Sekretaris dalam bisnis
1. Pengetahuan
a. Mempunyai pengetahuan yang luas
b. Memahami seluk beluk tentang organisasi, misi , fungsi dan tugas pokok organisasi
c. Mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan yang relevan dengan bidang tugasnya
d. Memiliki pengatahuan tentang tata naskah , kearsipan dan peralatan perkantoran
e. Mempunyai pengetahuan yang baik tentang bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa asing
2. Keterampilan
a. Mampu menyusun laporan
b. Mampu berkorespondensi
c. Mampu menggunakan bahasa indonesia dan bahasa asing
d. Manpu menggunakan teknologi perkantoran
3. Kepribadian
a. Memiliki kepribadian yang menarik dan baik
b. Loyalitas dan dedikasi yang tinggi
c. Ketekunan, ketelitian, kerapian, kejelian, kejujuran,
keterbukaan, kesabaran, keramahtamahan serta tanggung jawab
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
QUALIFICATIONS AND THE NEEDS OF THE SECRETARY IN THE BUSINESSQualifications of SecretarySekrtaris qualifications can be defined as things that required both academically and technically to meet the criteria of the search companyThe Secretary needs in businessThe Secretary is the professional workers, the Secretary closely associated with employees, oversees the workers of other personnel, and is responsible for many important administrative work.There is an assortment of the Secretary, such as personal secretary, private secretary, business secretary, and the executive secretary. Personal secretary is required to do the work at home as an already businessmen raised pension, actor and writer. The private secretary is required to aid executives in large companies to manage and supervise the work of the administrative correspondents.The job of secretary, among others, noted Executive messages, edit, monitor employees, correspondence, archival Affairs, social tasks, receive phone, receptionist, and various other administrative jobs.The importance of the Secretary in the business worldThe Secretary holds an important role and can determine whether the purpose of the company is successful or an Office. The importance of the role of a Secretary is certainly in accordance with the Office of the Secretary on the respective organization or Office. The role of the Secretary is generally known as the following:· The role of the Secretary-General against the bossWith regard to the role of Secretary against the boss, can be categorized into a few things as follows:1. As an intermediary channel communication and coaching relationship is good for people who want to get in touch with the leaders or superiors.2. As a source of information required the leadership or superiors in fulfilling the functions, duties and responsibilities.3. as people voice the desire to subordinate leadership in the implementation of the task.4. An alternative to the thinking of the leadership in ideas5. As the supporting factors in the success of the work and a reflection of the leadership and subordinate.· The role of Secretary against subordinatesIn addition to the role of Secretary against superiors, could not be denied that the Secretary also has a role that is not less important against subordinates. It can be categorized as follows:1. Secretary to play a role in determining the policy which applies to employees of the subordinates in a fair manner, namely regarding the rules of placement of an employee in accordance with proficiency and kemmapuan employees.2. to provide the working motivation to subordinate employees so that the job can go smoothly and nicely.3. Give a sense of the proud and satisfied to subordinate officers in carrying out the work.4. Accept the opinion and suggestion of subordinates in a variety of problems.5. Hold the approach to employees subordinate to better know and understand the will of the subordinate officers. The role of the Secretary-General towards subordinates is the assessment of subordinates so that the attitude and behaviour of the Secretary will affect the work of subordinate employees. For friendly and communicative Secretaries will give hubuungan a good working atmosphere for the subordinate so that any problems can be discussed and sought ways of solution.With regard to the role of the Secretary-General in carrying out the duties and functions of his Office, the very important thing is about the approach that can be performed by a Secretary. Some of the ways a Secretary in a staged approach to subordinate employees, i.e.1. Give orders or instructions to a subordinate formally, either oral or written.2. Hold meetings or meetings simultaneously at any given time with subordinate employees.3. Hold oversight directly at certain times to subordinate officers who are doing their job, i.e. the oversight that is positive. When an error is encountered are given instructions and coaching.4. Hold informal relations against a subordinate officer in order for moral support in the implementation of perkejaannya.The role of the Secretary-General in conducting the approach towards subordinates is vital. The role of Secretary against a subordinate or more commonly known by the term human relationships or better known as the "human relations".Human relation has an important role in solving the various problems relating to the human factor in the organization. The collision of psychological conflict between personal interests and the interests of the organization often happen, not only between the leadership with employees, but also among employees with employees, which can interfere with the smooth running of the Organization in achieving the objectives.Secretary qualification in business1. knowledgea. has extensive knowledgeb. Understand the ins and outs about the Organization, its mission, functions and basic tasks of the Organizationc. have the science that is relevant to the field of dutyd. have a pengatahuan about the grammar of the manuscript, archives and office equipmente. Have a good knowledge of the language of Indonesia and foreign languages2. Skillsa. capable of compiling reportsb. able to correspondc. able to use English and foreign languagesd. Manpu Office technology3. Personalitya. Have an interesting personality and goodb. the loyalty and dedicationc. persistence, thoroughness, neatness, sharp, honesty,openness, patience, hospitality as well as the responsibility of the
