Cut nyak tjoet nja ' the seat or the seat is one of the national heroine of aceh who fought against the Dutch. The seat cut nyak dilampadang, aceh was born in 1848. His father, teuku setoa nanta. First husband teuku cut nyak seat named ibrahim lamnga checks, he died on 29 June 1878 in Gle tarum skirmish against the Dutch.In 1880, cut nyak seat remarried to one of the characters against the Dutch, who named teuku umar. They had a son named cut gambang. Cut the seat with her husband teuku nyak unar together in the fight against the Dutch. However, on February 11, 1899 teuku umar died while attacking meulaboh finally cut nyak seat became the leader of a guerrilla army during the war in aceh. Cut nyak seat died on 6 november 1908 disumedang, west java.
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