Hasil perhitungan pada tabel 3 menunjukkan bahwa uji chi-square pada konstruk ini dengan nilai sebesar 0,664, hal ini berarti model penelitian dapat dinyatakan fit. Probabilitas dengan nilai sebesar 0,717 ≥ 0,05, dinyatakan fit. CMIN/DF dengan nilai sebesar 2,000 2,00, dinyatakan fit. CFI dengan nilai sebesar 1,000 ≥ 0,95, dinyatakan fit. RMSEA dengan nilai sebesar 0,000 0,08, dinyatakan fit. GFI dengan nilai sebesar 0,999 ≥ 0,90, dinyatakan fit. AGFI dengan nilai sebesar 0,989 ≥ 0,90, dinyatakan fit. Dan TLI dengan nilai sebesar 1,030 ≥ 0,95, dinyatakan fit.
The results of the calculations in table 3 indicate that the chi-square test on this invalid constructs with a value of 0.664, this means research model can be declared fit. A probability value of 0.717 ≥ 0.05, was declared fit. CMIN/DF with a value of 2.000 2.00, was declared fit. CFI with a value of 1.000 ≥ 0.95, was declared fit. RMSEA with value of 0.08 0.000, was declared fit. GFI with a value totalling 0.999 ≥ 0.90, was declared fit. AGFI with 0.989 value of ≥ 0.90, was declared fit. And TLI with value of 1.030 ≥ 0.95, was declared fit.
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The results of the calculations in Table 3 shows that the chi-square test in this construct with a value of 0.664, it means that the research model can be declared fit. The probability of a value of 0.717 ≥ 0.05, declared fit. CMIN / DF with a value of 2,000 2,00, declared fit. CFI with a value of 1.000 ≥ 0.95, declared fit. RMSEA with a value of 0.000 to 0.08, declared fit. GFI with a value of 0.999 ≥ 0.90, declared fit. AGFI with a value of 0.989 ≥ 0.90, declared fit. And TLI with a value of 1,030 ≥ 0.95, declared fit.
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