EXERCISE THERAPY IN TREATMENT OF CONDITIONS PARAPLEGI ETCAUSA A POST OPERATION FRANKLE BURST FRACTURE OF THE VERTEBRA THORACAL X-XI BY MOUNTING INTERNAL FIXATION OF PEDICLE SCREWIn R.S.O. Dr. SOEHARSO SURAKARTASLAMET BASUKI(0530004311)ABSTRACTInjury to the spine can cause a fracture which resulted in the occurrence of injuries of the medulla spinalis (spinal cord injury). Fracture is a condition where bone continuity lost. Paraplegia is a loss of function of sensory and motor both lower extremities. Problematic that pops up that is a decrease in muscle strength both upper limb and both lower extremities, the inability of the CHAPTER, sexual dysfunction, TUBS and sensory disorders of both lower extremities, pain in the back, decreased functional activity as well as the complications of tirah baring as decubitus, pneumonia, atrophy, deep veins, osteoporosis, platelet emboli, and infections. Physiotherapy examination includes inspection of the pain with a Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS), examination of muscle strength with Manual Muscle Testing (MMT), an examination of antopometri with midline, pemeriksan with sensory dermatomes test and examination activity functional everyday with index barthel. Physiotherapy treatment using Therapeutic Exercises in the form of modality that includes Passive Exercise, Breathing Exercise, Active Resissted, Change Position, the stimulation of the CHAPTER, the stimulation of Erection Stimulation, TUBS, Transfer and Ambulasi.Results: after six-time therapy in get a decrease in pain, the press, and motion, increased muscle strength to two upper limb, sensory and motor to the two lower extremity remains, yet found the atrophy of lower extremities. Evaluation of the ability of a functional activity using indexes barthel and obtained an increase in functional activity.Summary: a physiotherapy Intervention with Therapeutic modalities of exercise can help reduce the problems arising on the conditions of Paraplegi.Keywords: Spinal Cord Injury, Paraplegi, Therapeutic Exercises.
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