Ki Hajar DewantaraFoto:Ki Hajar DewantaraPROFIL BERITA FOTONama Lengka terjemahan - Ki Hajar DewantaraFoto:Ki Hajar DewantaraPROFIL BERITA FOTONama Lengka Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Ki Hajar DewantaraFoto:Ki Hajar Dew

Ki Hajar Dewantara

Ki Hajar Dewantara

Nama Lengkap : Ki Hajar Dewantara

Profesi : -

Agama : Islam

Tempat Lahir : Yogyakarta

Tanggal Lahir : Kamis, 2 Mei 1889

Zodiac : Taurus

Warga Negara : Indonesia


Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Ki Hadjar Dewantara adalah pendiri Perguruan Taman Siswa, suatu lembaga pendidikan yang memberikan kesempatan bagi para pribumi jelata untuk bisa memperoleh hak pendidikan seperti halnya para priyayi maupun orang-orang Belanda.

Ki Hadjar Dewantara lahir di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 2 Mei 1889 dengan nama Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. Ki Hajar Dewantara dibesarkan di lingkungan keluarga kraton Yogyakarta. Saat genap berusia 40 tahun menurut hitungan Tahun Caka, Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat berganti nama menjadi Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Semenjak saat itu, Ki Hadjar Dewantara tidak lagi menggunakan gelar kebangsawanan di depan namanya.

Hal ini dimaksudkan supaya Ki Hadjar Dewantara dapat bebas dekat dengan rakyat, baik secara fisik maupun hatinya. Ki Hadjar Dewantara menamatkan Sekolah Dasar di ELS (Sekolah Dasar Belanda) dan kemudian melanjutkan sekolahnya ke STOVIA (Sekolah Dokter Bumiputera) tapi lantaran sakit, sekolahnya tersebut tidak bisa dia selesaikan.

Ki Hadjar Dewantara kemudian bekerja sebagai wartawan di beberapa surat kabar antara lain Sedyotomo, Midden Java, De Express, Oetoesan Hindia, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer dan Poesara. Pada masanya, Ki Hadjar Dewantara dikenal penulis handal. Tulisan-tulisannya sangat komunikatif, tajam dan patriotik sehingga mampu membangkitkan semangat antikolonial bagi pembacanya.

Selain bekerja sebagai seorang wartawan muda, Ki Hadjar Dewantara juga aktif dalam berbagai organisasi sosial dan politik. Pada tahun 1908, Ki Hadjar Dewantara aktif di seksi propaganda Boedi Oetomo untuk mensosialisasikan dan menggugah kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia pada waktu itu mengenai pentingnya persatuan dan kesatuan dalam berbangsa dan bernegara. Kemudian, bersama Douwes Dekker (Dr. Danudirdja Setyabudhi) dan dr. Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo yang nantinya akan dikenal sebagai Tiga Serangkai, Ki Hadjar Dewantara mendirikan Indische Partij (partai politik pertama yang beraliran nasionalisme Indonesia) pada tanggal 25 Desember 1912 yang bertujuan mencapai Indonesia merdeka.

Mereka berusaha mendaftarkan organisasi ini untuk memperoleh status badan hukum pada pemerintah kolonial Belanda. Tetapi pemerintah kolonial Belanda melalui Gubernur Jendral Idenburg menolak pendaftaran itu pada tanggal 11 Maret 1913 karena organisasi ini dianggap dapat membangkitkan rasa nasionalism dan kesatuan rakyat untuk menentang pemerintah kolonial Belanda.

Semangatnya tidak berhenti sampai sini. Pada bulan November 1913, Ki Hadjar Dewantara membentuk Komite Bumipoetra yang bertujuan untuk melancarkan kritik terhadap Pemerintah Belanda. Salah satunya adalah dengan menerbitkan tulisan berjudul Als Ik Eens Nederlander Was (Seandainya Aku Seorang Belanda) dan Een voor Allen maar Ook Allen voor Een (Satu untuk Semua, tetapi Semua untuk Satu Juga) di mana kedua tulisan tersebut menjadi tulisan terkenal hingga saat ini. Tulisan Seandainya Aku Seorang Belanda dimuat dalam surat kabar de Expres milik dr. Douwes Dekker.

Akibat karangannya itu, pemerintah kolonial Belanda melalui Gubernur Jendral Idenburg menjatuhkan hukuman pengasingan terhadap Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Douwes Dekker dan Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo yang merasa rekan seperjuangan diperlakukan tidak adil menerbitkan tulisan yang bernada membela Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Mengetahui hal ini, Belanda pun memutuskan untuk menjatuhi hukuman pengasingan bagi keduanya. Douwes Dekker dibuang di Kupang sedangkan Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo dibuang ke pulau Banda.

