hutan Indonesia menjadi salah satu paru-paru dunia yang sangat penting terjemahan - hutan Indonesia menjadi salah satu paru-paru dunia yang sangat penting Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

hutan Indonesia menjadi salah satu

hutan Indonesia menjadi salah satu paru-paru dunia yang sangat penting peranannya bagi kehidupan isi bumi. Selain dari luasan, hutan Indonesia juga menyimpan kekayaan hayati. Berbagai flora dan fauna endemik hadir di hutan Indonesia menjadi kekayaan Indonesia dan dunia Namun sayangnya, saat ini sering terjadi kebakaran hutan di wilayah Indonesia. Menurut data statistik, kebakaran hutan di Indonesia sebanyak 90 % disebabkan oleh manusian dan selebihnya adalah kehendak alam.

Kebakaran hutan, kebakaran vegetasi, atau kebakaran semak, adalah sebuah kebakaran yang terjadi di alam liar, tetapi juga dapat memusnahkan rumah-rumah dan lahan pertanian disekitarnya. Penyebab umum termasuk petir, kecerobohan manusia, dan pembakaran. Musim kemarau dan pencegahan kebakaran hutan kecil adalah penyebab utama kebakaran hutan besar.

Kebakaran hutan dalam bahasa Inggris berarti “api liar” yang berasal dari sebuah sinonim dari Api Yunani, sebuah bahan seperti napalm yang digunakan di Eropa Pertengahan sebagai senjata maritime. Secara menyeluruh dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kebakaran hutan di Indonesia adalah peristiwa dimana hutan yang digolongkan sebagai ekologi alamiah mengalami perubahan bentuk yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas pembakaran secara besar-besaran.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
forests of Indonesia into one of the world's lungs are a very important role for life fill the Earth. In addition, the forest area of Indonesia also stores a wealth of biodiversity. A wide range of endemic flora and fauna present in the forests of Indonesia into the wealth of Indonesia and the world But unfortunately, this is often the case when a forest fire in the region of Indonesia. According to statistical data, the forest fires in Indonesia as much as 90% caused by man and the rest is the will of nature.Vegetation fires, forest fires, or fires, is a Bush fire that occurs in the wild, but can also destroy the houses and surrounding farmland. Common causes include lightning, human carelessness, and burning. A drought and the prevention of forest fires are the main cause of large forest fires.Forest fires in the United Kingdom language means "wild fire" which comes from a synonym of Greece, a Fire of materials such as napalm used in Europe mid-maritime as a weapon. Overall it can be concluded that the forest fires in Indonesia is the event where the forest is classified as a natural ecological changes caused by the shape of the combustion activity in a big way.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Indonesian forests became one of the lungs of the world that are important for the life of earth fill. Apart from the area, Indonesia's forests also store biological wealth. A variety of endemic flora and fauna present in the forest and the wealth of Indonesia Indonesia became the world but unfortunately, today often fires in Indonesia. According to statistical data, forest fires in Indonesia as much as 90% due to manusian and the rest is the will of nature.

Forest fire, vegetation fire, or burning bush, a fire that occurred in the wild, but also can destroy homes and farms surrounding , Common causes include lightning, human carelessness and arson. Drought and forest fire prevention small is a major cause of forest fires is great.

Wildfires in English means "wild fire" coming from a synonym of Greek Fire, a material such as napalm used in Medieval Europe as a maritime weapons. Overall it can be concluded that the forest fires in Indonesia is an event where the forest is classified as a natural ecological changes caused by the shape of the combustion activity on a large scale.
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