cara pengambilan darah vena menggunakan tabung vakum1. persiapkan alat terjemahan - cara pengambilan darah vena menggunakan tabung vakum1. persiapkan alat Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

cara pengambilan darah vena menggun

cara pengambilan darah vena menggunakan tabung vakum

1. persiapkan alat dan bahan
2. lakukan pendekatan pasien
3. alat dan bahan yang digunakan adalah jarum, kapas alkohol 70% turniket, plester, dan tabung vakum
4. pasang jarum pada holder,pastikan terpasang erat
5. identifikasi pasien
6. minta pasien meluruskan tangannya
7. minta pasien mengepalkan tangan
8.pasang turnikuet kira kira 70cm di atas lipatan siku
9. pilih bagian median
10. bersihkan kulit pada bagian yang akan diambil dengan kaps alkohol 70% (biarkan kering)
11. tusuk bagian vena dengan posisi lubang jarum menghadap ke atas
12. masukkan tabung ke dalam holder dan dorong sehingga jarum bagian pasterior tertancap pada tabung, maka darah akan mengalir masuk ke dalam tabung. tunggu sampai darah berhenti mengalir
13. jika memerlukan beberapa tabung .setelah tabung pertama terisi, cabut dan ganti dengan tabung kedua , begitu seterusnya
14. lepaskan turniket, minta pasien membuka kepalan tangannya
15, letakkan kapas di tempat suntikkan lalu segera tarik jarum , tekan kapas beberapa saat lalu plester
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
How to capture the blood veins using vacuum tubes1. prepare tools and materials2. did the patient approach3. Tools and materials used is needles, alcohol 70% turniket cotton, plaster, and vacuum tubes4. install the needle on the holder, make sure the attached tightly5. identification of patients 6. ask the patient to straighten her hand7. ask the patient punching8. install turnikuet about 70 cm above the elbow crease9. Select the median part 10. clean the skin on the part to be taken with alcohol 70% kaps (let dry)11. the skewer section of a vein with a needle position facing up12. Insert the tube into the holder and push until the needle part pasterior embedded on the tube, then the blood will flow goes into the tube. wait until blood stops flowing13. If you need some tubes after the first tube, unplug and replace with the second tube, so on14. remove the turniket, ask the patient opens his hands fist 15, place the cotton in place of MSG injected then immediately pull the needle, press a little while ago cotton plaster
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
venous blood sampling method using vacuum tubes

1. prepare tools and materials
2. doing patient approach
3. equipment and materials used needles, a tourniquet 70% alcohol cotton, plaster, and the vacuum tube
4. plug the needle in the holder, make sure it is firmly
5 . identification of patient
6. ask the patient to straighten his arms
7. ask the patient made a fist
8.pasang turnikuet approximately 70cm above the elbow crease
9. select the median section
10. clean the skin on the parts to be taken with alcohol Kaps 70% (allow to dry)
11 . puncture section of vein with a needle hole position facing up
12. insert a tube into the holder and push it so that the needle part pasterior stuck on the tube, then the blood will flow into the tube. wait until the blood stops flowing
13. if it requires some tube .After the first tube is filled, remove and replace it with a second tube, and so on
14. remove the tourniquet, ask the patient opened her
15, put cotton in place and then immediately pull the needle injection, press cotton some time ago plaster
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