Tabel 1 menunjukkan bahwa dari enam variabel
yang diteliti berdasarkan hasil analisis bivariat
ternyata empat variabel secara statistik bermakna
sebagai faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan
terjadinya diare akut pada balita, variabel-variabel
tersebut adalah: 1) risiko sarana air bersih, 2) total
coliform, 3) higiene perorangan, dan 4) perebusan
air minum. Dua variabel lainnya yaitu sarana
pembuangan tinja dan total E. coli secara statistik
tidak bermakna sebagai faktor risiko yang
berhubungan dengan terjadinya diare akut pada balita
di Kecamatan Umbulharjo dan Kotagede karena p > 0,05.
Analisis multivariat
Untuk mengetahui model terjadinya diare akut
pada balita maka dilakukan analisis multivariat.
Berdasarkan analisis bivariat, yang dapat masuk ke
analisis multivariat adalah yang memiliki nilai
p < 0,25.
Faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi kejadian
diare akut pada balita di Kecamatan Umbulharjo dan
Kotagede adalah risiko sarana air bersih dan higiene
perorangan seperti terlihat pada Tabel 2.
untuk mandi, mencuci, minum, memasak dan hanya
4,8% responden yang menggunakan air PDAM.
Berdasarkan uji statistik, ada hubungan yang
bermakna antara inspeksi sanitasi yang berisiko
tinggi dengan terjadinya diare akut pada balita.
Sarana air bersih yang berisiko tinggi yaitu sarana
dan bangunan fisik sumber air bersih yang tidak
memenuhi syarat kesehatan misalnya tidak ada
perlindungan dari pencemaran dari luar, berpeluang
menyebabkan diare akut pada balita sebesar 2,44
kali jika dibandingkan dengan sarana air bersih yang
berisiko rendah. Pada analisis multivariat risiko
sarana air bersih yang berisiko tinggi merupakan
salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya
diare akut pada balita.
Table 1 shows that out of six variablesthe bivariat analysis based on outcomes examinedIt turns out the four variables are statistically significantas the risk factors associated withthe occurrence of acute diarrhea in toddlers, variablesThese are: 1) the risk of water supply, 2) totalcoliform, individual hygiene), 3 and 4) boilingdrinking water. Two other variables which meansdisposal of feces and total e. coli are statisticallynot meaningful as a risk factorassociated with the onset of acute diarrhea in toddlersin district Operating and Kotagede as p > 0.05.Multivariate analysisTo find out the model of the occurrence of acute diarrheathe toddler then performed multivariate analysis.Based on the analysis of bivariat, that can go intoMultivariate analysis was rated< 0.25 p.The predominant factors that influence the incidence ofAcute diarrhea in toddlers in district Operating andThere is a risk of water supply and hygieneindividuals as shown in table shower, wash, drink, cooking and just4.8% of respondents who used the water TAPS.Based on statistical tests, there is a relationshipmeaningful between a risky sanitation inspectionwith the onset of acute diarrhea high in toddlers.Water supply a high risk that the meansthe physical buildings and clean source of water which is noteligible health for example noprotection from contamination from the outside, a chance tocauses of acute diarrhea in toddlers of 2.44times if compared to the water supplylow-risk. On Multivariate analysis of riskthe water supply is high riskone of the factors that affect the occurrence ofAcute diarrhea in toddlers.
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Table 1 shows that of the six variables
studied based on the results of the bivariate analysis
turned out to four variables is statistically significant
as risk factors associated with
the occurrence of acute diarrhea in infants, the variables
are: 1) the risk of water supply, 2) total
coliform, 3 ) personal hygiene, and 4) boiling
water. Two other variables that means
sludge removal and total E. coli statistically
not significant as the risk factors
associated with the occurrence of acute diarrhea in children under five
in Sub Umbulharjo and Kota Gede because p> 0.05.
multivariate analysis
to determine the model of acute diarrhea
in infants then multivariate analysis.
Based on bivariate analysis, which can be entered into
the multivariate analysis is that has a value of
p <0.25.
The dominant factor affecting the incidence of
acute diarrhea in children under five in Sub Umbulharjo and
Kota Gede is a risk of clean water and hygiene
individual as shown in Table 2.
for bathing, washing, drinking, cooking, and only
4.8% of respondents who use the water taps.
Based on statistical test, no relationship was
significant between sanitary inspection risk
with high incidence of acute diarrhea in infants.
Clean water at high risk are facilities
and physical building clean water sources that do not
meet health requirements eg no
protection from pollution from outside, potentially
causing acute diarrhea in infants of 2.44
times compared to the water supply
is low risk. In multivariate analysis the risk
of clean water at high risk is
one of the factors that influence the occurrence of
acute diarrhea in infants.
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