Iberamsyah Barbary, Lahir di Kandangan-Kalimantan Selatan, 66 tahun ya terjemahan - Iberamsyah Barbary, Lahir di Kandangan-Kalimantan Selatan, 66 tahun ya Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Iberamsyah Barbary, Lahir di Kandan

Iberamsyah Barbary, Lahir di Kandangan-Kalimantan Selatan, 66 tahun yang lalu. Langkah perjalanan hidup dan karir sangatlah berliku ibarat sungai Barito dengan pasang surutnya sesuatu hal yang biasa, namun beban banjir menghanyutkan segala batang rebah dan sampah, hulu ke hilir, menyesakan denyut kejernihan menuju muara laut lepas.

Tapi itu adalah hikmah, menuju birunya laut untuk bertarung menjadi gelombang mengenal badai dan karang, seterusnya mengalir sebagai airnya sungai. Hidup sebagaimana air memaknai sungai, menjadi mengalir memberi rupa dalam warna jernih maupun keruh. penampakan yang terikat dengan hukum alam sebab dan akibat, lalu memberi bentuk dan sebutan untuk sebuah yang bernama kehidupan. Wujud mahkluk yang diam maupun bergerak saling mengisi, pengaruh mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Terus berputar dan rotasi menuju perubahan pada alur takdirnya, begitulah perjalanan hidup.

Di senja hari yang sudah bias menguning temeram, matahari tampak luruh hampir menyentuh tepi langit yang diam, menanti pergantian waktu, segala kicau dan riuh perlahan tapi pasti, berganti rupa dengan rahasia gelapnya malam. jauh di tengadah langit malam, hanya bintang berbisik dengan kerlipnya "kamilah denyut malam dengan segala rahasia, segala perjalanan cinta."

Ketika sang waktu disaat menanjaknya sang matahari, pernah mengukir bakti sebagai PNS/ Guru, kemudian awan dan deru angin merubah cuaca, untuk beralih menjadi pegawai BUMN/ PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya hingga pensiun sebagai Regional Manager. Pada tahun 2008 pulang kampung, menetap di Banjarbaru Kalmantan Selatan. Bermanja menganyam keindahan Ayat-ayat Tuhan, di rumbaian kata dan tulisan di tabir langit senja, untuk selembar sejadah cinta.

Pada tahun 2012, meluncurkan Antologi Puisi Serumpun Ayat-ayat Tuhan dan Asmaul Husna Membuka Jalan Menggenggam Cinta. Tahun 2013, meluncurkan Kitab Puisi Balahindang Sakumpul Sapalimbayan dalam bahasa Banjar-Indonesia-Banjar. Awal Tahun 2014, meluncurkan Antologi Cerpen Insya Allah Jalan Itu Ada, Imelda !

Aktif di Dewan Kesenian Banjarbaru juga sebagai Ketua Yayasan Kamar Sastra Nusantara. Pada Tahun 2012 menerima Anugerah Seni Bidang Sastra dari Gubernur Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dan pada tahun 2013 menerima Anugerah Astaprana dari Kesultanan Banjar.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Iberamsyah Barbary, born at Home-South Kalimantan, 66 years ago. Step in the journey of life and career is winding like the Barito River with the ebb and flow of things it is normal, but the burden of flood washed away all the garbage and fallen trunks, upstream to downstream, menyesakan pulse clarity towards the mouth of the sea.

but it is wisdom, towards the blue sea to fight a wave of know hurricanes and coral, so on the water as the river flows. Life as water flows into the rivers, we contemplate giving way in the colors clear or cloudy. the appearance that is bound by the natural law of cause and effect, then give shape and a named designation for life. Silent beings exist and co-exist, the influence of moving affect each other. Continue to spin and rotation to the changes in the flow of his destiny, that's life.

In the evening which is already yellowing temeram bias, the Sun seemed to fall almost touching the edge of the sky, waiting for the turn of time, all the chirping of waterbirds and slowly but surely, changed way with secret dark of night. deep in the night sky, just tengadah star kerlipnya whisper with "we pulse night with all the secrets, all the way to love."

When the time when menanjaknya the Sun, never carve bakti as PNS/teacher, then clouds and the roar of the wind changing the weather, to switch into employees of the STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES/PT. Jiwasraya insurance until he retired as Regional Manager. In 2008 the home village, settled in the place of Kalmantan South. Bermanja weaving the beauty of the verses of God, in rumbaian words and writings in a veil of twilight sky, for a sheet sejadah love.

in 2012, launching a Poetry Anthology verses God Clump and Asma al Husna pave the way of grasping love. By 2013, launching a book of Poetry Balahindang Sakumpul Sapalimbayan in Banjar language-Indonesia-Banjar. Beginning in 2014, a short story Anthology launches Insha Allah the way it exists, Imelda!

is active in the Arts Council of long beach as well as the Chairman of the Foundation's Literary Rooms archipelago. In 2012 to receive the grace of the art of Literature from South Kalimantan Governor in 2013 and receive the gift of the Astaprana Sultanate of Banjar.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Iberamsyah Barbary, Kandangan-Born in South Kalimantan, 66 years ago. Step journey of life and career is winding like the ebb and flow of the river Barito something unusual, but the burden of the flood took everything stems fall and litter, upstream to downstream, menyesakan pulse clarity towards the open sea estuary. , but it is wisdom, towards the blue sea to fight become familiar with storm waves and coral, so the water flows as a river. Interpret life as water river, flowing into giving such a clear or cloudy in color. sightings are bound by the natural laws of cause and effect, and give shape and named designation for a life. Being still or moving creatures co-exist, the effect of influencing one another. Continues to spin and rotation to the changes in the flow of destiny, that's the journey of life. At dusk that had yellowed temeram bias, the sun seemed almost to touch the edge of the whole sky is silent, waiting for the turn of the time, all the chirping and boisterous slowly but surely, changing appearance with dark secrets night. looked up at the night sky far, only Star with kerlipnya whispered "we were the pulse of the night with all the secrets, all the journey of love." When the time when the sun Emerging, once carved as a civil service / teacher, then the clouds and the wind change the weather, to switch become employees of SOEs / PT. BNI Life Insurance until retiring as a Regional Manager. In 2008 returned home, settled in South Kalmantan Banjarbaru. Spoiled beauty weaving verses of God, in rumbaian said and written in the twilight sky veil, for a piece sejadah love. In 2012, launched the Anthology of Poetry clump verses Beautiful Names of God and Hold Love Lead the Way. In 2013, launched the Book of Poetry Balahindang Sakumpul Sapalimbayan in-Indonesian-language Banjar Banjar. Beginning in 2014, launching a short story anthology Inshallah That Way There, Imelda! Banjarbaru Active in the Arts Council as well as Chairman of the Foundation Room Literature archipelago. In the year 2012 received the Arts Award from the Literary Field governor of South Kalimantan and in 2013 received the Award Astaprana of the Sultanate of Banjar.

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