Kebetulan aku sedang sibuk menyiapkan berkas yang akan dibawa ke luar kota besok pagi. Jadi, sebelumnya, ada yang bisa aku bantu? Kalau begitu, datanglah ke rumahku sekarang,tetapi aku mau pipis dan aku akan siap dalam 30 menit.
Incidentally I was busy preparing the files that will be brought out of town tomorrow morning. So, earlier, can I help you? If so, come to my house right now, but I want to pee and I will be ready in 30 minutes.
Incidentally I was busy preparing a file to be taken out of town tomorrow morning. So, previously, there can I help you? If so, come to my house right now, but I had to pee and I'll be ready in 30 minutes.