I am very happy to read your reply email from (although your reply for a long time, so it makes me tertunggu dear ... I'm waiting for so long for you, so waiting for your reply made me mad. I also have to send a short message to your mobile phone number, but not reply at all until now. I just hope, give you a time of 30 seconds - 1 minute to reply to my emails or short messages. The most wonderful thing to receive a reply email / text message from you.
Regarding the news you are already healthy, I'm glad to hear . I still hope you stay healthy there.
I also wish to state my status to married does not undo your love, your feelings to me. I really hope you are not disappointed with my situation. Because honestly I felt I started to love you, care you and try not to hurt you and leave you even if the distance between us so far.
For the development of your business in Indonesia, immediately come in and we can survey how business opportunities you could run well in Indonesia.
For iPhone and laptop gift will you give to me, I am very grateful and I appreciate it. I really feel a dream to be able to get it.
Sandy dear, I really hope that you can give your time to 30 seconds / 1 minute to be able to reply to my emails or short messages. At least I can know the circumstances you every day. I was very miserable if waiting for a reply email you if it is too long. I hope you will understand this.
Sandy dear, for your invitation to Canada, perhaps sstelah your arrival to Indonesia just maybe I can do. At least I have an excuse to Canada to study comparative property issues. In addition, I had to collect money for the fare to Canada (need big cost for it). And honestly, my situation is not as rich as you imagine.
Sandy dear, with you in the bath together? Woooooww ... I can not imagine it. I hope that someday this is not a dream dear ... In the tub with all my fingers across your body ?? Bound to happen something terrible affection between the two of us. It must be so intimate and so hot love and desire. Then we cook and I'm holding you from behind ?? Oh My God, I hope the fact it happened.
Immediately you come to Indonesia dear, I was expecting you ...
Hugs and kisses on your lips .... muuuuuuuuuuuuuaacchhhh ... If you want to send prizes iPhones and laptops, this my address : RONALD SITORUS JL. NUSANTARA NO. 78 RT 01 / RW 03 KARANGTALUN Cilacap - 53 234 INDONESIA
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