The purpose of the study is to know the activity of students in learning using flat mirrors section later inkuiri social interactions. Learning a flat mirror section later divided into two topics, namely creation of shadows on a flat mirror and shadow formed two flat mirrors that form a corner. Aspects of the learning inkuiri social interactions, namely (1) observing the phenomenon, (2) formulating the problem, (3) to formulate answers to questions, (4) formulate an explanation, (5) connects with scientific knowledge, (6) communicate and reinforcement. The subject of JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL students used i.e. UM Laboratory class VIII A and VIII C, VIII D even semester academic year 2015/2016. The data have been obtained were analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study, namely the process of learning a flat mirror section later implemented using six aspects in the inkuiri social interactions. In this study there were still difficulties experienced by students on the topic of the first students still difficulties to describe the formation of shadows on the mirror and on the topics of the two students still difficulty in connecting the observations with the results of the calculation formula.
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