Namun mereka menghendaki dibuang ke Negeri Belanda karena di sana mereka bisa mempelajari banyak hal dari pada di daerah terpencil. Akhirnya mereka diizinkan ke Negeri Belanda sejak Agustus 1913 sebagai bagian dari pelaksanaan hukuman. Kesempatan itu dipergunakan untuk mendalami masalah pendidikan dan pengajaran, sehingga Ki Hadjar Dewantara berhasil memperoleh Europeesche Akte. Pada tahun 1918, Ki Hadjar Dewantara kembali ke tanah air.

Di tanah air Ki Hadjar Dewantara semakin mencurahkan perhatian di bidang pendidikan sebagai bagian dari alat perjuangan meraih kemerdekaan. Bersama rekan-rekan seperjuangannya, dia pun mendirikan sebuah perguruan yang bercorak nasional yang diberi nama Nationaal Onderwijs Instituut Taman Siswa (Perguruan Nasional Taman Siswa) pada 3 Juli 1922. Perguruan ini sangat menekankan pendidikan rasa kebangsaan kepada peserta didik agar mereka mencintai bangsa dan tanah air dan berjuang untuk memperoleh kemerdekaan. Pemerintah kolonial Belanda berupaya merintanginya dengan mengeluarkan Ordonansi Sekolah Liar pada 1 Oktober 1932.

Tetapi dengan kegigihan memperjuangkan haknya, sehingga ordonansi itu kemudian dicabut. Selama mencurahkan perhatian dalam dunia pendidikan di Taman Siswa, Ki Hadja
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Ki Hajar DewantaraPhoto:Ki Hajar DewantaraPROFILE NEWS PHOTOSFull Name: Ki Hajar DewantaraProfession:-Religion: IslamPlace Of Birth: JogjakartaBirth date: Thursday, may 2, 1889Zodiac: TaurusNationality: IndonesiaBIOGRAPHYRaden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat or better known as Ki Hajar Dewantara is the founder of College Park students, an institution that provides opportunities to the indigenous common to be able to gain rights to education as well as the priyayi nor the people of Netherlands.Ki Hajar Dewantara born in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889 with the name Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. Ki Hajar Dewantara grew up in family of Yogyakarta Kingdom. When even 40 year old according to count Years Caka, Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat renamed Ki Hajar Dewantara. Since then, Ki Hajar Dewantara no longer use knighted before his name.This is intended so that Ki Hajar Dewantara can free close to the people, both physically and in his heart. Ki Hajar Dewantara finishing primary school in ELS (Netherlands elementary school) and then continued his studies to the STOVIA (school Doctor Bumiputra) but due to illness, the school could not solve him.Ki Hajar Dewantara and then worked as a journalist on several newspapers, among others, Sedyotomo, Java, Midden De Express, Indian Oetoesan, Kaoem, Moeda Tjahaja Timoer and Poesara. At the time, Ki Hajar Dewantara known author reliable. His writings are very communicative, sharp and so capable of uplifting patriotic antikolonial for readers.In addition to working as a young reporter, Ki Hajar Dewantara was also active in various social and political organizations. In 1908, Ki Hajar Dewantara active in Boedi Oetomo propaganda section to socialize and evocative awareness of Indonesia at that time about the importance of unity and unity in the nation and State. Then, with Douwes Dekker (Dr. Danudirdja Setyabudhi) and Dr. Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo that would later be known as the Triad, Ki Hajar Dewantara established Indische Partij (the first political party, a populist nationalism of Indonesia) on December 25, 1912 which aims at reaching Indonesia merdeka.They tried to register the Organization to acquire the status of legal entities in the Netherlands colonial Government. But the colonial Government of Netherlands through Governor General: refusing the registration of that on 11 March 1913 because this organization is considered able to evoke a sense of nasionalism and people's unity to oppose the colonial Government of Netherlands.His passion didn't stop until here. In November 1913, Ki Hajar Dewantara formed the Committee of Bumipoetra which aims to launch a critique of the Government of the Netherlands. One of them is to publish writings entitled Als Ik Eens Nederlander Was (had I A Netherlands) and Een voor Allen maar Ook Een voor Allen (one for all, all for one, too) where both the writing became famous writing to date. The writing I wish I was a newspaper published in the Netherlands de Expres belongs to Dr. Douwes Dekker.His result was, the colonial Government of Netherlands through Governor General: drop the penalty of exile against Ki Hajar Dewantara. Mangoenkoesoemo, douwes Dekker and colleagues who feel unfairly treated compatriots published writing that pitched defending Ki Hajar Dewantara. Knowing this, the Netherlands decided to exile the punishment for them nonetheless. Douwes Dekker was banished in Kupang whereas Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo was exiled to the Banda Islands.But they were dumped into the country requires the Netherlands because there they can learn many things from on in remote areas. Finally they were allowed into the Netherlands since August 1913 as part of the execution of punishment. The opportunity was used to deepen the problems of education and teaching, so that Ki Hajar Dewantara successfully acquire Europeesche Certificate. In 1918, Ki Hajar Dewantara returned to the motherland.In the homeland of Ki Hajar Dewantara increasingly devote attention in education as part of a tool of struggle gained its independence. Shared seperjuangannya colleagues, he founded a College of the national institution that is named Nationaal Onderwijs Bijdragen Taman Siswa (National Park College students) on 3 July 1922. This strongly emphasized college education a sense of nationhood to learners that they are loving the nation and homeland and struggled to gain independence. The colonial Government of Netherlands strives to merintanginya with Wild School Ordinance issued on October 1, 1932.But with the tenacity to fight for their rights, so that the Ordinance was later revoked. During pouring the attention in the world of education in Taman Siswa, Ki Hadja
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

