Segera hadir. @TheRealyBeats akan membawakan lagu lagu the beatles pada tahun 1964-1970! Lokasi:Bsd square(serpong-tanggerang) , pukul:11.00-21.00, tanggal:30Agustus2014 Ditunggu kehadiran anda semua.
Coming soon. @TheRealyBeats will be a rendition of the beatles ' songs in 1964-1970! location: Bsd square (serpong-MIRI), 7: 11.00-21.00, date: 30Agustus2014 Awaited presence of you all.
Coming soon. TheRealyBeats Will sing the songs of the beatles in 1964-1970! Locations: Bsd square (serpong-Tangerang), at: 11:00 to 21:00, date: 30Agustus2014 Awaited presence of you all.