Stigma buruk terhadap kebijakan pejabat, tidak hanya di era sekarang,  terjemahan - Stigma buruk terhadap kebijakan pejabat, tidak hanya di era sekarang,  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Stigma buruk terhadap kebijakan pej

Stigma buruk terhadap kebijakan pejabat, tidak hanya di era sekarang, tapi sudah ada sejak zaman dulu. Bung Karno tak luput dari cercaan sebagian masyarakat yang tidak setuju dengan beberapa gagasan pembangunan sarana fisik. Pembangunan Tugu Monas, Hotel Indonesia, Sarinah, Semanggi, Stadion Senayan, Gedung DPR-MPR RI dianggap sebagai poyek mercu suar. Proyek yang menghambur-hamburkan uang negara.

Bukan Bung Karno kalau tidak berani menerjang badai. Ia –sebagai pemimpin– tak takut menabrak risiko. Sebagai Presiden, ia buka dada untuk semua suara protes. Tentu saja, semua kebijakan dan keputusan Bung Karno, saat ini kita cerna sebagai sebuah sejarah. Satu sejarah yang berikut adalah ihwal Jembatan Semanggi.

Pembangunan jembatan Semanggi merupakan satu paket dengan pembangunan fasilitas lain menyambut perhelatan Asian Games tahun 1962. Beberapa banguna lain yang dibangun serentak antara lain Gelora Senayan (sekarang bernama Gelora Bung Karno), Hotel Indonesia, dan lain sebagainya. Jembatan itu sendiri dimulai pembangunannya tahun 1961.

Ketika Presiden Sukarno telah mantap dengan idenya untuk membangun sebuah stadion olahraga megah di kawasan Senayan, Ir Sutami, yang ketika itu menjabat Menteri Pekerjaan Umum (PU), dalam sebuah rapat kabinet mengusulkan membangun jembatan guna mengatasi kemungkinan munculanya persoalan kemacetan lalu lintas.
Semanggi dipilih sebagai nama jembatan tersebut.
Semanggi sesungguhnya nama lokal (Jawa) tumbuhan marsilea mutica yang bisa dijadikan lalapan. Setiap tangkai daun semanggi terdiri atas empat helai daun berbentuk lonjong yang panjangnya mencapai dua cm dan lebar 1 cm.

Dalam satu kesempatan, Bung Karno sendiri pernah mengemukakan filosofi daun semanggi. Filosofi yang dimaksud adalah simbol persatuan, dalam bahasa Jawa ia menyebut “suh” atau pengikat sapu lidi. Tanpa “suh” sebatang lidi akan mudah patah. Sebaliknya, gabungan lidi-lidi yang diikat dengan “suh” menjadi kokoh dan bermanfaat menjadi alat pembersih.

Bung Karno sendiri, sejak perjuangan hingga menjadi pemimpin negeri, kepeduliannya sangat tinggi terhadap persatuan bangsa. Baginya, persatuan bangsa adalah sebuah harga mati.

Begitulah Bung Karno memfilosofikan jembatan semanggi yang berkonsep perempatan tanpa traffic light. Kini, Jembatan Semanggi telah menjadi sejarah, sekaligus saksi sejarah bagi banyak peristiwa penting negeri ini.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The Stigma against bad policy officials, not only in the current era, but has been around since ancient times. Bung Karno Stadium could not escape the slur some people who disagree with some idea of the physical means of development. Construction of Tugu Monas, Hotel Indonesia, Sarinah, clover, Senayan Stadium, Capitol-MPR RI is regarded as the poyek lighthouse. Projects that squandering money.

Not Bung Karno if it dare not braved the storm. He – as a leader – not afraid to risk crashing. As President, he open the chest for all the sounds of protest. Of course, all of the policies and decisions of Bung Karno Stadium, currently we cerna as a history. The following is a historical Bridge happenings Clover

.Construction of the bridge the shamrocks was one package with the construction of other facilities to welcome Asian Games event in 1962. Some other concurrent built banguna among other Heats Senayan (now Bung Karno), Hotel Indonesia, and so on. The bridge itself began construction in 1961.

When President Sukarno has been dogged with the idea to build a sports stadium in Senayan area, Ir Sutami, who was serving as Minister of public works (PU), in a meeting of the Cabinet propose building bridges in order to cope with the possible traffic congestion issue munculanya.
Clover was selected as the bridge name.
Clover real local name (Java) plants marsilea mutica which can be used as vegetables. Each stalk cloverleaf consists of four strands oval-shaped leaves are two cm long and 1 cm wide

in one shot, Bung Karno stadium had posited a cloverleaf philosophy. The philosophy in question is a symbol of unity, in the Java language he called "suh" or tying sweep of tally. Without the "suh" a tally would be easily broken. In contrast, the combined tally-rib tied with "suh" become sturdy and useful become Purifier.

Bung Karno Stadium themselves, since the struggle to become the leader of the country, it's very high against the unity of the nation. For him, the unity of the nation is a price

to die.So Bung Karno memfilosofikan clover bridge concept crossroad without traffic light. Now, the bridge has become the history of Clover, as well as historical witness to many important events in the country.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Stigma against official policy, not only in the present era, but has existed since ancient times. Bung Karno was not spared from the slur of some people who do not agree with some idea of the construction of physical facilities. Development Monas, Hotel Indonesia, Sarinah, Semanggi, Senayan Stadium, Parliament Building-MPR regarded as poyek lighthouse. Projects that spending state money. Bung Karno otherwise not braved the storm. He-as-leaders not afraid to risk crashing. As President, he open the chest for all the voices in protest. Of course, all the policies and decisions of Bung Karno, this time we ingest as a history. The following are the particulars of history Semanggi. Development Semanggi bridge is a package with other facilities welcome development event of the Asian Games 1962 Some other banguna simultaneous development among others Gelora Senayan (now called Bung Karno), Hotel Indonesia, and so forth . The bridge itself commenced in 1961. When President Sukarno has been steady with the idea to build a magnificent sports stadium in Senayan, Ir Sutami, who was then Minister of Public Works (PU), in a cabinet meeting proposed to build a bridge to overcome the possibility munculanya problem of traffic congestion. Clover chosen as the name of the bridge. Clover local real name (Java) plant Marsilea mutica which can be used as vegetables. Each stalk leaf clover consists of four oval-shaped leaves up to two cm long and 1 cm wide. On one occasion, Bung Karno himself has argued philosophy leaf clover. The philosophy in question is a symbol of unity, in the Java language he called "enemy" or binder broom stick. Without the "enemy" will stick easily broken stick. In contrast, the combined sticks tied with "enemy" being sturdy and useful into purifier. Bung Karno himself, since the struggle to become the leader of the country, a very high concern for the unity of the nation. For him, national unity is a fixed price. Such Bung Karno philosophize the concept clover bridge intersection without a traffic light. Now, Semanggi has become history, and a witness to many important events of history of this country.

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