On this day, Monday Eighteen date of May in the Year Two Thousand Fifteen (18-05-2015), each of the undersigned: PT PEARL PANTILANG, as providers of Ready Mix Concrete material (SUPPLIER), located on Jl. Soekarno Hatta Km. 07 No. 75, Sangatta, Kab. East Kutai, in this case represented by CONTENT, ST as Director thus legitimate act for and on behalf of the companies mentioned above, hereinafter referred to as the FIRST PARTY. PT IOT EPC INDONESIA as the owner of the job (OWNER), based in President Park, Tanjung Bara, Sangatta, East Kutai, East Kalimantan, in this case represented by Djuzz MAHANTA such as the Project Manager with a legitimate act for and on behalf of the companies mentioned above, hereinafter referred to as the SECOND PARTY BACKGROUND: Letter of Offer Price Concrete Ready Mix, No: 044 /MP/Dir/R.Mix/V/2015, dated May 15, 2015 Negotiation and clarification, dated May 18, 2015 Furthermore, each side agreed to bind themselves in a labor agreement that contains provisions for the implementation of the work: Procurement / Delivery Ready Mix Concrete (Ready Mix) at the project site CBM 75000 DIESEL STORAGE AND RELATED FACILITIES PROJECT Sangatta, CAPE BARA, KUTAI EAST, EAST KALIMANTAN, based on the terms and conditions of this agreement, as follows: ARTICLE 1 SCOPE OF WORK BOTH PARTIES agree to buy materials Concrete Ready Mix of the FIRST and the FIRST PARTY agrees to sell and deliver Ready Mix Concrete material to the SECOND PARTY or to PARTY SUB.KONTRAKTOR appointed by the SECOND PARTY. SECOND PARTY will prepare working tools and manpower to extend concrete work location. ARTICLE 2 SPECIFICATIONS QUALITY CONCRETE FIRST PARTY agrees that the ready-mix concrete specifications which will be purchased by the SECOND PARTY is as follows: Ready Mix Quality fc '30 Mpa. (Slump 10 + 2 cm) ARTICLE 3 PHASE PREPARATION WORK SECOND PARTY will all support the need for Commissioning tool, Medical Check-Up Crew Field Operations and become a burden FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY, PARTY FIRST willing complete lack of completeness K3 and deemed necessary on the equipment FIRST PARTY, PARTY FIRST willing to comply with the requirements / rules applicable operational within the scope of the work area of the KPC. ARTICLE 4 TERMS OF WORK FIRST PARTY will supply material to SUB.KONTRAKTOR Ready Mix Concrete appointed by the SECOND PARTY Ready Mix Material prepared by the FIRST PARTY transported by truck mixer 5 or 7 cubic capacity, where the ticket / doket delivery addressed to the SECOND PARTY. SECOND PARTY will submit the schedule plan of casting at least 1 (one) day prior to the casting executed. The delivery schedule is delivered via email and directed to the FIRST PARTY. FIRST PARTY will deliver the service readiness-to-order (order) SECOND PARTY SECOND PARTY via email. Cancellation / delays can be delivered directly foundry 2 (two) hours before loading begins. If the execution, the FIRST PARTY has sent the material to the work site and concrete due to the negligence of the SECOND PARTY is not used, then it is the responsibility of the SECOND PARTY. If there is a difference of quantity / volume planning and realization of casting then each party will take measurements together and make agreements on realization volume which is marked with the Minutes of the Joint hospitalization. Receipt of materials at the job site by a Memorandum Proof of Delivery. ARTICLE 5 QUALITY CONTROL OF CONCRETE FIRST PARTY will prepare laboratory technicians to take the sample test specimen (sample) of concrete. The SECOND PARTY, agreed to carry out the test specimen by the method of compressive strength (compressive strenght test) in the Laboratory of the FIRST, SECOND PARTY determine if another spot testing (Independent Laboratory) the costs incurred will be borne by the SECOND PARTY. If the implementation of concrete sample does not meet the compressive strength of concrete plans then test another sample that can be implemented are, among others: test hammer and drill core. ARTICLE 6 UNIT PRICE, VOLUME AND VALUE CONTRACT material price according to the specifications agreed upon by both parties is as follows: Quality Concrete Unit Price S lump Ready Mix Concrete fc 30 MPa Rp. 1.900.000, - / m3 10 + 2 Price unit in paragraph 1 above does not include 10% VAT, but are inclusive of income tax. ARTICLE 7 TERMS & PAYMENT SYSTEMS FIRST PARTY will submit a bill payment receipts corresponding magnitude of the quantity being sent / received on the location of the SECOND PARTY work. The SECOND PARTY shall make payments no later than 7 (seven) days after receipt of the bill received by the FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY. Completeness of which must be attached by the FIRST PARTY to submit a bill are as follows: Receipt, Invoice Tax Proof of Delivery Ready Mix Concrete (doket) which has been known by field supervisors the SECOND / THIRD PARTY or its representative. ARTICLE 8 FORCE MAJUERE The definition of Force Majeure are events beyond the ability of the FIRST or SECOND PARTY to overcome, including: Natural disasters which cause damage, destruction work have been implemented, namely Earthquake, Flood, Landslide, Melee and lightning. Emergencies war and riot that disrupt the smooth work. The events as a result of government regulation both central and regional, Departments, Agencies-Government Agencies and private and other events in the field of monetary / financial. In the event of Force Majeure, the FIRST PARTY shall notify in writing to the SECOND PARTY later than three (3) calendar days after the incident, supplemented information from the authorities about the incident. It peristiawa -the others not mentioned above, can not be categorized as Force Majeure. ARTICLE 9 price escalation If during the execution of this agreement there are policies and government regulation referred to in Article 8 (1). (c). then the two sides will jointly review / recalculation of the unit price as dimaksad Article 6 (1). The results of the review / re-calculation of the price referred to in paragraph above, the calculations made Minutes signed by both parties shall be used as the basis or guidelines in the addendum of this Agreement. ARTICLE 10 DISPUTES Disputes opinion between the FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY in the implementation of the work referred to in Article 1 (a) of this Agreement, will be held by consensus. If there is no proper and satisfactory completion of the second sides, then the will of both parties as well, the dispute will be resolved by the Third Party (District Court Branch Class IA East Kalimantan) The decisions taken by legal entities mentioned in paragraph two (2) of this article, will be a decision that is binding for both parties. ARTICLE 11 P ENUTUP Similarly Work Implementation Agreement is made and signed in Sangatta on the date as stated at the beginning of this agreement, made in duplicate 2 (two) stamped Rp. 6.000, - (six thousand dollars) and each duplicate has the same legal force and signed by both parties.
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