As a writer, Abdul Muis less productive. He produced four novels / novels and several works of translation. However, from his meager, Abdul Muis beautifully recorded in the history of Indonesian literature. His great work, Wrong Upbringing, considered sebagal new style of prose writing at the time. If at that time the majority of the authors are always present an old theme: opposition of the old with the young, forced marriage, and customs, Wrong Upbringing featuring personal conflict problems: revenge, love and ideals.
WORKS Abdul Muis:
1. Tom Sawyer American child (translation by Mark Twain, American), Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1928
2. Sycamore Kara (translations of Hector Malot, France), Moulds 2, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1949
3. Hikavat Bachtiar (paraphrase an old story) , Bandung: Kolff, 1950
4. Interlocking Berbalai, Bandung: KoIff, 1951
5. We and Democracy, Bandung: Kolff, 1951
6. Robert Children Soerapatti, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1953
7. Hikayat Mordechai: The Jewish leaders, Bandung: Kolff , 1956
8. Kurnia, Bandung: Masa Baru, 1958
9. Meeting Djodoh (Moulds 4), Jakarta: Nusantana, 1961
10. Soerapatti. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1965
11. One Care, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1967
12. Cut Nyak Din: A Women's History Hithip Aceh (translations of Lulofs, MH Szekely), Jakarta: Chailan Sjamsoe, tt
13. Don Quixote (translations of Cervantes, Spain)
14. Pangeran Kornel (translations of Memed Sastrahadiprawira, Sunda)
15. Daman Brandal Educational Warehouse, Jakarta: Noordhoff, tt
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