Sometimes I feel concerned BANYUWANGI Banyuwangi District-steps making the original tourism as a source of revenue (PAD) region is continuously performed. After working on the Red Island, beach Boom, this time the Watu Dodol will also be transformed into an exciting new tourism destinations.In addition as an icon of Banyuwangi, Watu dodol is coastal chic not less than beautiful beaches in Indonesia. Along its coastline with coconut trees with nyiurnya that waving lambai, seeming to invite anyone to visit Watu Lunkhead. Soon the beach located on the north side of Banyuwangi was changed to this Grand New Watu Lunkhead.Head of Department Menururut PU, Bina Marga, Copyrighted Works and Spatial, Banyuwangi, Mujiono, a Grand New Watu Lunkhead currently built with natural concepts, such as what's exciting right now, Palm trees are retained. View of the sea, says Mujiono, remains the main panoroma overall can be enjoyed by the people who visit here. "We build these in principle do not obstruct the view of the sea. So the concept of building our later there is a food court. Food court provides food to the outside, "he said.The second center point dibangunan, the parent who is in the middle of the region. The parent of this building will be made open and made of glass, so that all sea view can still be enjoyed. "This is what we sell. On the other hand exactly at the edge of the Beach also will we make pederstian which is made of wood and furnished gazebo named gebana-gebana in every 50 metres, "explained Mujiono.To complete this latest tour, the Government will also build a play ground, a prayer hall and a toilet-a toilet. The concept of Government also would build another dormitory, museums and galleries are nearby. So aside from being a tourist destination jujugan for private leisure or with your family.The revitalization of this advanced, lunkhead watu Mujiono, we have started the fiscal year 2014 and which has spent approximately USD 1.5 billion for parking, caravan (not selling permanent place, red) fence and a food court. For the sequel, the District Government will menggelontor Rp 3 billion more in fiscal year 2015 to complete the building by continuing to make a prayer hall, modern restrooms, pedestrian, gebana, lanscape and fence north of the overall disebelatan to safety.Along with this, Friday noon (28/11) the Regent of Banyuwangi Abdullah Azwar Anas, direct project development review looks Grand New Watu Lunkhead. Accompanied by a number of bureaucrats, Regent Anas examines in detail all that is done in the tourist area of the sea. At this time, said Anas, Regent of Banyuwangi were re-meniventaruh wanted to Watu Lunkhead object which was only Rp 6 million per year, is now targeted at least can get laid out after income of Rp 100 million a year. "This will really be over us the well-known architects with Budi Pradono designing this area into a comfortable place. So that people don't need away looking for a place of entertainment and our BUDGETS will rise. And government assets like this will we manage, such as the Red Island, beach Boom and others. And we are targeting the end of 2015 has already started to be opened in stages, "said Regent Anas. (Communication Protocols)
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