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
QUALIFICATIONS AND NEEDS SECRETARY IN BUSINESS Qualification secretary Qualification sekrtaris can be defined as things that are required both academically and technically to meet the search criteria companies need for the Secretary of the Business Secretary are professional workers, secretaries close contact with employees, supervising workers other personnel, and responsible for many important administrative work. There are various secretaries, such as personal secretary, private secretary, business secretary, and executive secretary. Personal secretary needed to do the job at home as businessmen who are already retired, actor and author. The private secretary is required as an auxiliary executive in a large company to manage correspondence and oversee the work of the administrative. Work secretary, among others, recorded messages of executives, edit, supervise employees, business correspondence, archives, social tasks, take calls, as receptionists, and various other administrative jobs. The importance of the secretary in the business world Secretary play an important role and can determine the success of the company's goal or an office. The importance of the role of a secretary is certainly in accordance with the position of the secretary of each organization or office. The role of the secretary general can be seen as follows · The role of secretary to the boss With regard to the role of secretary to the boss, can be categorized into some of the following: 1. As intermediary channels of communication and building relationships that are good for people who want to be associated with the leader or supervisor. 2. As the necessary resources or superior leadership in fulfilling the functions, duties and responsibilities. 3. As the connective desire to subordinate leaders in the implementation of tasks. 4. Alternative thinking of the leadership in ideas 5. As an additional factor in the success of the work and reflection of leaders and subordinates. · The role of secretary to subordinates addition to the role of secretary to the boss, there is no doubt that the secretary also has a role that is no less important to subordinates. It can be categorized as follows: 1. Secretary role in determining the policies that apply to subordinate employees in a fair, namely the deployment of staff in accordance with the rules and skills of the employees upon ability. 2. Provide employment to employee motivation subordinates so that the work can go smoothly and successful. 3. Gives a sense of pride and satisfaction to the subordinate employee in performing the work. 4. Receive the opinions and suggestions of subordinates in various problems. 5. Approached the subordinate employees to better know and understand the will of subordinate employees. The role of secretary of the subordinate is an assessment of subordinates so that the attitude and behavior of the secretary will affect the work of subordinate employees. For secretary friendly and communicative will provide an atmosphere hubuungan good work to subordinates so that all the problems can be discussed and sought a way to resolve. In relation to the role of secretary in performing the duties and functions of his post, a very important thing is the approach which can be done by a secretary. Some of the ways a secretary in an approach to the subordinate employee, namely 1. Give orders or instructions to a subordinate official, either orally or in writing. 2. Hold meetings or gathering together at a certain time with a subordinate employee. 3. Hold direct supervision at certain moments to subordinate employees who are performing their duties, namely monitoring are positive. When mistakes occur given instructions and guidance. 4. Hold informal relationship to subordinate employees in order to get moral support in the execution of perkejaannya. The role of secretary in the approach towards subordinates is crucial. The role of secretary of the subordinates or the other usually known as human relations, or better known by the term "human relations". Human relations have an important role in solving a variety of problems related to the human factor in the organization. Psychological clash and conflict between personal interests with the common interests of the organization, not just between leaders and employees, but also between employees and employees, which can disrupt the smooth running of the organization in achieving its objectives. Qualifications Secretary in the business 1. Knowledge a. Having a broad knowledge b. Understanding the ins and outs of the organization, mission, function and organization of the main tasks c. Have knowledge relevant to their respective sectors d. Pengatahuan have about grammar manuscript, archives and office equipment e. Having a good knowledge of Indonesian and foreign language 2. Skills a. Ability to prepare reports b. Capable corresponded c. Being able to use Indonesian and foreign language d. Manpu use office technology 3. Personality a. Has an engaging personality and good b. Loyalty and dedication c. Perseverance, accuracy, neatness, carefulness, honesty, openness, patience, hospitality and responsibility

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