Ki Hajar Dewantara Photo: Ki Hajar Dewantara PROFILE NEWS PHOTOS Full Name: Ki Hajar Dewantara Profession: - Religion: Islam Place of Birth: Yogyakarta Date of Birth: Thursday, May 2, 1889 Zodiac: Taurus Nationality: Indonesia BIOGRAPHY Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat or more known as Ki Hadjar Dewantara is the founder of the College of Taman Siswa, an educational institution that provides an opportunity for indigenous commoners to earn the right to education as well as the aristocracy and the Netherlands. Ki Hadjar Dewantara born in Yogyakarta on May 2, 1889 with the name Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. Ki Hajar Dewantara grew up in a family environment of Yogyakarta Kingdom. When reached the age of 40 years by the count of the Year Caka, Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat renamed Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Since then, Ki Hadjar Dewantara no longer use a knighthood in front of his name. It is intended that Ki Hadjar Dewantara can freely close to the people, both physically and heart. Ki Hadjar Dewantara graduated from elementary school in the ELS (Elementary School Netherlands) and then continue their education STOVIA (School Doctor Bumiputera) but due to illness, the school that he could not finish. Ki Hadjar Dewantara then worked as a journalist at several newspapers, including Sedyotomo, Midden Java, De Express, Oetoesan Indies, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer and Poesara. At the time, Ki Hadjar Dewantara known writer reliable. His writings are very communicative, sharp and patriotic so as to evoke the spirit of the anti-colonial audience. In addition to working as a young reporter, Ki Hadjar Dewantara also active in various social and political organizations. In 1908, Ki Hadjar Dewantara active in the propaganda section Boedi Utomo to socialize and arouse awareness in Indonesia at the time about the importance of unity in the nation. Then, together with Douwes Dekker (Dr. Danudirdja Setyabudhi) and dr. Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo which will be known as the Triad, Ki Hadjar Dewantara establish Indische Partij (the first political party that wing nationalism Indonesia) on December 25, 1912 which is aimed at achieving an independent Indonesia. They tried to register the organization to obtain legal status to the Dutch government , But the Dutch colonial government through the Governor General Idenburg refuse to register it on March 11, 1913 because the organization considered to evoke a sense of nasionalism and unity of the people against the Dutch colonial government. The spirit does not stop here. In November 1913, Ki Hadjar Dewantara form Bumipoetra Committee which aims to critique of the Government of the Netherlands. One way is to publish a paper entitled Als Ik eens Nederlander Was (If I'm A Dutch) and Een voor Allen maar Ook Allen voor Een (One for All, but All for One Also) in which both these writings into writing famous until today. If I An article published in the Dutch newspaper de Expres property of dr. Douwes Dekker. As a result of the essay, the Dutch colonial government through the Governor General Idenburg sentenced to Ki Hadjar Dewantara exile. Douwes Dekker and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo compatriots who feel unfairly treated publish pitched defend Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Knowing this, the Dutch decided to impose a punishment of exile for both. Douwes Dekker discarded in the Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo Kupang while exiled to the island of Banda. But they wanted exiled to the Netherlands because there they can learn many things from the remote areas. Eventually they were allowed into the Netherlands since August 1913 as part of the execution. The opportunity was used to explore the issue of education and teaching, so that Ki Hadjar Dewantara managed to obtain a Certificate Europeesche. In 1918, Ki Hadjar Dewantara back to their homeland. In the homeland Ki Hadjar Dewantara increasingly devoting attention in the field of education as part of the means of struggle for freedom. Together with his compatriots, he also founded a college national patterned named Nationaal Instituut Onderwijs Taman Siswa (Taman Siswa National University) on July 3, 1922. The College emphasizes a sense of national education to students so that they love the nation and homeland and struggled to gain independence. The Dutch colonial government seeks to impede it by issuing a Wild School Ordinance on October 1, 1932. But with persistence to fight for their rights, so the ordinance was later lifted. During devote attention in the world of education in Taman Siswa, Ki Hadja

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