(¯`♡´¯).✫*`*.¸.*´* Manusia tidak bisa menilai dirinya sendiri, hanya o terjemahan - (¯`♡´¯).✫*`*.¸.*´* Manusia tidak bisa menilai dirinya sendiri, hanya o Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

(¯`♡´¯).✫*`*.¸.*´* Manusia tidak bi

`*.¸.*´* Manusia tidak bisa menilai dirinya sendiri, hanya orang lain yang bisa menilai kekurangan / kelemahan kita..

Belajarlah meng-instrospeksi diri, saat orang lain memberikan masukan atau teguran, karena itu yang akan memajukan kita..

Tidak perlu menyalahkan siapa pun dalam hidup ini..

• Orang" baik memberikan kebahagiaan..

• Orang" buruk memberikan pengalaman..

• Orang" terburuk memberikan pelajaran...

• Orang" terbaik memberikan kenangan...

► Orang cantik belum tentu menarik, tapi orang menarik tidak perlu memusingkan kecantikan, Karena Daya tariknya terletak pada kecantikan hati.

► Di dalam kehidupan ini kita dapat mengambil pelajaran dari setiap pribadi yang menyapa kehidupan kita, baik pertemuan yang membawa tawa ataupun airmata. semuanya membuat kita semakin dewasa dalam jalan kehidupan..

Kita diberikan kehidupan yang sangat berharga.
Namun bukankah kita seringkali kurang menghargai masa hidup ini justru di saat kita masih bisa hidup lama ?

► Hidup ini begitu bernilai. Jauh lebih bernilai daripada batu-batu Permata.
Itulah sebabnya agar tidak menyesal di kemudian hari, maka kita harus menjalani hidup dengan maksimal
( always do the Best ).

► Bekerja dengan maksimal,
Mengasihi keluarga dengan maksimal,
Berkarya bagi sesama dengan maksimal.

Intinya : Ketika kita sudah mengusahakan yang terbaik selama hidup ini, janganlah menyesal di kemudian hari..

► Usahakan yang terbaik selama kesempatan itu masih ada… *...*

• Jangan sesali apa yang sudah pergi..

• Jangan menangis apa yang sudah tiada..

Tetapi bangkitlah & bina kembali apa yang telah hilang & pergi..


Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
(¯ ' ♡ ´ ¯). ✫ *
' *. ¸. * Human * ´ cannot judge itself, the only other people who can assess the disadvantages/weaknesses of us..

Learn to instrospeksi themselves, while others provide input or reprimand, because that would advance the us..

no need to blame anyone in life is. ..

• Good people "give happiness. ..

• The "bad experience..

• The "worst giving lesson ...

• people" gives the best memories ...

► beautiful people aren't necessarily attractive, but people draw unnecessary dizzying beauty, Because its appeal lies in the beauty of the heart.

► in this life we can take a lesson from every person that greets our lives, both meetings that bring laughter or shedding tears. everything makes us more mature in the way life is. ..

We are given a very precious life.
But aren't we often respect the life is precisely at a time when we can still live long?

► life is so worth it. Far more valuable than precious stones.
That is why in order not to regret it later in life, then we should live life to the fullest
(always do the Best).

► work with maximum, with a maximum family Love
Work for others with a maximum

. bottom line: When we have the best dress for this, thou shalt not live to regret later in life. ..

► Try my best for that chance is still there ... *

* ... the sedition • what's gone ... ...

• Don't cry what is already there is no. ..

But arise & bina back what has been lost & go..


Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
(¯` ♡'¯) .✫ *
`* .¸. * '* Humans can not judge himself, the only other people who can assess the shortcomings / weaknesses .. Learn clicking introspection, while others provide input or warning , because it would promote us .. BRING ALL MESSAGES ► No need to blame anyone in this life .. • People "both give happiness .. • People "bad experience .. • People "Worst give lessons ... • People "The best provide memories ... ► People do not necessarily pretty interesting, but do not need to pull the dizzying beauty, Because Its appeal lies in the heart of beauty. ► In this life we can take a lesson from every person who greets our lives, both meeting the bring laughter or tears. it makes us more mature in the way of life .. We are given a very precious life. , but do not we often do not appreciate the life just when we are still able to live long? ► Life is so valuable. Far more valuable than the gem stones. Which is why in order not to regret in the future, then we need to live life to the maximum (always do the Best). ► Work with the maximum, with a maximum family Loving, Working for others to maximum. Bottom Line: When we've done the best during this life, do not regret in the future .. ► Keep the best for that opportunity is still there ... * ... * • Do not regret what's already gone .. • Do not weep what's gone .. But stand up and coached back what has been lost and gone .. Keep STRUGGLING! ENSURE BETTER TODAY THAN YESTERDAY ..

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