Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi
Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin, many
blessings that God has given, but a bit
once we remembered. Praise be
eligible to Allah Lord of the
universe for all the blessings, grace, taufik,
as well as the guidance of His unimaginable
magnitude, so I can
finish the paper with the title
In preparation, the authors
obtained a lot of help from
various parties, Therefore, the author
would like to thank
profusely to: Both the
parents and the entire family of writers
(Mr. Ihsan, Bu khusniah) which has been
providing support, love, and
trust that is so great. From
where all this success started,
I hope all of this can give
a little happiness and lead to
better step again.
Although the authors hope the contents of
this paper is free from flaws and
mistakes, but always there are
less. Therefore, the authors
expect criticism and suggestions
to build that this thesis can be
good again.
End the authors hope that
this paper is useful for all
Surabaya, July 2010
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