The original name of Prince Diponegoro was Raden Mas Ontowiryo. He belonged to the lineage lane III. When the sultan wanted made him king, he refused and chose to leave the palace. This is due, he was not entitled as the son of a concubine, not the empress. Diponegoro is also more interested in religious life and populist thus prefer to stay in Tegalrejo, the residence of her great-grandmother, Queen Ageng Tegalrejo, consort of HB I. Moreover, Diponegoro also do not like to intervene the Netherlands is too great in the palace. The highlight of anger Diponegoro appears when the Netherlands was about to displace the tomb of his ancestors to make way. Dutch attitudes are arbitrarily without respecting the culture and traditions of the local people, plus the application of high taxes on people making Diponegoro rise up in arms. The war was then known as the Java War. The war began on June 20, 1825 and lasted for five years was recorded as one of the toughest wars facing the Netherlands. Place / Date. Born: Yogyakarta, 11 November 1785 Place / Date. Died: Napier, January 8, 1855 Presidential Decree: Decree No. 087 / TK / 1973, date. 6 November 1973 Title: National Hero When Tegalrejo successfully mastered the Netherlands, Prince Diponegoro guerrilla struggle. By living move to move, the Netherlands have difficulty capturing Diponegoro. The Dutch Fort Stelsel tactics to restrict the movement of Diponegoro. To catch him, the Dutch set a trap by inviting negotiate Diponegoro in Magelang. On March 28, 1830, Diponegoro arrested and exiled to Manado, then moved to Napier. On January 8, 1855, Diponegoro died at Fort Rotterdam, Makassar
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